The hypocrisy is strong with this one

The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

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>be liberal
>guns - ban it
>religion - ban it
>freedom of speech - ban it
>drugs - look, banning things never works. people will find ways to get them

That's not the point. It has to do with the basic morality which precludes life on earth as an animal and which affords human society the best ouctcome
Birth control - ban it because it disincentivizes good decision making and family building, which are historically the foundation of all good functioning liberal societies

Abortion - ban it because it encourages short-term thinking, unproductive and destructive hypergamy, and the obvious murder of unborn human children just so people can have sex for fun

Gay marriage - ban it for the above reasons once again..

Guns - dont ban because they protect these very same families from people who wish to do them harm, and protect individuals from stronger individuals who act unfairly

Are those things in the Constitution?

>mentally ill
>God-given right

Gay marriage = forcing others to recognise gay "marriage" as marriage

Also bans more or less work - look at the UK, it just doesn't produce the desired result

owning guns is not a repugnant lifestyle. if you believe it is then why live in a country that only exists because private citizens had access to their own firearms?

Government telling me what I am allowed to do? BAN IT!

You're wasting your breath, because they are crazy.

Every post below this one is completely irrelevant.

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