Alright GenZ. The millennials that are on this board (some gen x) are starting to get too old for this memery. We need to rally up pick up where our elders left off. Lets start off with a quick roll call to see what we can make of ourselves.
Sorry, oLd MaN, it's our turn to carry on the flame
Easton Butler
Robert Edwards
36, I spent your prom night fucking your Mom.
Aaron Turner
an old zoomer
Ethan Clark
I've got 3 kids. My eldest is 20 and at university. The other 2 are teenagers. I don't mind much about age. I keep fit and healthy - that's very important as it's easy to become a slob as you age. My parents' generation was just before the boomers; they were born during WW2. But I agree with most of Jow Forums that the boomers fucked things up for subsequent generations.
>blowing a cartridge because the game froze >rumble pack >had to rewind vhs tapes before returning them to Hollywood video to get discounts on popcorn and snacks >toys r us used to give goody boxes with a granola in it >fruit by the foot >you will never talk to the pilot pre flight and ask him if he seen ufos >squirt gun wars >chalkboard in classrooms >metal jungle gyms with sand >tfw
>memeflag >"I miss the gold ol' days" >"yeah, back in 2017. Those were the days"
Charles Garcia
Part of me wishes that I was a zoomer, but then I think about how having social media is practically mandatory for generation Z.
Joshua Powell
Just use snapchat. It's pretty much just texting with pictures and videos without the retardation of other social media platforms
Owen Allen
Jason Smith
I'm sure some of the elders will be here til they die, so we will have plenty of guidance
Jaxon Bailey
Does gen z have jobs? I'm 19 and I go to college and work but I know so many people my age without jobs.
Adam Miller
he's gen y not gen z
Brandon Murphy
Gen y gen z
half of our checks go to rent reeeeee
Ambulance ride was 3k why me
Cooper Torres
Yeah I am 19 and a sophomore. Basically here is where I am at Fuck suicide Try to have a good time Stay under the radar Grind in college so I can get into a power position
You are not a boomer or a zoomer, you are something in between
Easton Watson
My old man is a couple of years older than you (65-67) and his gen were fucking scrappers but politically illiterate. Whereas my gen (born in 92) aren't fucking faggots but know the score in many cases. Shame millenns can't learn from gen xers enough to man up in time. Unfortunately, it seems gen x are retiring from work earlier than boomers. I see 45-60 year olds dropping out of jobs whereas 60+ still chug along? Oh well, we will see what happens. I just wish I knew some gen x who could get me into roofing with some ease until I am man enough to run the thing on my own. I know it's not insane to run a roofing business, but in todays climate I can't help but feel like it is. I'm quite old school for my age as well, so not trying to make excuses. It just is shit out there. Even Latvians close to me who moved here 2009 say its all fucked and I tell every fucking time that they should have seen this country 20 years ago. It was more White and stronger,
Brody Price
Parker Reed
you don't actually only live once, btw
Nathaniel Young
19 yo. It's time to cut off our penises to protest women.
Cameron Gray
Same Theta Xi reporting in
Nathaniel Evans
thanks you for telling im young forever
Zachary Cox
20 faggot is reporting for duty mi lord
Noah Lopez
25 year old homeowner here, keep the noise down kids. you know how your mother gets
Isaiah James
I'm from '95 and remember most of those things.
Aaron Long
Andrew Ramirez
someone who doesn't know how to use google.
Cooper Roberts
Now I feel like one of these younglingfags that can't wipe their own arses without supervision.
'71 vintage
Josiah Lewis
>millennials starting to get too old I’m 32 and I’ve been here since I was your age in 06. The joke’s on you: remember that you’re here forever
Evan King
How can you be a frat boy yet come here? Are you the awkward one who never touches a vagina? Also how much did your “friends” cost this semester?
> Demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to mid-2000s as starting birth years 23 years old would have been born in 1996 so it's a zoomer. I count zoomers from 95 so suck it frenchie
Jordan Young
Trades are the way to go for young men. My daughter is studying chemistry at uni and I'm sure she'll do well enough to get a decent job. I'm a baker and own and run a small bakery employing 3 people. We have a small shop and supply some local restaurants. We also do farmers' markets. I don't make very much - enough to look after my family quite comfortably, pay the staff well, but I'm working class through and through.
Best of luck becoming a roofer. Trades are always in demand and roofing is dangerous work, so you should earn a good wage. It's a fucking disgrace that most of our economy is in the service sector. Heavy industry declined badly in the 80s and I doubt that'll change.
Don't become too nihilistic - if you do, then you'll be in a self fulfilling prophesy. Keep at it.
Gavin Sanders
So... do you zoomers vanwaggon on each and every new meme that is being thrown at you bt JIDF? I.e. honkler
It’s bandwagon, Pedro. Btw, we here in America wish you’d never created the mexican/“hispanic” bastard race so we could justifiably end them all since they’d all be pure savages.
Levi Torres
2001gang represent. Boomers, genx and millennials gtfo.
>We need to rally up pick up where our elders left off. Zoomers may have the best of intentions, but it's disconcerting that vast majority of em are trapped in walled gardens (fortnite, google, apple, discord, snapchat, instagram, and in certain parts of the world, facebook). They're online generation, yet paradoxically know less about the internet and computers compared to Millenials who grown up through internet history and seen it reduced from thousands of independent sites to under a half a dozen. Most zoomers are trapped in tightly controlled sandbox owned 30+ boomer oligarchs who just sip and laugh at you and collect shekels.
Zoomers are "woke", yet comfy within bounds of the system, similar how counterculture left got woke post 69.
Alexander Hall
>Im old enough to be a father of most of you Youre old enough to be my grandfather, old man. Im 20 and my mom had me at 18.
>tfw certified welder >tfw making more than my collegecuck friends >tfw company I work for actively discriminates against blacks and beans >tfw good ol' boy club Tradies are the most powerful race.
Being a teenaged pregnancy isn’t anything to be proud of. In fact, it means you were probably raised using my tax dollars. I hope you do better than your mother did. t “older” user
Typical Gen X here man, born '71 been "disaffected and directionless" my whole fucking life, not that I wanted to be that way. I've been a Nationalist my whole life as well and wanted to be useful.
Yeah you're right with the "scrappers" comment but it's mainly because we had fuck all else to do, we were fucked with apprenticeships because they introduced YTS which was basically slave labour to keep everyone off the dole, it also meant as tradesmen could get free labour (our measly £25/week was paid by the gov) they used us for three years and then fucked us off for another lad straight out of school. I wanted to be a brickie, I ended up drifting from job to job with no prospect of getting a trade.
Mate in many ways you're better off than we were, at least the part of Gen X that left school in/after 1987.
Benjamin Kelly
28 too. I went to prom alone. The lesson I want to give anons is that you should strive to not deprive yourself of experiences. Yes, it’s better to go prom without a date than to sit home. But you only figure shit like that out after you make years and years of similar mistakes.
Sebastian Wright
no worries just wait till the Alphas replace zoomies
Snapchat is retarded, I used to have it. Why wouldn't you just send a picture or video through a regular text message?
Asher Price
We basically got everything we need. There's just barely anything real ''wild'' to discover anymore unless you live somewhere close to the wilderness. I see this with myself and a lot of fellow suburban-zoomers. We dont live for a god or for a nation anymore and these things dont give our generation any meaning. Therefore we try to find surrogates and we find those in degeneracy (gaming, pop culture, alcohol etc.). I try to talk with normie friends about a higher meaning of life or some loyalty to for instance a nation or a group of people but they just laugh it off and carry on talking about ngubu or fortnite. It's fucking depressing. I try to do productive shit and better myself but the thought of ''what for?'' can really get me down sometimes. But we should never give up tho, there's always hope.
Companies like that are non existent in my area. Hell, it's rare to see a white guy on a job site (excluding superintendents/GCs). Every trade around here is dominated by wetbacks, and I don't even live in the southwest. I quit my carpenter job because it's infuriating when 85% of your co-workers don't speak English.
Xavier Scott
what a star just wait till you hit 25
you gonna feel the accelaration... and how you be here forever like the faggot you are
Joshua Cook
weak excuse man, end them anyways, thanks for the correction, my english seems weaker every day
>we were fucked with apprenticeships because they introduced YTS This. Also before YTS there was the YOP - same thing, but it was unpopular so they renamed it. I don't understand why Thatcher is so popular. She fucked the white working poor.
Jordan Cook
We're here fro you user. Perhaps find a nice Discord server and find some Dutch friends.
You stepped out of bed with the wrong foot huh? Calm down memeflag.
Lucas Gutierrez
>Most zoomers are trapped in tightly controlled sandbox owned 30+ boomer oligarchs who just sip and laugh at you and collect shekels. This is what's most disturbing. They think an internet forum is some magic thing they can't just set up in 5 minutes on their old computer. Irc was considered part of normieland and now even that's too hardcore and replaced with a centralized boomer service.
John Ross
Sorry for the blackpill, but the only solution to that that I see is giving back america to spics and moving americans to Euro-Russian ethnostate, either that or build an Israeli-tier wall with ethnic deportation policy enforced, and honestly I don't see that happening anytime soon
Justin Morgan
Liam Gutierrez
Where from? I typed it myself just now but if you apparently know better then show it. Already been there, /polder/ became boring.
Luke Evans
/polder/ is full of retards, but there are others that are more serious.
Sebastian Butler
why you people think your special ?
i would get tired of myself...
Camden Torres
> It's all downhill from here
Joseph Reed
I see potential in that plan Spainon, but let's respect 1648 and just don't come here.
I know the VD server but that's about it. Also not really wanna start any discord cause it always took a lot of my time which could be spend better.
Luke Reyes
18 reporting
Tyler Collins
just giving my too old cents back and for the keyboard part i dont think i was making any threat, only fooling around the Jow Forums away lol
Jackson Davis
19 year old NEET God I can’t believe I fell for the NEET meme for the past 2 years complete isolation has psychologically fucked me up to a point where I can’t even leave my house during the day
Zachary Perez
Yeah I kinda agree, but it can be quite comfy if you meet the right people. And it can be a relief to talk with like-minded individuals.
Jonathan Robinson
It gets better after you hit 30, in my experience. I stopped worrying about the future and learned to love the bomb.