I'm trying to redpill a normie friend. Please dump them here, especially Muslim redpills.
Redpill thread
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tell him to watch the greatest story never told or read the culture of critique
All you need to do is read the Quaran and walk into a Mosque to see how fucked Muslims are.
Especially so if you are white.
Just walk amongst them and view them in their natural habitat, then you will see them as they are. That is the only redpill you need my friend.
What did you see when you walked in? I'm curious what could be so bad
>clearly the Triceps
>mfw dyel making memes
based and redpilled, don't take your ideology from books or memes, take a look at the real world, see what is happening for yourself
anybody who has interacted with niggers on niggersoil, or islam in islamic countries has no right to believe in "race is skindeep" bullshit
People believing in their own corrupted viewpoint, and extremely xenophobic to those who are not a part of that culture, or represent something that is the opposite of their own viewpoint.
Religious Muslims in society are reminiscent of 1840's Baptist Christians; they are extremely bigoted and xenophobic, not realizing their belief strain is one that has swerved from the original message.
Non Religious Muslims in Society are often like the Black City Community in regards to "Us vs Them" mentality. They will regularly screw each other over with laughter as they insult the inferiority of other culture and races, however when another race or culture interferes with them or their circle of associates, then they launch a massive riot while claiming victimhood.
They believe themselves superior, and will always treat you strange if you are not one of them. They do not care even if you choose to follow their religion, if you are not brown, they view you as lesser.
They are very much like the Jewish people, except much smellier and open about their xenophobic tendencies.
A Jew will at least give you the benefit of silent tolerance at Temple, The Muslim provides no such thing.
Nationalism and racial preference for you own kind is natural. You just simply need to bring it out. Thats why I keep these in my red pill folder, they were very powerful when I saw them and they were what i used to red-pill my wife.
>smellier than jews
Now I don't believe anything you said.
>a bunch of thots
>muh diversity
Not him but yeah, had a few crazy Islamic preachers at my bus station over the years they really do smell
>not getting the point
First off there is no intrisic proof of thottery in this photo.
Second, the point is to show the being "white" isn't a monolithic thing, there is as much diversity and variety in the history, culture, and apearance of whites as their are in asians or any other large generic population group term.
>especially Muslim redpills.
if you have to redpill them on the muslims, they are beyond hope.
jewish redpills are the ones you need to drop if they have any ability to think
you can box them in on the deviousness of the jews
Mudslimes don't wear turbans.
Runtime: ~30 minutes
"As it does with everything in life, Islam has its own views about migration. For us migration is for an individual’s gain—a better job, for instance. But for Islam, migration was the beginning of Mohammed’s success. He preached the religion for 13 years and converted 150 Arabs to Islam. After he migrated to Medina, he became and politician and jihadist, which led to every Arab in Arabia becoming a Muslim.
After Mohammed’s death, Islam exploded out of Arabia in its second migration. When Islam settles into a society, the society becomes all Islamic (with a couple of exceptions—Spain and the Balkans). Islam does not assimilate, but dominates. This is because of its Sharia law.
The purpose of migration is to start jihad and the purpose of jihad is install the Sharia. Undeer the Sharia, the other religions are subjected to taxes, domination and humiliation. After enough time, everyone will become a Muslim.
Today in the West, we see the beginning of the annihilation of our civilization due to the deference we pay to Islamic migration and Sharia and we refuse to see the true nature and goals of Islam—complete domination of all aspects of our society.
**Correction: at around minute 11:00, I misspeak. I say 'jihad' and I meant to say 'Jew hatred' in Mein Kampf. The graph is correct."
Oh, I get it. You haven't met any Jews. I'm jealous.
The top statistic is misleading because it should be gun ownership per capita. Still I don't think the population of the US has changed much in that time period.
Muslims are just stupid pawns, well certain ones are, 90% are secular and don't give a shit. the small extremist group comes from saudi arabi and is totally controlled by the axis of evil, USA, ISrael, and Saudi. they are nothing but another tool for subversion
Here’s a red pill for ya
Tell him to get a job either working for a Paki or in a shop or something where you have to mix with them. I was a postman and had a letter that was unfranked so they had to pay for the postage, maybe 50p! The paki went mental. I said if you don't want to pay, you don't have to but you don't get the letter. Fuck me I was stuck there for 30 minutes as the cunt ranted, complained and tried to fucking haggle....50p! A telecom engineer coincidencidentaly had to call there and the guy (white) said he always had trouble with Pakis and hated going to this neighbourhood. I was young and thought "racist". 2 weeks later I was totally red pilled. I've got volumes of stories as have most of Bong anons?
"Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant. Then it seeks to silence good."
-Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia
tell your friend they are a dipshit for trying to get the truth on a place called "politicaly incorrect", and not one in which every opinion, including the politically correct, are given a chance
through me for a loop there. In the north east US "paki" is a term for a liqour store (short for package store because liqour was always wrapped in brown shipping paper that looked like a package), and Ironicly they are all owned by middle easterners now, so I was wondering if it was an english term too before I realized you just meant pakistani
Nah. Off Licence is a similar deal here. Oddly they are called Paki shops here because they are owned by Pakis. If a Bong says "cornershop" they mean Pakishop. Often they are a money laundering front. Supermarkets are everywhere and they have smaller stores designed to compete with Pakishops. Supermarket chains are obviously cheaper, cleaner and just nicer. So how are Pakishops still open? They are very expensive and their goods are often rotten. We have food safety ratings here and Paki shops often score zero out of five.
in the US those same shops out compete because of tax breaks and immigration loophole.
Immigrants get breaks on their small buisness taxes, and immigrants with garunteeed work are given preference. So Haji comes and opens up a corner store and gets a tax break for 7 years, he uses this money to bring his brother Muhammed and his family over at the 6 year mark, Haji sells Muhammed the store for a dollar, and now muhammed gets the tax break for 7 years, and when his time is almost up the bring over their nephew Abdul and his family.
So all the money from the store goes directly to the family, and because of that they don't pay anyone, combine that with less taxes and there is a higher profit margin in their stores than the american owned ones.
I don't think there's any tax breaks but we got Pakishops, Turkish barbers everywhere and I mean everywhere, my small 99.9% white Welsh town population under 10000 has 3 of the cunts and there's hand car washes every couple of miles, all manned by ethnics. All money laundering. Drug, prostitution and general thievery profits are all channelled through them. Everyone knows but won't do shit cos of muh racism.
Only place I know in my town that's legit money laundering is a pizza place run by a greek dude who came here, made a shit ton traficking cocaine, and the opened up the pizza place to launder the money after he was done lol