If Poland was ruled by Germany it wouldn't be a shithole it is today

If Poland was ruled by Germany it wouldn't be a shithole it is today

Attached: German empire populations.png (1280x1035, 2.34M)

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google the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Their nigger neighbors managed to destroy the cultural and economic center of 17th century Europe by using Poland as a battleground for a century

Attached: polishdoglard2.jpg (799x870, 94K)

Attached: polishdoglard3translated.jpg (686x758, 81K)


t. 56% Prussian ancestry

Are you fucking retarded.
Do you not see what is happening in Germany..

Attached: 1557296858832.jpg (685x474, 62K)

If america was ruled by Poles it wouldn't be a shithole it is today.

Attached: 1540208785570.jpg (1579x820, 363K)

Partition of US is the only solution.

Attached: 1532777174841.jpg (1863x981, 251K)

Yeah because our nobles were such great rulers! Neck yourself you ultra brainlet
Based. Fuck those howling oversized rats