>shes 30
>she's not married
>she doesn't have kids
>she can't count the number of sexual partners on one hand
>she is going to alone for the rest of her life
Lmao, roasties aren't gonna make it anons. In all seriousness though, they are a victim of this hedonistic pursuit of happiness type life that the Jews sold us. One this is for certain, without someone telling people what their role in society is, they are susceptible to subversion. Remeber, barefoot and pregnant, preferably in the kitchen.
Shes 30
Irony when you are alone as well. Have sex
Anyone who needs to be told what their role in society is would already be doomed.
have children
young women get treated like they are celebrities. They think that's just how life is, they don't understand that it suddenly comes to an end at a certain age.
kill yourself
lol you're a bitter, pathetic, probably very unattractive little man. kys
Go dilate
Head on back to plebbit
Two faggot peas in one faggot pod
have a nice day
y-you too user
go dilate
Laugh it up, but these hags are going to get into politics as a surrogate and fuck up your families life.
This. Day of the toast when?
>Tfw my 18 yo gf has the biggest most disgusting roast beef pussy I have ever seen
>Tfw she was virgin when we met
>Tfw I have had whores in Amsterdam with perfect pussies
Life is not fair
>le virgin retort
how enlightened of you
30 year old women here are often times with Arabs, with a little black haired kid with them.
If you weren’t degenerate you wouldn’t know what other women looked like
I knew this one girl in highschool that I had a crush on but nothing ever happened. After he she started hanging out with niggers and ended up having two nigglets by two different men, both left her after she had the kid. That was years ago I'm sure she had 4 or 5 by now. Good luck finding a decent guy lol.
this is now a roast beef thread
Better to be a virgin than a man whore. Atleast k have options. I can go be a Buddhist monk or become a wizard when I hit 30.