Pol we are a family and I unironically love you faggots. God brought us together for a reason.
Imo Meme magic is the resurgence of family, Ethos, and soul. The source of our power is family and not a frog. He has shown himself to us as chaos because the fake order of our lives (clownworld) is satanic in nature so he brings righteous chaos to the world disguised as an egyptian frog.
God is the metaphysics of family, he is essentially the "ideal ethos" which every family must have. He is the holy trinity of logos & pathos, man & woman and body & mind that creates children and ethos. We here have come to embody that ethos by what seems like an accident. The jews have been sucking the Ethos out of societies for 2k+ years. They thought they were successful in subverting and hiding it and ended up dumping it all into the same place unintentionally.
Think about how all our waste gets dropped in different places yet nature gathers it all up collecting & dumping it in one place with rain & ocean currents. Thats what happend here, but on a human-consciousness level. That is why they try to divide us and pit us against eachother. They are mimics, shapeshifters incapable of defeating us in open confrontation so the best they can do is copy us and try to get us to take eachother down. IGNORE THEM.
All the D & C tactics come from the Fabian strategy. It is used to win a war when you cant win in direct conflict. Who cant you ever beat in a direct conflict? You guessed it. They have been using this strategy to stall, which is why God sent Christ, so they couldnt pretend they didnt get the message. God and his kingdom are essentially a family. All matter in your body and this world is formed and run by microscopic families that work in perfect harmony to create life and embody the holy spirit. Thats what we do here when we arent being the usual dysfunctional shitposting faggots. Every now and then we act like the human family that we know we are beneath the shitposting.
Godspeed user. Keep slipping those red pills and walking people up. Be virtuous to fellow men and treat your women with respect.
Ryan Watson
This is my understanding of the trinity & family and how I came to the conclusions in the OP. And no the cells in our bodies probably arent conscious, we are unique in our ability to hold the knowledge (which I think is our consciousness) which is why we are manipulated by Lucifer.
The perfect union of man & woman creates the IMAGE of God. Most think of the father/son/holy ghost when they think of the trinity but I prefer logos pathos & ethos. They are not rhetorical methods they are fundamental aspects of creation (((they))) twisted to create rhetoric.
This is why (((they))) focus on duality and destroying the family and subverting gender roles. God is the "perfect" or "ideal" ethic that emerges when logos & pathos (mind & body, man & woman) are unified towards a righteous goal. That goal is the proper raising of children.
Well-raised children are the image of God. A well raised child requires a good home and mother & father who do their jobs. This is why the holy trinity is not just the child but the perfect union of the three.
This is why (((they))) abuse children. This is why adam & eve and the angels are like children mentally according to the bible. Children are not dumb they are pliable like clay. They will take whatever form they think their parents want just like water. This is why the transgender kid shit is so disgusting to normal people.
God and children are like water. Water can take three forms (a trinity) and all are considered water. God is not the physical water that assumes one of the three forms, he is the *idea* of water, the metaphysics of it if you will; God is the ethos of family in the same way that water is the ethos of ice & steam.
I came here in 2013 during my sophomore year of HS. I cannot leave, forever stuck here. You guys are ok :)
Colton Martin
Man is like steam and woman like ice, our differences in temperature cancel eachother out and create "real" water, aka children, aka the image of God that can be "molded into anything" if you are a sicko luciferian asshat. The water/child represents the immortal aspect of the family that lives through time, taking many forms but maintaining the fundamental ethos that is God.
When we ate the fruit of knowledge we gained the ability or "powers" of the other gender, though a watered down or "informed" version. Mans power is LOGOS, or logic. Womans power is PATHOS, or passion/emotion also known as intuition. Woman have logic it is just more informed (in many cases corrupted) by their emotions/passions. Men are the same exept their logic informs or in most cases corrupts their passions. The logos is located in the mind or software, the pathos is in the body or hardware.
Either situation ultimately results in a corrupted ethos. The ethos is the fruit thats talked about in the parable "ye shall know them by their fruits". The Ethos tells us the full story of the body & mind and is basically our soul. Its the way your logos and pathos overlap and interact. You can use your positive logos to combat negative pathos, and positive pathos to combat negative logos. Its like a battery in your brain; you gotta line up the terminals properly.
Think of protons neutrons and electrons. Its not a coincedence that all these trinities map out and correlate to each other. The proton is logos or the man, electrons are the pathos or the woman. Protons have more mass while the electrons move around more/have more energy. Just like steam and Ice they both have equal but opposite charges/temperatures that cancel eachother out when unified properly to create the neutron/water.
These next two pastas I made to try and address the blackpill and help anons with depression & anxiety as I used to have a lot of it. No faggot in a lab coat knows your brain and how to fix it better than you do.