Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?


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the cop who rammed the car on the passenger side after the dude was turned into a sprinkler.
just unnecessary

why do american cops unload the whole mag into unarmed suspects?

u mad Hans?

Hold up
Do you know how BLACK this person was going?

This one was a righteous shoot.

nah. just seems like a waste of bullets.

>why do cops unload the whole mag
To make sure the suspect is out of the fight
>unarmed suspects
The cop doesn’t have X-ray vision, he can’t tell if a suspect is unarmed, especially when the suspect ignores verbal command after verbal command to get his hands up/out of his pockets, etc.
>implying a car isn’t an extremely deadly weapon to someone standing in front of it on foot

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Fucking hate cops so much. Pussy starts firing when he sees a car move. These people seriously need mental training they are so fragile and trigger happy.

>waste of bullet
$70 in ammo vs millions in lawsuit and / or years of feeding and housing a criminal, who will just be released to behave like an animal somewhere else.
do the math, hans

Cop did nothing wrong.

Old resolved case
New black mayor.
New black popo chief
You can't work here anymore, whiteboi.

yeah, but you only think that way because you are a primitive retard that can't into civilization.
Cops are inevitable, everyone telling you to hate them is either a retard themselves, or is smarter then you because they want to see you fail for no reason other than your own narcissism

You mean $7.00 in ammo.

The nigger, for existing on the north side of the hemisphere.

Good riddance to trash.

They are untrained like Niggers in the Ghetto,
hard to train people with the Population size of the US and with almost no qualification to join.
they get like a few months training and then get sent into duty.

.45 rounds are 7 to 10 bucks a pop
7 x 13 = 91
its still a bargain

No retard i did ride alongs for 2 years and was a police explorer during high school (it’s not being a cop at all) and I talked to swat guy and crime scene ones. A lot of cops aren’t pussys firing like this and follow the proper training to not end up in these situations. These guys are idiots who do this.

No cop watches this and thinks wow he did a good job.

>be american
>get shot

everytime , everywhere , at any hour , such is the american way of life...

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he kidnapped his girlfriend and was threating people with a gun while refusing to be taken in while behind the wheel of a car. live by the gun, die by the gun.
the cop did his job. but you dont understand that because youre retarded or a primate who cant into civ.

The fancy Hornady polymer tip rounds are $1 per, and police departments don't even use those, most use regular hollow points.
Probably took at most $7 to smoke the niggger

The nigger was in the wrong for refusing to comply and trying to run the cop over.
The cop is laughably incompetent however.

Please, PLEASE tell me this is bait.

Do you think that when people go shoot a couple hundred rounds at targets with their friends they are literally spending thousands upon thousands of dollars?

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>.45 rounds are 7 to 10 bucks a pop

>let's just turn this nigger into a puddle of ugh
left shoulder, right shoulder
and that cop put himself infront of the car

finally some context
different picture now

he's thinking a .45 is almost the same as a .50

Lmao I love police! They kill blacks and are based.

only niggers and retards think with this type of stupidity. kys you fucking retarded nigger

are bullets that expensive ?
is freedom even free ?

>left shoulder right shoulder


But yeah, not sure what he was doing by going in front of a moving car

>The cop doesn’t have X-ray vision, he can’t tell if a suspect is unarmed, especially when the suspect ignores verbal command after verbal command to get his hands up/out of his pockets, etc.
The military has a standard for the use of force of being positive identification of a weapon. Why are soldiers in a war zone held to a higher standard than police in a peaceful nation?

They're trained to do that. If you shoot someone and they have a gun they're going to shoot back. You have to make sure they're down. That's just the nature of a firefight. It isn't like Hollywood where you shoot someone once and they just die or give up.

It might cost $7 per round for cops and military, but I doubt it cost that much for civilian use.

$1.2 per. So even with a 15 round double stack mag, that's only $18 to ventilate a nigger. Good deal if you ask me

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>Implying that nigger containment zones like Baltimore, Detroit, ect. aren't warzones

Roommate is a cop and said, "Dead people can't sue you for injuring them without just cause. If you shoot to maim, it can be argued deadly force was unnecessary, if you shoot to kill, then it's justifiable that you were in fear for your safety or the safety of fellow officers/general public."

>deciding not to step to the side of a rolling car
>instead decide to ride the hood while mag dumping into a car with a passenger with one hand while keeping your other on your radio
>keeps hand on radio when there is already backup there

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>Why unload whole mag?
Because, it's the best way to ensure the suspect dies.
The training is to aim for center mass and keep firing until suspect drops.
If you're going to use deadly force, make sure they're dead.
What's the problem?
Most people are pieces of shit, anyway.

what happens if it turns out the now dead suspect wasnt armed?
(propably not this case tho)

Your thinking of long colt 45 and your still over

>guy gets told 50 times to get out of the car by a policeman
>guy doesn't do it
>start driving at policemen
>somehow dumb niggers think the cop was in the wrong

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Attempting to get into proper position to take a life.

Because our cops are fat and have no marksmanship skills at all.

The cop gets a paid vacation.

Yeah and the cops shoot about as well as niggers do.

Even if the cops for some reason had swapped out this guys gun with a SW.500 as a prank, he would still be paying less than 2 dollars a round. And that’s a boutique caliber.

Any round purchased in bulk by a police department in a standard duty caliber is going to be .50 cents a round max

Vehicle is considered a deadly weapon and cop walks anyway.

Dead people are less of a legal liability than living ones. True story.

What on earth are you talking about


The police officer placing himself in front of the vehicle. See the video at the start of the thread. Police officers know when they are able to use deadly force, and he took his opportunity.

That clarifies things, makes it seem more justified. From the video it looks like a traffic stop and the guy didn't know what he did wrong.

The piece of shit cop, like always
>nig goes 1mph at you
>leap onto the fucking hood and magdump into him
God I fucking hate these dumbass pigs

>implying you wouldn't unload a clip into a nigger if you could legally get away with it

Oh, Germany. In a few years, you'll understand all too well.

>implying a car isn’t an extremely deadly weapon to someone standing in front of it on foot
Deliberately placing oneself in front of a moving vehicle is attempted suicide and does not justify killing the driver. Sorry, pig.

Congratulations, you qualify to be an American police officer! All you must do is pass a high school level exam and go to boys camp for 6 weeks.

the nigger obviously
what's their problem anyway? are they all born criminals or what?

Where the fuck are you buying these in Canada?

I thought shit was cheaper in the US of might A.

>driving at you with a car
>chick said he had a gun

What an odd sequence. The way the cop is on his belly on the hood of the car shooting and reporting shots fired on the police radio. It's like me eating a hot pocket and watching a YouTube video... AT THE SAME TIME. Wew.

>driving at you with a car
Cop deliberately placed himself in front of a moving vehicle. Huge difference.

>chick said he had a gun
Omg! A female said something! Don't verify it or anything, just open fire and kill the bastard.

because they're fucking based
pretty sure the suspect was black

A car is a deadly weapon, driving into someone is legally no different than opening fire. Cop was 100% justified.

>Try to run down a police officer
>Expect not to get free holes


> NO


> drives forward in defiance.


Why are American cops such sissies that can't handle confrontation?

cause fuck niggers thats why

it questionable how much damage shooting through the windshield like that with a (assuming 9mm) pistol
id say the black dude was in the wrong here for not stomping the gas pedal and catching a bullet and the additional charges for something real.


we aren't willing to live in a negrified lawless wasteland

The law seems to disagree with you.

because the military have more powerful and automatic weapons. comparison is moot

I remember this, the groid absolutely absolutely deserved it, the only bad thing that happened was they didn't take down the coal burner with him. she should have been put out of her misery too

>what happens if it turns out the now dead suspect wasnt armed?

>Who was in the wrong?

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Just Googled "Bradley Blackshire" and all the pictures I see, the nigger in is smiling, the cop looks gloom... fucking kikes and their manipulation.

On the other hand, this is a sign why niggers should be sent back to Africa. They go and protest the death of an undesirable individual. No other fucking race does this. If anything the community is happy, nigger... nope these fuckers praise and idolize criminality.

Back to Africa fuckers.

that;s why it's on pootube. useful anti-popo propaganda

The cop was in the right and he was clearly only fired because the city feared that blacks would riot if he wasn't.

>>nig goes at you
>God I fucking hate these dumbass pigs
Nigger, please consider behaving yourself like a person and not an unpredictable animal.

because cops are trained to kill you at the slightest sign of disobedience, this is how the government wants it and why cops are trained in the effective use of violence and are protected from any consequences when they get trigger happy.

>Cop deliberately placed himself in front of a moving vehicle. Huge difference.
And that nigger deliberately placed an angry, assaulted with a dadly weapon, cop with a drawn gun directly in front of himself.

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You can't make this shit up!

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There's multiple reasons.
If you shoot some one you shoot to kill them. Period.
There's also a well known syndrome I can't remember the name of, but basically it's when people who fear for their life start firing a gun they actually can't stop. It's not rare for people to unload a clip, and then squeeze a few more times before they realize they aren't even shooting bullets anymore.
Basically it's a fear response

Dude was 10-7

>And that nigger deliberately placed an angry, assaulted with a dadly weapon, cop with a drawn gun directly in front of himself.

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>be french
>get shot

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the court will find any reason to justify the use of force

>get shot rubber bullets at a protest
>get shot a full clip of live ammo in your lungs during a traffic stop
Learn the difference

French are pussies?

We respect the life of our citizens unlike american degenerates

Cops are like super citizens. They are better people than you or me. That is why the sheriff gave them a badge and deputized them in the name of God and God takes full responsibility for their actions. The people elect the sheriff to keep us safe.

>Cops are like super citizens. They are better people than you or me.
>some low iq idiots with minimal training are better than you or me
The absolute state of bootlickers

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amerimutts should stop lauging at the chinks in webm threads then.

im fine with paying taxes that goes toward cops killing niggers. its better than spending it on the niggers welfare

i rather have sharia police desu

>.45 rounds are 7 to 10 bucks a pop