Why don't black people like funny pictures of monkeys?

Why don't black people like funny pictures of monkeys?

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Spam gorillas beating it's chest to the twatter thread

holy shit that is funny
i would have been rolling right when i hit that tweet button
mad lad

Harry ruined his blood line by mating with an ape. I hope the Queen dianas them all three


His 5live show is pretty funny but I didn't think he had this in him.

The "royal" family needs to be exterminated. They are usurpers in any event.

>He wrote: 'Sorry my gag pic of the little fella in the posh outfit has whipped some up.

>'Never occurred to me because, well, mind not diseased.

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>that one nigger screaming RACIST RACIST RACIST

Based fellow Millwall fan

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Monkeys and Blacks are social constructs anyone who see a difference between them is just a bigot. Fuck the Nazi

Irony is the kid is going to be white. Meagan is a quadroon and Harry is a ginger. Ginger blood bleaches the hardest.
All these racebaiting niggers are going to have egg on their face soon.

The fact that the kikes even got him to marry a nigger was bad enough, but he actually caused a mutt to be part of the royal family. Harry should be removed along with his wife and kid for going along with this shitshow

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If someone sacrifices the goblin child to Moloch, Will he rule over a Restored British Empire?

>That's where we are, 2019. I'm tired and angry
they're getting worn out lads, it's working. keep it up lads
>it's 2016 come on people
>it's 2017 come on people
>it's 2018 come on people
>it's 2019 come on people
>it's 2020 come on people
>it's 2021 come on people
>it's 2022 come on people
>it's 2023 come on people

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I don't get what the problem is, was there some royal embargo on releasing any pictures of the newborn?

this is the real issue we need to be discussing.

For those that haven't seen the baby

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Apparently he did this for all the royal baby births but now that markle gave birth to a quadroon it’s suddenly offensive

Harry is a kike. Diana SPENCER. Her surname is aristocratic kike.. But her real father was Zac Goldsmiths. Jemima Khan and Zac Goldsmith are her half sister and half brother.

That is fucking hilarious! haha

Funny thing is Jordans 4 white kids all look like models, and her ape experiment went badly wrong.

Imagine being this intoxicated with the American mindset

he has deleted it an apologised like a cuck

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The baby is whiter than most Americans and even Britons these days. KEK

Because the truth hurts

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Any source?

It's a good feeling when you pay off your mortgage.


What a LAD.

Twitter reactionaries all need to be round up and shot. I thought I didn't have a life but these guys are on another level

do you know the red sauce reference by any chance? Im not really in that world to get nuances etc

stop comparing apes to Africans. what have they ever done to you? it isn't fair guys

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It's obvious that the left itself views blacks as apes, it couldn't be any different. Their preaching of tolerance and anti-racism is a form of fanaticism to compensate for the ugly beliefs that they hide from the world. The worst part of all this is that people who openly express what is deemed "racism"; a more realistic view of the world, are actually more tolerant of mingling with other races. The white left is largely composed of college educated, high earning assholes that work mainly with each other and live in secluded neighborhoods far removed from the ghettos they claim to help. Then you look at someone who is supposedly a big racist like trump and he's fucked multiple non-white women and had a black girlfriend for years.

Anytime you see a white leftist with a non-white, they're compensating to the point of psychosis. But more honest people have no problem seeing the problems of other races and simultaneously fucking people from the same group. There's a far better balance of the mind when people can admit what they see.

>more tolerant of mingling with other races.
for fucks sake r the donald could you seriously fuck off with the whole "but they're the real racists shit".
nobody likes those fuckers, some of us are more honesty about it then others.

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Wish twitter didn't require phone number to make an account. So much trolling potential here

You have to go back.

Retard, you and miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article222424675.html

You guys realise that this has happened again with Edward VIII, trying to marry a mutt, but got btfo?

History is doomed to repeat itself...

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>liberals are the real racists
You have to go back. Or at least lurk moar before posting.

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Hrs a windsor hes dna was crap

Read the article, then literally kill yourself. You only lower the level of your talking with people you perceive as retarded.

You have to go back boomer boy

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Filtered, now keep replying to nobody.

Get a load of this reddit cuck


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>a windsor

is that real?

wow a faggot journo is pointing out that liberals are patronizing the shitskins they adore, conservatives don't. the entire purpose of the article is to help them be better allies.

eat shit with your civic nationalism

You people have to stop poking fun at gingers, you fucked Harry's mind so bad he married 6 levels below himself.

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