I remember when the US president wasn't an embarrassing, diaper wearing Cheetos manchild — but a charismatic, international superhero!
I remember when the US president wasn't an embarrassing, diaper wearing Cheetos manchild — but a charismatic...
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Just look at this obese dipshit!
I remember when our president was a black female that cried. Beta male. Gay male. Mentally a female.
remember fast and furious?
remember the 2016 election spying that went on under his order?
remember that time in 2012 when he tried to mass remove preiests from new york churches and have them replaced with “government appointees”?
cause all that shit was hilarious
At least he had the heart to cry about HUMAN BEINGS.
Take guns away. Now. Once we pass the legislation, we will send the army after you people to bring back the guns from your cold, dead hands.
>believes 22nd amendment prevented FDR‘s re-election
>0-57 on GND
>25K jobs lost
>$27 billion tax revenue lost
>didn’t know the three branches of government
>supports printing money to pay for social programs
>doesn’t understand tax policy
>doesn’t understand basic economic theory
>thinks working longer hours or multiple jobs lowers the unemployment rate
>thought she got “inaugurated” into office and would sign bills into law
>thinks being morally right trumps being factually correct
>14K votes (2% of district electorate)
>leveraged a $300,000 education into a bartending job
>dangerously unqualified
Gotta send others to do the job? Pussy ass lib
The only human being he cares about is himself. how Many people died because of him?
>Take guns away. Now
nigger who tf you even asking? god?