Be me

>be me
>constantly come to Jow Forums
>enjoy the fashy memes and shitposting
>fundamentally disagree on everything Jow Forums believes and thinks yall are a bunch of uninformed and hateful retards
>still come here
>nobody on the left is as funny
what do? IRL id vote for hillary/biden, not for bernie (too left for me) and support feminist causes but i cant deal with the bullshit PC stuff these days so i get called a nazi. i still diagree with your meme points so i dont think i belong here. im in an ideological limbo

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Fuck off

You are a centrist. You are the reason why the world is at the state its at. You dont stand for anything nor you make new grounds for you and other. Wouldnt be suprised if you are a boomer.
You better leave politics. As a centrist you are in no way capable of have an actuall opinion.

You need to listen more to the divide and conquer propaganda. The media doesn’t allow middle ground

and i do stand for things, but im mostly a libertarian.
im 26. the 30 yr old boomer meme strongly reasonated with me, tbqh.

my attitude is more pic related

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You can't have been coming here for long. This place turns everyone.

since 2010, buck-o.

I get you man.
You would rather be left alone to live your life peacefully. Yup , no way they can let you have that easy.
So you go middle ground just for the sake of peace.

you'll come around. Can't deny facts and science right?

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>>enjoy the fashy
get out kike