The double standard of a hate crime

The suspect, Fredrick Demond Scott, a 23-year-old black man, once threatened to "kill all white people." All the victims were white, but investigators and prosecutors have not discussed a motive for the killings.

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I'm sure he was an upstanding, church-going young man who did not do anything wrong.

Chicago investigators are questioning four African-Americans after a Facebook Live video shows a group of people torturing a white mentally disabled man while someone yelled "F*** Trump!" and "F*** white people!"

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The heavily armed sniper who gunned down police officers in downtown Dallas, leaving five of them dead, specifically set out to kill as many white officers as he could, officials said Friday. He was a military veteran who had served in Afghanistan, and he kept an arsenal in his home that included bomb-making materials.

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The suspect in Tuesday’s shooting rampage told police he decided to “kill as many people as he could” once he learned investigators had identified him as the suspect in last week’s slaying of a Motel 6 security guard, police Chief Jerry Dyer said.

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All three males turning up their chin. I guess it's a nog thang to show they be tough n sheeat.

Zemir Begic was a teenager when he and his family fled Bosnia in the aftermath of a bloody civil war. In America, he found work, friends and love before a pack of thugs beat him to death with hammers on a city street in St. Louis as his terrified fiancee watched early Sunday.

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ST. LOUIS • A 43-year-old man who was riding a MetroLink train Monday night was attacked by several men after one of them asked him about the Michael Brown “situation,” police said.
Police said the victim, who is white, was punched and kicked by three black men, one of whom had made the reference to the teen killed in Ferguson by a police officer Aug. 9.

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>Inb4 bot shill mossad
nah, I'm a white guy. I just hate niggers.

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Imagine the smell

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They all good boys, dey dindu nuffin

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Sho sum respeck nigga

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