The sueing

They coming for us. The hacker known as 4chins can't keep getting away with this.

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Why do you keep spamming this stupid shit? It's almost like this is a psy op. Zionists are total losers. It's like you don't realize how fucking inbred and stupid you people are. That's why the Iranians will slaughter the IDF.

Hiro won't succumb to filthy gaijins you shit eating faggot


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What he wrote isn't even illegal

I want to drown that midget in a puddle. Sue these nuts you English snake.

Don't know who this is but can confirm, he's a faggot who doesn't understand Jow Forums and thinks he's relevant.

Yeah, I've just seen you in the 'cross found on mars' spouting your 'the world is infinitely flat, nasa full of pedos' speel. Fuck off jidf.

only jews post porn

eh he won't do shit he's small potaters

This guy

Attached: warwick_davis.gif (500x288, 449K)

How can he sue the site for something some anonymous user posted? Doesn't Jow Forums even say they're not responsible for the content they're user's post?

well he wants a response badly, so let's finish this off for him word by word, and respectfully send it to him on twitter frens.

Attached: letter_wip.png (2550x3300, 444K)

Aren’t you guys supposed to know how to handle the bants ?

Anyone writing this shit is fucking retarded.


>This week on Tenable: Top ten ways to crush a midget’s skull

Yes, only legal avenue the fellow has is to report to police a violent threat. Police, if they're interested, would then subpoena hiro for ip address of whoever the poster was. Fellow will get nowhere contacting hiro directly like this.

chortled and hortled

literally who

>two addresses
>the first for an unknown recipient even though the letter is intended for a specific individual
>the second one is an email title field with the addressee as the topic
>on a document that's styled like a written letter
>sincerely misspelled

I hope you didn't make that, leaf. Literacy really is on the decline.

He said I'd LOVE to...he didn't say I'm going to.

One shows willful intent, the other is just fantasy.

Would this be an example of the streisand effect?

>implying that warwick faggot didn't wrote it himself

it's for his lawyer dumbass, so that is who it concerns REGARDING Warwick Davis.

the sincerely was just a typo, but it shall remain as part of the diarrhea posting.

Fuck this little faggot

why doesn't he just leprechaun them

are you on vacation?

Someone tell him that the ID of the post belongs to Sam Hyde

Now this I could get behind

imagine kidnapping him and his daughter, strapping davis to a chair, and forcing him to watch you go BALLS DEEP into his daughter. she's small and light enough that you can just grab her by the waist and hold her up in the air. you take her top off, then her pants, till she's just wearing her little panties and a bra. warwick is begging you not to. he starts to tear up, knowing well what's about to happen to his daughter. you rip off her last pieces of her garment until she's standing there completely naked infront of you and her father. her tight little pussy looks especially tasty, and you can tell she has never been with a man before. you pick her up and enter her. your average sized cock poking out of her stomach with every thrust. she screams in pain and in fear, but her little midge pussy tells a different story. she's dripping love nectar all over and along her thighs. warwick is screaming and crying. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS! "THE POLICE WILL FIND YOU! YOU'RE GOING TO GO TO JAIL FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, YOU MONSTER"! he says, with tears running down his checks. you return your focus to his daughter, who at this point has completely forgotten her father was in the room. Her screams and crying has turned into sounds of just pleasure and lust. she's never felt so good before in her life. her once tight dwarven pussy is now permanently lose. a once pristine virgin pussy, now blown out like an arby's sandwich quivers with each thrust. she's going to cum, and so are you.
as she screams in pleasure, her whole body starts shaking from her orgasm, and as you return your gaze into warwick's red teary eyes, you too orgasm. you flood her now blown out pussy with cum, and drop her onto the floor like the flesh light she is. she's on the ground naked, shaking from the most intense orgasm of her life, cum pooling out of her pussy and now with a bastard in her belly. you leave the torture chamber, head home, and begin to prepare for the next day.

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Spiteful twisted PC goblin doesn’t like humour? Good I hope he chokes on his septic bile.
Guy should have said Willow since that’s the one thing the wretch has ever done.

That’s a cracker m80

I’d live in that. I would just refuse to leave.

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Thats a post collection you cum guzzling fagmonster

It's an archived post so the associated ip information was deleted.

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My arse looks like that. Climb in pal

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