First an Orthodox Jew gets assaulted by a Hispanic in Brooklyn

Then a Brooklyn Hispanic posts this on Twitter. Why are Hispanics so anti-Semitic?

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Isn't interest at an all time low though? Is she talking Indian reservation loans, or what?


Oy vey. Shut her down.

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Broken clock is right twice a day.

>the tax monster is crying about taxes
A pox on all who voted for this island nigger if true

AOC found dead of suicide by shotgun blast to back of the head

oy vey anuddah shoah

Based Sanchez

that Hispanic better be vaccinated. he could have caught measles from that jew

That was interest from the Fed, or maybe you're thinking of home loan rates? I've seen some people taking double digit APRs for auto loans and credit cards are almost always above 20%

who the fuck is paying for than 15 percent interest?

They are low, historically, very low. She is an idiot but everyone knows this by now.

>some obscure lay
>le it is common sense le

If you use a credit card, you are a moron. Auto rates are very low unless you have defaulted on past loans.

>Auto loans and credit cards
kek. I'm not big on either to begin with, but why would you ever get one if they charge a double-digit rate?

Yes, I mean home loan rates and things like business/investment loan rates. Money is rather cheap in this economy, so I wonder what double digit loans she means exactly..

dutch boy, that's not how consumer credit works in the USA. it's not tied at all to market reality.
WE are a nation of good goy consumerists who never ever question jewish tricks. we willing pay credit card rates of 25-29% interest compounded Daily. so we can buy a new i-phone from chink land and post tweets in utter craven faggotry. it is called freedumb

If MIGApedes start defending Usury in this thread we'll know Jow Forums is officially dead

she said herself she has sephardy ancestry , even if only memeing she was symbolizing jew friendliness

Lmao this

Defend Jews to own the libs!!

How about not borrowing, stupid nigger bitch.

imagine being this much of a kike

>5 year old who doesn’t know how important borrowing money is for business.

>if I borrow I will never pay it off
You're one of the failures, I see.

Yikes and cringepilled

>usury laws
Uh oh. Someone is trying to get assassinated. Poor thing. She should know better than to fuck with the banker's bread.
You'd think that would be part of the 1st day briefing:
>here's your office
>you can call me on my personal number XXX-XXX-XXXX if you need anything else
>oh...and don't fuck with the banks: you'll end up like Lincoln and JFK

She's safe. 15% is still way too high on all but the most speculative and risky financial activity.

That is twice more than could be said about you.

The average American is literally enslaved by the the banks by the time they're 18, and continue to be enslaved by the banks for the rest of their life through mortgages, car loans, credit card debt, and other predatory lending instruments.
We need to abolish the idea that this is fucking normal to begin with, not arbitrarily cap interest rates and make you feel more comfortable about getting jewed into slavery.

It’s their catholic religion.

Is AOC going after the Jews?

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While we're regressing, can you and Joe do something about the mandatory integration laws? I think we've ruined enough lives for one century, don't you?

Credit cards are essentially short term loans, its why their interest rates are much higher than other types of loans. Short term loans aren't very profitable without excessive interest, historically "legitimate" businesses avoided them which is why payday loan centers and loan sharks exist.

>brooklyn hispanic

t. what are boroughs

P.S. she's from westchester

Lol just wait until you're old enough to move out. Only a child or a metal invalid doesn't understand the importance of building a credit score.

If you can't afford to pay off your credit card at the end of every billing cycle to avoid interest then you have no business having a credit card.

Is she a fan?

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I have to assume that she's talking about either credit card loans or "payday" loans. I actually saw an information poster at Service Ontario (government office) today that was warning people about taking pay day loans and comparing the interest on a 2 week payday loan to a credit card, illustrating the point that payday loans are egregiously expensive to the point of usury (some older cases of over 1000% APR are just hilarious, though currently the average APR is around 500%). It's the reason why some payday loan companies have been destroyed despite the fact that the terms of the loans they give out are relatively clear to anyone who isn't retarded.

But of course, that's irrelevant because smart people don't take payday loans. Only foolish people do, and fools and their money are easily separated.

For reference, I just bought a new car at 3% APR without any previous major loans aside from my student debt.

Hahahahaha How The Fuck Are High Interest Rates Real Hahahahaha Nigga Just Walk Out Of The Bank Like Nigga Close Your Account

To add to this

She's pissed because payday loan centers charge a shit load to cash your pay check for you. This effects people who don't have a bank account (illegal aliens). So this is her just trying to hold onto the people who voted her in.

Also why she threw a shit fit about the question on the census about citizenship.

She's not entirely wrong. The argument could be justly made that no one forces anyone to take on debt. On the other side, desperate people do desperate things.

The effect of capping interest rates is that much fewer will have access to credit cards and other high-risk financing instruments. Then the screams of racism will pour in and the credit card companies will be forced to give credit cards to financially irresponsible or illiterate people. Now replace "credit cards" with "mortgages" and you have the housing bubble.

Kek I lost it on this one

Got to give her credit for pressing on the drug prices how she did. Got trump to actually do something about it.

This is directed toward student loans. Average about 25%

What a fucking retarded waste of digits. Fist yourself.

Well she's right : usury is a sin and should not be allowed in a just society

cheap, government subsidized loans is what allowed Universities to jack up tuition and cost of living costs.

>no interest over 15%
>taxes always over 15%

>Having interest at all
Pay your fucking debts


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It's not just injuns desu. There are no laws against usury in this country, it is a ZOG playground in many regards even though we can for some reason still speak freely. And I unironically believe at this point that the only reason we can speak freely is because we have so many guns.

Interest rates on loans should be directly tied to demand of the degree. A STEM major or a techenical skill should really only cover inflation in terms of the interest rate applied, while a less useful degree like Art should have a healthy amount of interest attached to it.

It's interesting how conservatives used to oppose usury until relatively recent times. Ezra Pound (often considered a right-wing reactionary) wrote an entire poem called "Usura" condemning it on a spiritual level:

"Contra naturam" is a Latin phrase that doesn't just mean "against nature," but more like "contrary to the will of the Gods." When did "conservatives" embrace usury and become a bunch of Chamber of Commerce neoliberal faggots?

calling it Usury is a dogwhistle for anti-semites.

I like how these people claim to give a shit about student loans but say nothing about reducing the interest on those

All STEM degrees for domestic Chads should be free, as long as he completes mandatory bodybuilding or sports program during his education and has a minimum of 3 children with white women (also provided by the loan program)... but I doubt ZOG would ever go for such a thing.

No, federal students loans are around 6-7%

Here is timeline
>.gov sets cap on unsecured revolving debt
>creditors stop issuing said credit to high risk borrowers
>.gov screams “no! Fairness in Lending ACt”
>.gov backs all the debt to ensure poor niggers have credit cards
>lenders go buck wild
>create some cmbs
>sell to investment funds
>bad loans go bad
>joe tax payer butt fucked

Muh .gov backed mortgage, student loan
Revolving credit is next thing for .gov to fuck up with its wizardry


I agree with this entirely but it would probably violate the equal protection clause due to >muh black/wymyn studies

actually this is something I agree with her on. I mean my views are further that usury of any kind is devious and sinful but lowering and restricting interest rates is a good place to start


Which is why we should shift le overton window by blatantly shilling a chad nationalist policy on every issue, especially in education. My post was entirely valid notice me, pls respond, etc.

how long until Trump shill posts about how banks should be able to charge even more interest?

Not sure, a few more discord trannies on Jow Forums may tip the balance though.

Are you retarded?

>anti semitic
She lied and said she was Jewish. Say what you will about trump at least he's not claiming to be a jew.

>muh STEM
enjoy being a code monkey

I like it @ $200k+/year you faggot

>lying on the internet

Don’t talk to me or my wife’s son again.

Don't talk to me or my wife's male to female transitioning daughter

You don't have to code in IT if you have literally any people skills.

And there are other options, medical or something else.

Everything Rothschild will burn to the ground

Can someone meme AOC with a Nazi uniform and this twitter quote next to the image?