Is there no way of fixing them? Is there no way for them to stop acting like animals? Its really amazing how
under-developed niggers are compared to other races.
Comfy discussion about niggers
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This is getting pathetic please stop.
>"It's more complicated than that."
What the fuck is with this NPC line?
no, there's no fixing them other than removing niggers.
Stop with the facts? No thanks.
I know right? These crimes by those chimps have got to stop.
The only way to fix them is to ship them off to an island with knowledge of fire and working stone, wait until they progress to the point where they create their own Magna Carta.
Then we can try doing this all again. Shortcuts don't work with niggers.
The only consolation to this is that they overwhelmingly target their violence and criminal misdeeds on their own kind
No. I work 6 years with nigger tier humans. We are good colleagues but we will never be friends, we got different standards. As soon as I open myself a bit and try to get a bit more personal friendly relation I got painfully reminded that they are not on my level. Good man overall but different moral standards and iq. Better to build a wall.
Diamonds only have value because people assign value to them.
Nice try, (((((memeflag)))))
Does anything?
2% were black men between 18-30 if you go by age and gender statistics.
Indeed. Why there are blacks when they do most crimes?
Honestly, muzzies are the worst.
I think that is quite impossible. There has to be a way to make them human given that we are past the ethnic-cleansing mentality.
I mean in a realistic way. There are billions of niggers and they are the fastest growing race in the world. There has to be a way to fix them before they out-breed the rest of the humans
IQ isn't everything. I have nigger friends who are incredibly based and redpilled about niggers in general and do seem to understand it. I think that niggers can be easily redpilled and evolved with subtle messages over long periods.
Why do you hate yourself, Pierre?
The problem will eventually solve itself.
any source on that statistic?
No fixing it.
Too many white people are telling them that they don’t need to change.
That they are not responsible for their actions.
>Is there no way of fixing them? Is there no way for them to stop acting like animals?
this. Jow Forums only uses stats to back up racism. without actually analyzing the stats.
and "gun crime" is a very vague definition. "oh you have a gun in your car?" well thats a crime, is it? the court says no, but you were charged anyway, so gun crime.
homicide is less than 3% of all violent crime, 5% are females, 3% are males, only roughly .5% of the 8% blacks in wisconsin are commiting homicide.
so effectively .5% of black are commiting roughly 2% of all violent crimes.
none of these stats consider the 3rd world immigrants they let in to Wisconsin, they just call them "blacks".