I am a mutt and I dont know what to do. I want to defend the white race in the upcoming civil war, but I dont know if they will expect me considering im a 56% sack of shit. Am I alone in this world?
Joseph Bailey
Jaxson Moore
just shoot you're high school up
Anthony Moore
I live in a rurel area AKA whitetropolis
Tyler Taylor
Fucking do it, pussy
do it
do it
d o i t
Liam Reed
Just drive 1000km bru
Eli Thompson
I have only one question: Do you believe in the almighty god chick fil a?
Samuel Moore
What are you even?
You look kinda finnish
Logan Foster
>they will expect me
Bentley Morales
you will get the rope too
Gabriel Torres
you can fight on the white side of the race war, but you get hanged afterwards. This is just what is best for the world, and you know it