Why are college students so sensitive nowadays?

There's a "scandal" currently going on at my university about an English professor named Barrett Watten. The students have set up a website to bitch. I can't help but wonder why everybody is so sensitive now. Take a look at some of these complaints:

>First, during the Fall 2018 semester as I was talking to a student in front of State Hall, Barrett passed by me and waved.
>I was paying little attention to my surroundings, as I was listening to a student, and Barrett approached us and demanded to know why I didn’t wave back at him.
>He then proceeded to put his hand inches from my face and wave furiously at me for an uncomfortably prolonged time.
>The student was quite taken aback and I was left shaking. Barrett and I did not have a social relationship at that point and his interruption of my conversation with a student as well as his physical invasion of my space made me feel very unsafe and professionally threatened.
>I had difficulty teaching the class following our interaction and began avoiding the 9th floor so I didn’t have to run into him again and experience similar physical violence.

And then another:
>Toward the end of the semester, we studied The Handmaid’s Tale. I skimmed the submitted reading responses prior to class and was perturbed by one response that stated the novel/ TV adaptation was “fantasy.” >The particular student already had a reputation for saying misogynistic and inappropriate comments, however, the dismissive tone of the response was offensive giving the triggering and very real issues described in the text.
>During the second half of the class, a female student challenged his statements, which is when Watten felt the need to “contain” the discussion.
>The female student stated that she could no longer stay in the class and left.

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Other urls found in this thread:


colleges produce ideologues nowadays. they recognized how easy it is to undermine power structure of western societies by utulizing emotions.
Watch youtube.com/watch?v=FH2WeWgcSMk
These people are the future fascists

A lot of them are just big babies, but the smart ones use this shit to game the system. Don't like a teacher because they didn't give you an A? Let's find out a way to label them a racist, which then kick starts the virtue signaling from everyone on campus in competition with one another over who can look the most woke. I honestly don't think a majority of them believe this shit. I just think they're hardwired to have strong reactions to this shit to fit in. People love fitting in.

>The students have set up a website to bitch.
That site is not run by students. It is run by some real counterproductive piles of shit who want students to learn nothing in college.

>It is run by some real counterproductive piles of shit who want students to learn nothing in college.

I feel like there's definitely a popularity contest going on when it comes to "wokeness."

The professor here sounds like he did some retarded crap, but nothing worth firing someone over. These people are literal children:

>When I stepped outside to smoke a cigarette, I found Barrett speaking with [redacted] on the patio.
>My first instinct was to flee, but I constantly feel pushed out of spaces because of his presence and hoped that since another graduate student was there, he would behave professionally.
>Barrett and [redacted] immediately stopped talking when they noticed me and stated that they were talking about me, so they couldn’t continue their conversation.
> I explained that it was inappropriate for Barrett to have conversations with other graduate students about me.
>Barrett turned his body away from [redacted] and began aggressively staring at me, leaning his body in my direction and opening his eyes widely.
>I asked him to stop, explaining that it was making me uncomfortable, yet he persisted. [redacted] stepped outside and began talking about the conference.
>[Redacted] was on the other side of the patio from me and although he was talking to Barrett, Barrett continued to face me and glare at me.
>Again, I told him he was making me uncomfortable and asked him to stop. When I finished my cigarette and began to walk inside, Barrett demanded that he had to “tell me something.”
>When I explained that I was not interested in what he had to say, he raised his voice and repeated himself several times before before I was able to get to the door and go back inside. >It is difficult to describe the ways that Barrett’s demeanor and physical posture are means of intimidation, however many who have witnessed it recognize it immediately.

It's the females and feminine men that fill the colleges.

The female of our species, or more correctly, the female mind in our species, is extremely susceptible to individual psychosis and solipsism, and even more so, herd panic, trend and consensus; and verbalizing those behaviors by drama, outburst, disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossiping, and reputation destruction that never ceases.
This is the reason why women’s testimony has been discounted throughout history; why the cancer of abrahamism was spread through women; why women defected against their men and their civilization yet again, to feminism-postmodernism; and why there are continuous calls for “women must be heard”; and then, not surprisingly, counter-to-all-evidence that “women must be believed”. The female lacks the degree of male agency because she is more dependent upon the panic of herd than the hunting of the pack.


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Our society is dumbing down & getting perverser by the minute..
Honk world in action!!

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>It's the females and feminine men that fill the colleges.
Yep, because it's all about emotions at that point. Then it gets wired into other, normal people who go into college as the norm and the best way to get your own way no matter what. I even notice it in myself, it's almost like an instinct that you have to actively think not to get into in the heat of the moment. After being in college for four years, it's easy to see how this stuff becomes normalized in your life. I think it's because you see everyone else do it, it almost becomes a strategy if you want success. The workforce is starting to bend over backwards for this stuff too. We recently had a manager fired at my work because this person would their team to their fullest, but the team didn't like having to actually work. So they strategically planned coming in and crying to HR on different days and HR reacted by giving them their way. Now the precedent has been set that you can get your manager fired by complaining enough. BTW, the employees who took part were, you guessed it, all women. I just don't get it, and honestly it scares the shit out of me because you're going to have a whole generation or two of people in 10-20 years taking the reigns of all these companies and government orgs. You think the lip service that boomers play to them is bad? Just wait until they actually have real power.

That might be part of it, but ahve you noticed how it's the some of best universities that go along with this bullshit?

Brainwashing centers.

Yes I have, from the Yales and Harvards to your local community college. It's infected every level and has made college education a joke.

>Why are college students so sensitive nowadays
Because American ideology is about feeling good about yourself no matter what you say, this is the point of freedom of thought in liberalism, that everything should be accepted, meaning other people should feel good

didn't scientists used to say a couple of hundred years ago or so that education damages a womans brain? Honestly it seems to be proving true under some circumstances. These women of colour types at universities at least definitely seem like they have something wrong with them. And all of those effeminate men around them many of them who seem to be white. Its like they have idiots at colleges now instead of intelligent people

what is their obsession with "spaces" FUCK these people piss me off

This board is a safe space for neckbeards. On regular sites you all lose your minds crying all over your keyboards.

u cant tease a pizza face words cannot bring her down no matter what they say

It sounds like he did retarded crap because the stories the people are tellung are designed to make it seem that way. They are 100% leaving out details which would make these victim stories seem completely normal. i.e. they were obviously joking that they were talking about the bitch in your post etc.

The safe space is actually a rape place.

>2008 financial crisis
>destruction of the middle class
>destruction of jobs
>destruction of the nuclear family
>people overuse of social media
>and jews of course

>I saw Barret at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

>He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

>I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.

>When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

>When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Here is an ebook, a filter for conservative people, an anti-intellectual work, a must for every young adult who lacks an open mind, a warning. Four main narrators, one for each part, and several interludes. Too substantial to summarize or ignore. A privilege, given from Blacksmith to you. It would be a pathetic injustice not to spread this, so feel free to do so.
Download for free on: archive.org/details/AWalkingAphrodisiacByNicholasBlacksmith

Based. Automatically thought that when I read he waved in their face

Kek, somebody submit this to the site:


That's true, I don't think the professor has made any statements about this shit. Some of the accounts on the site are complaining about things that happened 10-20 years ago.

Jesus what are you guys doing at American colleges? How come you guys are so pussified at regular social interactions? This is an American only thing, fake sensationalism and fake outrage all the way.

cultural marxism.

That pic is probably the only time they've ever carried cash

Not even in the Scandinavian countries? Allan Bloom was complaining about American universities back in the 1980s, and I've read some conservative commentators who bitched about the same things in the 1990s. Things have definitely accelerated the past decade or so though.

>I was left shaking
Why are lefties so shaky? Are they that mentally unstable that the slightest stimuli sends them into convulsions?

US colleges have always been like this. However, the fringe at college gradually becomes a social norm. This was the case in 1636 and is still the case now.

No, Scandinavians don't do the crazy emotivist protesting like we do.

This sort of thing is the Evangelical Revival/Great Awakening of our day. Seriously, go read about these in US history. You'll find them oddly familiar because they happen in the same way every time.

learned behavior, victimhood, currency


Thousands of late teen hormonal women penned up under a single roof with no adult regulations and only men so horny that they ignore or even join in on 99% of the hysteria to get their dick wet.

I think it's more like the hope of getting their dick wet.

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This is true.

Amazingly, even these putz looking fucks get a little something in the miasma of cum universities are. Those two probably did each other and fishmouth that was with them at least once while drunk and wacked on aderol

Because 'Sensitivity' is now an extremely powerful form of power and the vast majority of human beings naturally seek power and control over others even if they are unaware of it. Billion dollar corporations, Education institutions, Media, Military, Social interactions and Politicians have bent their knee to Political Correctness and the quest to not offend anyone. People think the PC hysteria is all exaggerated but it's literally crippling some of the most powerful entities to have ever existed in the history of our species.

The students have absolute control over everything in their domain, if a college professor offends them, they can cry any number of things from 'Rape' to 'Racism' and ruin his/her career. If someone brings up a viewpoint they disagree with whether it's backed by science or not, they can cry 'Bigotry' or 'Transphobic' and instantly shut the opposition up for they now risk extreme social consequences.

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Conservatives and even a lot of the hardcore revolutionary right wing don’t understand what or why the left is. They honestly think people just can’t handle the bantz and that’s why you have nigs in packs assaulting whites for not cheering loud enough, or child-like bawling from obese Mestizos whose right to free resources was called into question.

Unsecured Power results in competition for power rather rulership; an alliance of the Low with the High against the Center. You’re the Center

Cause you spend 500$ on a class about being a victim. If you acknowledge the class was bullshit you look like an idiot that lost 500$ with nothing to show for it.

And just to be clear, the Center is generally unreliable, antagonistic or even competitive to the High, which is why they always choose to ally with the Low, who have no independent force projection and have no hope of institutional power, without the High as benefactors. They are entirely beholden.

>Why are college students so sensitive nowadays?
when you pay tens of thousands of dollars you have every right to be fully accommodated, to not be offended, to have a safe space, etc.

would you pay hundreds of dollars for a meal in a swanky restaurant only to get dirty looks from a waiter? same principle applies here.

That's because the seeds of all current SJW, NPC, Special Snowflake, Safe Space, Inclusive bullshit were planted by communists back in the day. All of this shot is textbook Communism. Sen. McCarthy was absolutely correct and time has vindicated him.

hopefully corporate america begins to realize this. unfortunately, they're just now trying to catch up with social justice. i got a mgmt memo about diversity and how m3embers of mgmt need to 'moderate' their tone and 'be mindful' of people's 'diversity needs'. i have no idea what diversity needs might be, but i figure i'll get the same treatment with kid gloves if i fuck up. i'm thinking of dying my hair pink just in case.


Because being a whiny pussy is an effective way to put pressure on institutions to force the change you want

>It's the females and feminine men that fill the colleges.
That is only true for the shit degrees like social health and trash.
There are nearly no woman in electronic engineering or computer science, math.

Gender studies or woman studies and meme shit doesn't count as degree.

From the language of the complainants waffling about spaces, triggers, misogyny and intimidation you know it’s the pink/blue/green hair sjw fatty set that are doing babby degrees as mature age students and can’t deal with life

The only reason im in college right now, is because im in my masters in biochem and politics has no role there in any discussion. I have no idea how other cpurses put up with this garbage
>Why are college students such pussies?
I'll tell you why. My dad taught me how to live and whenever I fucked up big time, my dad was not afraid to hit me upside the head. It infused me with a sort of fear/respect for the man. How many of these fags have fathers at all, much less strong ones that dont take shit?