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How do nazis keep doing this to brave feminist allies?
This guy looks like Sid the sloth from Ice Age
She leveled up
>white people
Wait where’s the top?
Get better help
ProJared is a Jew
>fairy houses
>fairy houses
So he married a complete nutter
>"orange man bad" man is a pedo
no way!
go home gamer girl
How do they think this shit wont leak in the panopticon we live in. Fucker was living on easy street talking about video games and he just had to fuck it up.
>/v/ censoring all mention of a video game liberal being a corrupt sex pest
>reddit is allowing it
it's 2014 all over again
gamergate 2.0
On second thought. A divorce was going to happen anyways. He chose the worst way out.
Here's the girl he cheated with
Why do you think I'm talking about it here.
Cool in what israeli city does he live?
Shouldnt it be "Allegedly cheats on wife"?
oh lord i cringed
ah, ok then
>my own mental health
>fairy houses
Ok then
>posting a newsweek article
Fugg off
in the wake of getting cheated on, she was playing minecraft IRL.
isn't that thing called sid as well?
This reminds me of all the retarded nerd drama I was privy to while I was playing WoW. Pathetic.
Who is this Jewish man and why should I care?
>fairy houses
Tel Aviv
so if you can't touch it why is it allowed to touch the nuggets? I'm trying to imagine who made and sold this product, and why
And just like that all the personal nonsense from a bunch of attention-grubbing nobodies I never heard about before is all over the internet.
could you not?
Probably a chinaman living in Australia.
Well damn. I kind of liked his content.
>fairy houses
Jow Forums said Jews have tiny circumcised cocks what gives?
I'm pretty sure the place she moved into was one of the fairy houses she made...I mean just look at her ffs
Is he jewish? Sure looks like it.
There is no wreck like homewreck
>spent working on my own mental health
>making fairy houses
>i've leveled up
ouupphhh, crash&burn in several weeks/months
I don't know which of these clowns I dislike more. Probably the spergy nintendork, women are cattle and can't really be blamed for their actions.
Who is this fucker? Why should I care about him?
It looks like he is a manchild obsesses with video games....why do you even know who this faggot is?
i didnt think weewees came that small, are you serious?
Fuck ecelebs, but I gotta take this bait, so delicious.
>fairy houses
>20 years ago the english department in our junior college made us subscribe to Newsweek so we could improve on our english
>newsweek now reports youtube gamer divorce under "tech and science"
Video game and nerd culture reviewer on Youtube. He also had a small cameo some Nickelodeon show.
feminists are fucking wretched
the level of hypocrisy makes me want to spit
Well, bitches buy them.
At least Anthony Weiner vetted who he sent dick pics to. This guy's basically sent it to whoever claimed to be a girl.
Who the fuck is he and why should anyone care?
>They've destroyed pewdie pie
>Now time to move onto the next e-celeb with outspoken right wing comments
Yes im sure this all happened.
That fucking part about jontron right there. haha
Jonathan Aryan Jafari wins again.
>White people
You don't have these in Australia?
How can you start a collection if you arnt suppose to touch the heat coin?
He's a lefty though.
He bashed jontron and they were friends, so he's pretty slimy. Also a Male feminist.
post your face when you are not anthony burch or projared
But this guy is a shitlib
this is the guy who calls you in incel on the internet
>people actually talk like this online
Obvious Jewish phenotype.
That does not answer why I should care in any way, shape or form.
Why are these kikes so into pedo shit?
Projared scored Metal Gear Rising 4/10 he deserves worse than this.
Vinesauce Vinny when? That faggot deserves for being a promoter of furry degeneracy to thousands of kids.
>laughing in JonTron
Imagine getting your hands on an decent looking red head and throwing all that away for a troglodyte whore wine aunt
Nigga don't make him think these are real. He'll tell other Australians and they'll believe it too.
I like Australia.
I'd hit it
Usually when a person announces that they are an elf and that their job is to build houses for faeries, you assume their mental health has become WORSE and not BETTER, but to each his own I suppose.
>fairy houses
Suddenly the cheating feels justified
>still degenerate though
This all perfectly encapsulates clown world.
Jew who likes dressing as anime girls makes a career talking about shitty games.
JewS hot wife dresses as anime girls too, she makes a career out of building FAIRY HOUSES???
Jew cheats on her for an ugly feminist (you go girl)
None of these people would have made it to 18 just a century ago. This is why we're dying out. These mentally deranged people, being supported by a lot more mentally deranged people, are not being taken out of the gene pool. Infact, such people rise in prominence and gain some power in our societies.
I just don't know if I even want to continue anymore, there's no end in sight to this madness.
Take a step back. Neither was a catch. Yes his ex was attractive but she was a professional cosplayer meaning her money depends on attracting pathetic nerds. Not really a quality you want in a woman
This surreal, how many more things like this you Americans have?
Honk honk!
i'm comforted by the fact i have no idea who any of these people are.
Looks like the /v/ post gamergate hired tranny mods are triggered.
Guaranteed disease, huh. So they can sell biological weapons at retailers now?
It's not real you stupid spic.
It's funny, you watch low tier Jews like projared and how they act with what little power they have really makes you think how the big ones act. Like he basically is a gamer version of Harvey Weinstein
>not politics
>literal who e-celeb faggots personal drama
thanks mods you dumb niggers, you're enablers in nu-pol shit behavior
"Obvious Plant" is an avant-garde art project of sorts, these aren't real products.