>shits all over the hosue and sometimes eats it >pisses everywhere and walks around in it >vomits everywhere and eats it too >spreads bacteria >slobbers all over everything >shits in your yard so you can step in it >drags its ass on the carpet >licks its dick and then licks you >females will bleed all over the hosue >males will try to fuck anything including objects >house smells like absolute shit NO EXCEPTIONS
Am i missing anything? God i hate filthy normies that keep these creatures in their homes with a burning passion. They are almost always bottom tier males or used up roasties that use them for emotional comfort.
I agree with you 100% but you better include cats in that complaint. They may not be as dirty but they make your house smell bad too especially when they go in heat and piss all over everything. Not to mention hair balls and vomit, and stepping in the litter box and walking on your counters where you prepare food. At least dogs don't give you toxoplasmosis.
Fuck all animals in the house. It truly is filthy.