Social Anxiety Treatment

For you fellas out there that always complained about social anxiety, Have u tried the correct steps to fight it so you can finally live the life you wanted to live but couldn't because this disorder kept you isolated?

I read about two main 'solutions' offered for this problem:

>one is medication which i only would advice in very hard cases where this effected your life drastically.
>second is therapy, either by a shrink or DIY. I've read books about cognitive behavioral therapy and it seems to work if you decide you want to deal with it.

There are many pdf's avaidable to download and i would recommend u give them a try. Don't let social anxiety stand in your way from getting that promotion on work, getting that date with that girl or just keeping you inside while u actually always wanted to try that new bar or restaurant.

Here are ten fast tips they recommended in the book:
>Eat healthy and regular
>Exercise alot (fitness or swimming etc)
>Developt a good sleep rythm
>Bring your life and your work in balance (make a shedule of how you best spend your daily hours)
>Spend time on your intrests
>Spend time on your house and living space (make it something you love to live in and find peace)
>Spend time on your relations (keep in touch with family and so on..)
>Take on a self accepting attitude (realise the human isn't perfect so neither should u try to be, accept everyone has flaws)
>Aim high (create some goals in life you want to complete and do this for yourself)
>Laugh (humor is the best medicine against psychological problems)

personal advice: Forget the blackpill attitude, you only live once, make the best of it. Don't let fear stand in your way, the honk world is going to be what it's gonna be and you have no control over it - accept it and do this for yourself.

Ps: i only do this once:, so to take my advice is up to you.. It's your life!!!!

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>lower your expectations and you're never unsatisfied

what does this have to do with politics? sounds like a r9k thread

I've got a better tip. Stop watching porn and masturbating.

If I don't fap I'll get leaky at the meer word boobs.

I post it here on pol for once for those fellas who only roam this board as a reminder.

Indeed, also a good tip that should be included.
porn has the tendency to cause or worsen your social anxiety.

>someone does a PSA on correcting a problem common with whites
>kike decides it's a good time to start being a stickler for rules
Hiro should just rename this board to /racewar/ already.

Go and enjoy the vibrant Tel Aviv gay scene and kys, Shlomo.

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porn makes you hypersensitive, it will wear off after a while to more normal reactions

I used to have severe social anxiety to the point I couldn't pay for goods at the counter and couldn't use the phone. I would avoid starting conversations and avoid eye contact with the person sitting next to me in class for the whole year. It was a painful time.

I fixed it by forcing myself out of my comfort zone consistently and not using my condition as an excuse to be a victim. It took years of work and now I am quite comfortable in most social situations. I can speak first in a room full of awkward silent normies who are not around their friends. I keep my head up when I walk. I don't lower my head if I make eye contact with someone. I am confident in most situations.

Key is work. Work and push yourself out of comfort zone. Most people with social anxiety don't bother though. They treat their anxiety as an important part of their identity and use it an an excuse all the time like "haha I'm quirky and socially anxious xD il never get better because I have real social anxiety unlike you".

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thanks Belgium bloomer, not sure why I keep coming here. rest of my life is on a positive trajectory but i keep coming back to this shithole for a giggle

Stop jacking off so often user
It will give a confidence boost, increase testosterone and make you susceptible for the dopamine your body produces naturally when around people

I'm glad for you user that you took the bull by it's horns and decided to improve your life.
It's indeed something that can take years to conquer but for most people it will be better to after they took the steps.

>They treat their anxiety as an important part of their identity and use it an an excuse all the time like "haha I'm quirky and socially anxious.
Yes, i have seen this too among some people who had the disorder.

No problem, man!! Keep the positive attitude!!

Optimism is cowardice

Optimism is the force behind confidence and courage. I'm talking here about a condition that alot of people have and that ruins there life. I want to show them that their irrational fear is a boogeyman that can be conquered and by doing so will improve their life.

*their lifes

>irrational fear
dismissing the things that force people to retreat from the world as irrational is an awful premise to be giving advice on.

Baby steps.

Put yourself in a stressful, but easily escapable situation (so you dont get cold feet and back out of even trying).

Once you’re in the situation, observe your thoughts and how you feel. Observe the tightness in your chest, knotting in your stomach, etc. don’t try to stop it. If you try stopping it, it will get worse. Just accept it, and allow it.

Then, put yourself in the moment. Being aware of what is happening to you, start looking at your surroundings, and being aware of reality. What is around you right now, is reality. Those thoughts and fears you feel, aren’t. They are stories made up by your own mind. Stop letting them control you, and practice getting out of your head. Even 20 seconds of freedom is a victory. Keep working your way up to more and more. Conquer your mind. Don’t be a slave to it. Hope this helps anons. You have what it takes to beat this.

I use the word 'irrational' as a way to show how they should put it in perspective in their minds.. Social anxiety is mostly fought in the brain. To know that this enemy you're fighting is less strong then you think, it's easier to conquer it. That's why i use this verb. It helped me.


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Very well said, user!
good advice, i used to do similar ritual like this.. but my battles always started even before i left the house, the anticipation of knowing i will interact with other people was most enough to make me get heavy sweating, fast heart rythms and even vomiting thanks to upset stomach.

Rationalising the situation and realising your fear is not reality is a very good advice, indeed!! Thanks for contributing this.

try immersion therapy
worked for me without all of this nonsense

Jow Forums is like negative cognitive behavioral therapy. Instead of challening and changing distorted and negative thinking, it takes normal healthy thinking and distort it in to something overly cynical, negative, one sided etc. Good example of that in this post

Real life is more complex. I eat well, get as much sleep as I can (sleep disorder), spend time with family, generally happy. I just don't like being around normies. I don't like to be touched, ever and they are gropey bastids. I don't like having to listen to their shitty opinions and petty dramas. I just like walking on my hills, reading, OSR, programming, and looking after my animals.

I don't think our brains are supposed to deal with the intense social situations you encounter in cities, rural life is more amenable to the natural state of man imo.

>Key is work. Work and push yourself out of comfort zone. Most people with social anxiety don't bother though. They treat their anxiety as an important part of their identity and use it an an excuse all the time like "haha I'm quirky and socially anxious xD il never get better because I have real social anxiety unlike you".
I don't think that is true. Most people are ashamed that they have social anxiety and wont tell anyone that they have it

Yes, this works. You can slowly get over it. But perhaps its a normal reaction to an unnatural situation?

Medicine is absolutely no way to solve it

I had horrible social anxiety and wanted to fix it so I got a job at a bar working with 8/10 and 9/10 girls and the most turbo-normie normies you could imagine. It sucked but helped me go from someone who felt awkward walking down the road to someone who can easily give a presentation to a lecture hall of 100 people. Basically you have to admit you have a problem and be willing to suffer to fix it. If you are not willing to suffer, you wont fix it

Just be yourself, man.

What about GAD and the existential dread that goes along with it? Social anxiety is just autists with poor social skills.

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Avoid all stimulants
Then the hard work begins.

kill yourself pussy

I can confirm that exposure therapy is the only sure way to beat any anxiety. Anxious about something? Spend time doing it. You will adapt quickly.

Existential anxiety results from having the personality of an idealist but being unable to attach to to any metaphysical anchor. You are a spiritual seeker by nature. Start seeking. Find God. Find your soul. Soon you will realize that all the anxiety was only superficial fear, and that truly nothing about existence can overwhelm the nature of who you really are.

For me, at least 20 minutes of exercise daily. You don't need a gym membership or a lot of free time, 10 mins in the morning and night if you have to but get some exercise. And small doses of weed I found therapeutic. Avoid alcohol though.

I developed social anxiety as a result of getting in shape, getting a job, having a girlfriend, and realizing that the world is a joke and everyone is miserable, lying piece of shit.
I'm not afraid of being around good people, I'm afraid they don't exist.

b-b-but I like jacking off to refugee BBC sliding in and out of a tight white pussy moaning after every thrust while being pinned down by the niggerbeast.