Give me one good reason why the US shouldn't have universal healthcare like literally every other first world country

Give me one good reason why the US shouldn't have universal healthcare like literally every other first world country.

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Imagine sucking her titty

Because the united states spends hundreds of billions of dollars defending other countries you retard.

The other 'first world countries' only mind themselves and have jackshit for militaries

money and jews
that simple

>defending other countries you retard.
Against who

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Maybe that should change. Most of the world hates us anyway.

I want to fuck this ugly spic so bad

Not enough people would pay into it. As it stands roughly half of people pay taxes. That half has healthcare. Then, of the people that don't pay, about 80% of that group also has health care. If you're going to be a dead weight on society, why should you get healthcare?


You tell me im not american i have no clue why you dipshits defend other countries for FREE

She probably has dark brown pancake areolaes

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Maybe we should. I still wish we would stop subsidizing the rest of the worlds medicines tho.

American corporations have design extremely unhealthy lifestyles and diets for the American people. They don't want to pay for the medical consequences of their profiteering, so they make sure nothing changes using bribes to Congress.

Why should I have to subsidize the poor diet and lifestyle choices of my fellow obese mutts?

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That's not how this works, faggot. You're making the claim that we should have universal healthcare. Therefore the burden is on you to argue in favor of it and not on us to argue against it.

Well you already do

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they taste like chocolate

I'd love to suck on her nipples; chicks really dig that, especially if you do it a a bit hard. I just know she's a good fuck, you can see the crazy in her eyes. Just imagine how wet her pussy gets.

coming from a medical background i can tell you "universal healthcare " is not what you think it is. im sure this is bait but i digress. when the gov provides all the medical needs for the people, they have to pay the doctors/staff/ medical comp to keep the services in motion. the gov will intern make taxes more expensive ie money out of your pocket. ontop of that the service you get is shittier . for instance if you got cancer you would be on a list and not know how long it will be seen and treated. i pay premiums to get the best service possible, i sure as shit wont be paying for yours.

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Who implements the healthcare?

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You shall have it when you get rid of niggers

who implements any public service


>Bust University

>he gov will intern make taxes more expensive ie money out of your pocket.

>Combining these effects results in projected personal health spending in 2022 of $3.849trillion, a slight net decrease of $10billion.

OP you can have universal anything you want, the US has 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities..just click your heels together and it will come true. Everything around you is based on unsustainable debt, in 5-10 years you're going to be advocating for universal food once the debt/dollar crisis hits.

I’d fuck her tits

Against who

I think you know. "They"

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Shit will hit the fan the day they open the Federal Reserve and find it "empty"

Who is ''they'' user?

I dont want to subsidize muds and their proclivities any further, thanks


>haha you already pay an arm and a leg for these niggers, lets just take the rest of your limbs haha
You're a retard who needs to fuck off back to r eddit


>what are nations with overwhelming white majorities

Come 2024 interest on debt will require new debt just to fund the interest. When the debt bubble pops I think the liberals will find themselves not giving a shit about climate change or Universal healthcare when they are starving.

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You can't say their name. "they" or "the others"

They are pure socialist evil.

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The problem is scalability. What works in a country with 5-20 million people doesn't necessarily work in a country of 327 million.

Another problem is values. Americans like low taxes and are an individualistic people; do you really want to pay 50% of your income so Shaniqua can get her gastric bypass surgery? Probably not. The only reason why Americans aren't hunting down illegal immigrants in the street is because they don't have to pay for them, unlike in Europe.

There is no socialist superpower anymore, cold war is over boomer

Its slavery.


make USA zero immigration and most of the country would be down

Until there is an extreme if not forced, ramp up in Medical buildings, staff and practitioners, then making healthcare free for all does nothing as you will never get in to see a doctor anyway.

>third world people invading the US en masse
>giving them all free shit plus our own citizens would make healthcare cheaper
Take your kike sources and gtfo this board you turbonigger

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Defending the shit out of people.

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In Europe? Russia.

>most of the country would be down
Most of the country is already down

>Some 56% of respondents said they favor Medicare-for-all, in which all Americans would get their insurance from a single government plan.

They have fresh migrrant workers why bother care for their own? They only care about muh money

>muh russia

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Because it doesn't work
Eeeew. My biggest disappointment was seeing big mutt tits turn saggy with pancake nipples without a bra

increased tax upon those who choose self control
gibs for those who dindu nuffin


Das rite!! Russia is like Uncle Dave. He's touching my borders when I ain't looking.

Russia, don't be like Uncle Dave.

Taxes are high enough fag

kys, commie

56% is still more than half you mong

Why are Europeans freaking out over Trump wanting to cut funding NATO?

>Give me one good reason why the US shouldn't have universal healthcare like literally every other first world country.
Healthcare isn't a right.

you really need to lurk more you fucking newfag cancer.

Beware of la creatura muy nino.
Do not ask me how la creatura came to be.

Where would the rich people of the rest of the world go to get healthcare if America had universal healthcare?

And where would all the doctors train?

Bombing brown babies in the middle east isn't a right either but the military gets $700 billion a year.

Water ain't free either.


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The US subsidizes the fuck out of agriculture and has an obesity problem. We already have enough problems dealing with the fatties and their ailments as it is, imagine how much more money it would cost when they all rush for their new handouts.
Even in Europe half or more of adults are overweight or obese and their healthcare system isn't helping.
Not like universal healthcare would solve the problem of finding time to get to the doctor or help someone change their lifestyle.

Maybe I’m wrong. But my impression is that America has a much more massive underclass that would drain the resources from everyone else. A race to the bottom. It’s not like Nordic countries where everyone feels pride in contributing.

Lol at du dum, funker son faen da! Super chill og bare betale egenandel også fikser staten resten! Vet du hvor fucked du er i USA om du får en alvorlig sykdom og ikke har midler til å betale sykehus regninger ???

>ceo of kff
hello merchant

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This is a grown up discussion zoomer, take your mutt memes to another thread.

That makes no sense.

Fat niggers

>wahhh why does ZOG keep printing money for the zog mercenaries to blow up the shitstans

FACT: You CANNOT have "Universal Healthcare" at the same time you have Open Borders

If you give healthcare to everyone in the country, while at the same time allowing anyone on the planet to simply walk into the country, what you are saying is: is that you are giving Free Healthcare to the Entire Planet. Throw in the fact that we simultaneously have the most obese population on the planet... and it's beyond a recipe for disaster.

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your discussions deserves nothing more, its clear you are a retarded cancerous newfag who came from r eddit, and you need to go back there.

>defending other countries

Multiculturalism. With no standard basis of morality and expectations many Americans simply do not care about their health. These are the people who rack up several hundred thousand dollar medical bills while making 12,000/year and do not pay taxes; in other words, they take but do not give. It is unfair for anyone who makes a real living to be forced to pay a steep tax to support millions of people who neglect their bodies and then expect to be helped for free. Healthy people with real incomes tend to not have these problems (because they actually take care of themselves), so the benefits of the system is almost exclusively used by the most useless of us. Does that count you disgusting freak?

There really aren’t good reasons just uneducated retards.

Joe Biden claims U.S. taxpayers ‘obligation’ to give Illegal aliens free health care

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>universal healthcare

No such thing, liar. Tell the truth. You want socialist or full blown communist healthcare. You mentally ill trannys want to be castrated? Get a job and pay for it yourself, princess. Or move to Canada.

We do. It's just that some 'people' are too stupid (and/or don't speak English) to sign up for Medicaid. You get your choice of doctors, free prescriptions and everything.

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I've seen another argument that a shooting victim costs $50K to treat, that's just in the hospital no follow ups, which is said to be passed on to tax payers. Chicago alone spends minimum of a $100 million a year for shooting victims.
With universal healthcare are those costs suddenly not going to passed on to the tax payers?

cuz papa jew belly wouldnt be as big as today is

>Water ain't free either.
You're right.
>imblying the Federal government does not have an obligation for common defense
Yes, it has been perverted by (((them))), but national defense is one of the most legitimate functions. Also, without minorities, we could spend $1T/y on defense and still run a budget surplus.

Because universal healthcare is an excuse to leech on the taxpayers. The hospitals become filled with immigrants because they pay like shit, and surgeries take months of waiting. Going to the hospital often means coming home sicker, hours of waiting for a basic check, and people recovering from serious procedures in home because someone else needs an hospital bed.
Stop trying to spread weakness in other countries and strengthen your own commie.

its the most offensive foriegn policy of any empire ever apart from my britbong nation stfu

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do you not know what health insurance is? its where you all club in together and if one of you get sicks then that pays for them. Only done through insurance a massive amount of the pot goes to (((them)))

France is in flames, the UK falling apart, Germany is a mess... How about the real far left ones, like Venezuela? Why would you want to be like these deplorables?

Lmao so this is what the americans mean when they claim that they shouldn't defend the world when they resent them for it anyway

Give me one good reason why communists should be spared their life.

P.S. If you don't like the U.S., don't live there. Simple really. Go live in one of those "socialist utopias" you keep bragging about.

>without minorities
why must you fags always resort to fantasy, you do have minorities and if you think they are going to leave any time soon while your government is still capitalist and needs large amounts of cheap labour you are completely deluded.The enemy is (((them))) not minorities

>defend the world
Again, against who? What are you talking about? American military intervention is pretty much all invasions lmao

Why doesn’t all of Europe have a single healthcare system? Why is Germany’s different from France’s?

Killing niggers is a privilege, not a right.

yes thang u brave us troobs 4 create isis

>be me
>have Canadian friend
>friend injured shoulder
>had to wait months to be seen by a Canadian doctor
>came to US and paid for an American doctor so he could have his health problems taken care of

Gee, wonder why?

the EU is fundamentally a capitalist enterprise

So much this, also, why are foreigners always coming here for medical services?

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there.

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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