Queen of Jow Forums

Queen of Jow Forums

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Wtf sluts are based now

Wtf I love rap now.
Also, why are you estis always the ones posting black girls on here?

Killing children is extremely jewish. That's why it's so popular among leftists.

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Personally I support abortion because it is the only politically, socially, and legally acceptable method to systematically exterminate hundreds of thousands of non-white babies every year. No matter how the pro-abortion leftist who deny the genocidal ethnic cleansing value of abortion because they want to sell abortion the fact is that abortion is doing the dirty work of killing the undesirable.

Think about it this way either I attempt to murder non-whites and immediately be placed in prison for murder for the rest of my life only killing 50 to 100 non-whites max or I can support abortion that will kill a bare minimal of 100,000+ non-whites without even lifting a finger or facing any consequences.

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Wtf? When did she go full Jow Forums

fake account

She's always been redpilled
Nope, it's her account. She keeps getting banned off Twitter and making new accounts.

>Yawn. The gays and abortion is a kiki. . Why would I care about a gay man having respect for my opinions surrounding my own body. LMFAO. You are a joke rn
>That Gucci garter make them ballers slip they (van cleef &) arpels Clip in, y’all bitches starving (and) thrifting, y’all be retarded (and) stripping
wtf /ourthot/