why do women have to trick themselves into liking normal beta dudes?
Why do women have to trick themselves into liking normal beta dudes?
>have to trick themselves
life is more or less a "tricking onself into" process
Normal beta dudes are weak losers and a danger. Women want aggressive strong men who can take and keep land and property, and look out for themselves and others.
Give every beta a wife and breed for ten generations and you get the society we have now.
i would pull out of her pussy and jam it in her ass right before cumming
it's in their long term interest to be with a balanced man rather than the man they are most sexually attracted to. They don't want to be pumped and dumped for the rest of their lives, but they don't want to marry a man they're not attracted to.
Uh, it's called beta bux. She's trying to lock down a resource cuck. Then she can get plowed by Chad and Tyrone behind his back or if she is really lucky directly in front of him.
This is how women are.
just get an azn qt 3.14 and cum home white man
Also normal beta guys are normal today but their behavior isn’t normative male behavior biologically.
Think about how the males or non-human species behave, and you begin to understand why women are left cold by the civilized man who allows others to control his behavior and emotions.
Women want at the very least a man who get angry, fights other men, hunts, doesn't ask for permission before groping a titty or ass and get away with it etc. But 99% of men can’t won’t or don’t do this, which is why they don’t get pussies wet at all.
You shit out luck then son LOL
you zipperheads were literally controlled by a cult of women lol
That a slight oversimplification, but even granting you the point... and...?
kek, very true
>This is how women are.
I think some of the problem has to be in regard to how men nowdays fall into only four categories for the most part with no gradient like there was in the past.
1-Chad (9 or 10/10 or rich)
2-Brad (4 - 8/10, decent social skills, decent provider)
3-Brian (4 - 8/10, horrendous social skills, decent amount of income but poor provider because he spends it all on star wars figurines)
Chad is about 5% of the population
Brad is about 15% of the population
Brian is about 70% of the population
Neet is about 10% of the population
I am a Brad who is married and easily pulled pussy before I got married, meanwhile my twin brother is a Brian because even though he is reasonably not ugly (if you aren't a 9 or 10 for a guy, women consider you unattractive) and has made 130k/yr since his mid 20's, he can't get a girlfriend or more than a first date to save his life.
He is right on paper for a lot of chicks, but he is such a needy love sick puppy, it dries up the panties of chicks. Most guys are like this
Criminally underrated
>mfw she dates a violent badass who bashes her
I feel no sympathy for women. My friend's wife left him for some other guy, he recently bashed her. Ha Ha.
kek truth right here.
east asia is definitely fucked for a lot of reasons. It took mere 100 years to pull off in east asia what it took 2000 years in the west. The degeneracy will only accelerate there.
>Give every beta a wife and breed for ten generations and you get the society we have now.
Yeah, the most prosperous one in the history of the world. Women's sexuality is inherently entropic, indulging it is a titanic waste of energy and productive potential
I've stopped dating women who aren't submissives. The more you treat them like crap the more they love you.
I was exactly that person. I can cook, I do sports. I have a safe job for life in a non shitty place outside of a city.
Finding quality wemen is hard here.
I'm always laid back, but if we enter 2nd date I pay for the food but I request dress/heels.
That sets the tonal mood and some refused, which was ok for me.
This way I found my current gf, who really is a little bit sub and needs a man to tell her things.
Women want to get fucked by degenerate tattooed unemployed men who drink all day and are already seeing 10 other girls.
Anyone else they aren't attracted to.
I would argue that if a woman is herself an A type personality, which is rare, I know, but it happens, it's in her best interest to NOT be with an alpha. Too much competition and budding heads, the only great thing may be sex, and that's only for the first year or two, because that chemistry that is there at the beginning changes in time and then the couples actually have to work on keeping that spark alive. So for an alpha type woman a beta male is the most reasonable partner. Another thing is that the arranged marriages are actually more stable and after 10 years of marriage actually more happy than the "love" marriages. If a woman is smart enough to realize that she needs to be with a good guy who is also a provider then that woman essentially arranges her own marriage. Essentially making the most logical and best in the long run decision that she can make.
I love how you are butthurt by the facts he stated because you feel them as a direct attack on you since they apply to your failures perfectly
advanced societies cannot exist unless we abandon those instincts user
>need women to be desirable to women
It is like credit. I could spend 10k on stupid shit and perpetually open new cards for 0% balance transfer period, and have 10 years of barely touching it. Less minimum payments.
Other people have a check bounce and they get evicted.
How d'ya think sorks found out?
Modern men and women fool themselves into believing that you marry for love. They confuse love with sex and attraction. Having an attraction is certainly important, but that attraction shouldn't be based on physical attributes alone. This woman is saying she let great potential spouses get away because of this "chemistry" shit. What she is saying is that she is a roastie who doesn't understand what is really important in a marriage partner.
Alpha males don't let a woman get anywhere near his resources and definitely not looking out for others you cuck, pump and dump concerning modern women.
This honestly. Half of the fucking tv shows movies and books made currently deal with humans having trouble changing themselves. You are both the clay and the sculpture.
Have sex, gain height, take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue.
And the other half tell you that you're powerless and acted upon by fate.
>why do women have to trick themselves into liking normal beta dudes?
Because betas can't provide. They're weak and passive, get taken advantage of. Women are looking for "beauty and the beast".
Reality is "beta" guys can behave in an "alpha" manner, nobody is really all one or the other. But it gets trained out early by society, they end up with social blocks on what would be natural behaviour. A feminised society. Single mothers and female school teachers make sure that any assertive behaviour from young males is punished.
"Spark" in her case is almost certainly just looks. Not in the top 10% for looks, no spark.
because they're old ugly and busted, wasted their prime years and now can't find any suitable partners?
No attraction = cheating later.
What facts?
Dress nice, not overweight, have a regional administrator over a company, house, don't fight other males, don't get angry, treat my prey with respect, and get laid.
Whores just want resources and a nice looking guy that can make them laugh plus have the ability to flirt.
The whole caveman shit is retarded. Cavemen are not alphas idiot.
>why do women have to trick themselves into liking normal beta dudes?
who cares. womens' wants are degenerate.
hell they usually don't even know what they want, only what they can express without being shunned by the community
the question is why are there so many beta dudes?
protip: the answer is jews
it's always jews
>have to work to keep the spark after 2 years
i think your a beta bux senpai
Not in the slightest but I know how frail the "romantic love" is. We aren't biologically coded for 1 partner for life. We changed nature to build a society, so that "chemistry " that you feel with your woman is going to fade because it's there to produce offspring, and some people are addicted to it and don't realize that it fades with time for the vast majority of people. The love changes from crazy to stable, because we, ourselves chose to be with 1 partner, not because we are biologically predisposed to do so. So if we chose to be with a specific person for longer than the honeymoon period of marriage the primal attraction doesn't matter. As I said before the arranged marriages are more stable and more happy after 10 years then the "love" based ones. It's because the "love" marriages are happy for the first 2- 5 years and then the happiness sharply decreases. It's because the chemical storm in our brains is gone by then and the entire relationship changes.
I've been married for over 10 years and our marriage was a marriage of convenience and reason, we both chose ourselves based on the facts and logic, basically arranging our own marriage, we were friends from the beginning though so it wasn't all cold and we weren't strangers. Think what you want about it but it just works.
They've had nonsense peddled to them in the form of unquestioned assumptions, and most of the time they have shit relationships with their fathers or have weak, pussified fathers
betas shouldn't breed I hope she wises up and realizes this before the future gets more fucked.