The murder of whales needs to stop

The murder of whales needs to stop.
We can explore the oceans together if we just decipher their sonar language.

Attached: whale.jpg (598x337, 27K)

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brain size is an irrelevant factor in intelligence. aside from microscopic structural differences, just look at the density of wrinkles in the human brain vs the whale brain.
not saying whales shouldnt be protected but this image has no factual basis as an argument for doing so.

Make the human brain 3 times smaller, how smart would the human be now?

Maybe they should learn Japanese and beg the nips to stop? They could keep the oceans if only they could decipher Japanese...

if the neurological density and structure remained consistent with the original brain?
just as smart.

What would happen if you transplant a whale brain in a human body?

Attached: e61.png (680x788, 117K)

Murdering dolphins ain't cool either

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>I can't imagine a world without whales

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Not possible since the brain just lost 3 times it's size and mass.
The human would be dumber than chimps.

You'd get the average Rick and Morty viewer.

there are some kind of cells in brains that seem to determine intelligence and whales have almost as many / as much / more than / as humans i have read somewhere. they can communicate with each other in distances of several hundred kilometers.

>The murder of whales needs to stop.
False, we should also continue to murder elephants.
>Whales are anywhere near as smart as humans.
>We can explore the oceans together if we just decipher their sonar language.

What a waste of good numbers :(


im not sure though. why would whales develop intelligence / language? why do whales need that?

Actually the mutt is right. There are cases of people who lost a large part of their brains and still had the same IQ as before.

For their political discourse of course
>youre a fucking white whale

>size and mass
two different things. density it key here.
this is a correct argument to use. structure, not size.

Calling it a language is like calling birdsong a language. It all contains a bunch of information but it's not something we can relate to easily. The have unique identifying features that can be considered names and the songs change depending on situations suggesting they communicate information about what's going on. Whale schools also suddenly decide to head for a location all at once etc again suggesting they were notified.

It’s not murder, it’s just research. Delicious research.

>ywn cranny-fuck a dolphin-brain
why live, honestly?

>two different things
And it loses both of them when it shrinks to 3x its size.
Give me an animal with a small brain but several times as much density and cells.

Sauropods had TWO brains because of the lag between one end of their bodies and the other
nobody thinks they were geniuses

Attached: Argentinosaurus_BW[1].jpg (1280x533, 130K)

>And it loses both of them
i still dont think you understand the difference. please read about density.

Why would it stay that dense while being smaller?

For those who are curious

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There is literally zero proof of this. Its just an unfounded theory based on the fact it would be impossible for their heart to pump blood to the brain in their skull. There is also a theory that they had more than one heart and had an additional heart in their neck. Also unfounded bullshit not supported by any evidence just some scientists trying to cope with science saying these animals could not exist under our current understanding of physics.

No, they did not.

I'd rather just pussy fuck a dolphin