And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

Post memes

Attached: Weimar.png (822x617, 442K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: la creatura.webm (640x640, 3M)

me on the left.

Attached: Satan.jpg (1088x1080, 197K)

Toronto spotted

Canuckistan is lost

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Attached: Authority.jpg (838x735, 125K)

Attached: Barbarians.jpg (839x750, 112K)

Attached: Genocide.jpg (701x862, 109K)

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Shut up jack, fucking faggot.

When will these retards realize that skin color has little to do with racism.

Attached: Transvaluation.jpg (480x600, 76K)

If they accepted that races have different qualities other than skin-tone, such as time preference, criminality, and other genetic traits, then they would have to admit to themselves that mixing races lower the quality of the genetic offspring for the white partner.

This is why they push the 'only skin color' meme.

Attached: 6shdfh.jpg (265x260, 57K)

I like this meme a lot

>when you don't even attempt to uphold the masquerade any longer
Ffs the ventrue need to get their game back on.

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You don't even have to accept that there are large genetic differences in race for that. All you have to do is understand that because certain groups of people act differently, eventually there is going to be some form of prejudice or racism against them. The solution with blacks committing crime should be to give them good fathers and schools and not just blame the white man for all their damn problems.

The ruling class doesn't give a fuck.

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Attached: houou.png (1279x721, 817K)

Masquerade breach!

You can tell me that ain't a Slaaneshi daemon, but I ain't believing you.

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Hitler wasn't voted into power tho.

That's nothing. Get on my level!

Attached: one day 9.jpg (500x604, 58K)

has anyone started making 2" stickers of this yet? we need to start posting them on advertisements irl

Let me guess, did you learn that in holocaust class?

Attached: one day 11.jpg (738x701, 91K)

>I don't like ppl therefore there we must genocide

Whats life like as a Jow Forumstard. A shut-in who hates degeneracy who and who uses an anime imageboard to spread ethnonationalism.

You can use MS Paint to create the images with the text yourself. Stop being lazy.

Attached: 1542760934840.jpg (689x758, 101K)

Give me one reason why the white race shouldn't be eradicated.

>The solution with blacks committing crime should be to give them good fathers and schools

How does this fix their genes exactly? Muh single mother, muh bad schools doesn't actually mean anything if you have an IQ of 80 in a western country.

Humankind will never reach the stars and thus become extinct by the heat from the sundeath.

Attached: Nordic IQ and Superiority.jpg (720x443, 115K)

Abo drunks an a trannie
>truly Weimar

Was just about to post this one

nice try kike

Blacks used to be better off in America before the civil rights movement. They actually had families. And that was an argument which considers there to be no large genetic differences in races, which is what leftists think despite believing in evolution.

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>iq, genes

These are just shit you bring up to justify to genocide other ppl m8, no other reason. You actually don't want to better society. You are looking for reasons to kill other people and treat them as subhuman.

What the fuck? Context on that picture?

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>honest, naive and well intentioned but smart, industrious and entreprenual
No, at this point I agree. The way the west has capitulated to this blatant extermination is just pathetic. It's just not really fair to see whitey go down without a fight.
Hopefully after the upoming dark ages the shitskins will be able to pick up where whitey went down. After a long enough time even niggers will be able to produce a comparable ethnicity in terms of IQ. The white "master race" isn't necessarily absolute for all of this planet's history.

Attached: one day 5.jpg (3447x955, 413K)

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Attached: jew shit 43.webm (640x360, 2.13M)

>in the house, in a heartbeat. Starts playing

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This is the number one reason I keep a gun in my car.

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I want to kill all of them with fire.

> Context on that picture?


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Attached: UltimateDegeneracy.webm (320x180, 2.13M)

related thread


Civilization would crumble

Are these real police officers?

Out of all these images this is the only one that's made me physically queasy. I've been desensitized to all the drag queen readings, mass Muslim attacks and rapes, and so forth after knowing for years.

Somehow this image broke through and made me want to puke.

Fuck. Am I dreaming? This is REAL LIFE



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Meh, technological progress is artificially held back anyway to maximize profits and ensure the market balance of the current power players. Also to not give too powerful tools into the hands of the goyim that they could use to BTFO military networks and thus endanger the status of the military superpowers.
Humanity deserves to go down for this atrocity alone. Both the governments and the market players have committed sins of such magnitude against all of us to maintain their positions that they all deserve to go down. If it takes the entirety of humanity to also go down with them, I'd be more than fine with that as long as I get to spit on their graves.
These pieces of shits will drag all of us down with them if an actual, global scale pushback were to show up against all of the world's superpowers. They'd rather nukes every corner of this shithole than to not be in charge.
Fuck this entire shitshow!

Attached: 1361827512448.jpg (800x604, 81K)

What's this picture from lmfao?

Try the URL in their banner maybe?

Huh, maybe that's a good thing

im white

Dio mios... La abominĂ£cio de Los estados unidos

There's is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Fuck off

Type them out though, the context of a chan post will just alienate normies

I appreciate this webm

can we get stickers that say that

Pic is Fakenews

Sexually explicit imagery in public needs to be destroyed period.

Attached: Who?.gif (415x413, 63K)

So... South Americans with better makeup?

That periodic table is brilliant.

Albrecht, fetch me my silver dagger and call the priest.

I don't get this one

This one is fake.

Attached: 5B733748-7323-4972-8E2D-575CAC6088BD.jpg (1443x2143, 272K)

it would take so long that there would just be new branches of humans by that time

Sorry faggot. There is right, and there is wrong. Human laws are flawed and arbitrary. Ill continue to live as i deem correct. Get in my way and you forfeit your sorry excuse of a life

Yeah, they might be cockroach people at that point. It might take millions of years too, but in theory it's not impossible for something better than us to emerge eventually.

In all honesty is this a demon

The thing is that those guys are probably LARPing and are far smarter for having convinced that man that they are genuine.

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Absolutely. You can hear them laughing at that stupid tranny.

It isn't 88 and 84 are wrong and there may be more

I created this meme. If you faggots post sticks IRL I can die a happy man. Also, the greentext macro is Irish but a Irish burger (me) created the pairing of clownworld + text.

Attached: 1369DA56-BD02-4E32-B0DF-094D280DA289.jpg (765x960, 128K)