>self-proclaimed male feminist is later revealed to be a creepy piece of shit
Why does this keep happening?
What's the explanation behind this phenomenon?
Self-proclaimed male feminist is later revealed to be a creepy piece of shit
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a lot of lesbian friends. I am seen as very pro-lgbt. My roomates are all lesbians.
I do this because it provides me access to basically an unlimited supply of vaginas that haven't been used by other men. Lesbians are all bysexual when they've had enough whiskey, or are sad.
Find your niche, bros. Beavers build damns, I slay lesbians.
"I'm a nice guy"
A story as old as time.
desu I've thought about becoming full blown sjw retarded faggot just because it seems to get you places nowadays
I want to do this, but less degenerate. Just find some """lesbian""" who wants to marry, give her the BWC.
Tomboy virgins that don't get on your nerves > blown out entitled whores with niglets.
Tomboys are a gift from god, a shame theyre deluded into thinking theyre leabians or trans.
There's nothing wrong with lying to leftists if it's in your own interest. Just consider it 'Pepe Taqiya.'
That sounds like Mexican cactus booze.
>similar situation but instead of the whiskey/sadness I just tell them I identify as nonbinary
>it works because im androgynous and liberal college chicks will literally suck feminine penis for diversity points
As a bonus they all have pixie tomboy cuts. I love living in a college town.
>Pepe Taqiya
I like that. Add it to the Canon.
holy shit, his face...
Surprise, surprise it's a Jew again
And boomers say they aren't a problem.
>lying to leftists if it's in your own interest
>becoming full blown sjw retarded faggot just because it seems to get you places nowadays
do you think half of them are really just an act?
As I said to somebody else earlier. I saw CP son Jow Forums for the first time, my blood thirst for pedophiles has gone up even more. Someone kill this guy if true.
*on Jow Forums.
I am vindicated
Granted Pro Jared looks creepy, but I wouldn't trust a women in the current year.
>wife accuses of abusive behavior
>wife makes accusation of child porn
This is a tale add old as feminism.
If you believe this, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in purchasing
>believing women
Bro she's just eyeing to steal his NES collection
Not because she wants it or will play the games, it will make her happy to know he's miserable.
marry one of them and make a good women out of her user, redeem yourself.
>make a good women
> redeem yourself
You can't turn a pile of shit into gold
My redemption is not based on saving the damned
Sounds a lot like when outspoken homophobes constantly get outed as being gay. But you bring that up on Jow Forums and you just get the stupid "sex with spiders" defense
soliciting lewds from minors? cya in 2029 Jared.
i think its about time you left boomer christkike.
because the whole "you don't like x cause you want to fuck it" is such grade school freudian bullshit.
Yea yea... great minds brother.
What an unhealthy looking man
and that grade school freudian bullshit sounds just like an applied version of "if he acts like a feminist he must be a creepy sex guy"
Like I said, apparently one is ok, and the other is stupid bullshit even though there are tons of cases of homophobes tapping their feet in stalls
He's a targeted individual and being gang stalked.
that should be posted as a warning sign in all schools/youtube adverts.
>there are tons of cases of homophobes tapping their feet in stalls
theres really not. literally every male "ally" is doing it for pussy, however.
Because even 60 IQ retards aren't dumb enough to actually think women are equal. So obviously any male claiming to be a feminist is a politician lying to get votes or a sexual predator who thinks lying about this will get him laid. Or both.
Male feminists are betas that try to score pussy by becoming women’s footstools.
Why do that have such an "uncanny valley" look about them?
inbreeding. basically shouting DONT BREED WITH ME
Is he a Jew?
I googled Knabenbsuer name origins and all I could find is that it’s a rare Bavarian name.
Filthy bedroom, filthy mind = classic projection.
Lol. Those two are nothing alike. Can you genuinely not read?
Feminists are nice guys who think that being nice to women and indirect about their desires is a risk-free path to getting laid. Basically white knights. They do lowkey creepy shit on the side because of their sexual frustration.
he’s jewish
this is kino.
I see you are men of culture as well.
A man who owns up to being a pig is harmless, its the ones who don't (preachers, feminist men, etc..) who are dangerous to women and kids. Its the complete opposite of what (((they))) tell everyone.
based and chadpilled
>soliciting lewds from minors
AND sending lewd pics (his circumcised kike dick) to minors.
All "male feminists" are creepy pieces of shit.
Make that ALL feminists.
>Why does this keep happening?
Fuck of I know but it's a common occurrence. Here's another example.
Every fucking time.
This is the correct answer.
A combination of reasons.
1)Loneliness and want to be accepted selling part of their will willingly.
2)Conquered people either run,fight or join an opposing group to not be attacked
3)The need to be seen as good despite the constant changing landscape set by the laws of insane dykes
4)to not be seen as a threat geting women with lowered guards by association
5)The more devote to morals the higher the risk of taboo becoming fetishes.
All meaningless as women subconsciously know their game but lie to themselves when weak men use female manipulation tactics.
the real reason hes like that is because hes a jew. all jews are pedos
Cool story, bro.
Fuck off, Achmed.
Make that ALL males
Fucking LARP ass nigga
>beleiving an sjw woman ever
>Beavers build damns, I slay lesbians.
this should be a regular thing. we need to lie and deceive to infiltrate the progressives.
make it so.
I think it's psychologically quite simple. Feminism believes in a very bad male stereotype, where masculinity revolves around aggression, rape, sociopathy and similar. I supposed that this mostly resonates with males that have strong tendencies on those deviant behaviors. For most men this sounds completely ridiculous, but for those sick bastards this sounds about right and they understand and see the need to stop this masculine madness. They conclude from their internal state, that other males have to be similar to them. Otherwise they would need to accept, that they are the ones who are truly evil.
I guess this even explains all the beta cuck orbiters around feminists. It's not only that they try to take advantage of those stupid cunts. Because they basically have been incels for all their life, they grew pretty bitter and resentful internally. This corrupted them completely and made the worst kind of people out of them.
the problem is that people have come forth.. BEFORE this event, and Jared had a nude pics tumblr.
post the projared nudessssss
i wanna laff at his weener h-heh
mental illness
its slightly above average with a fairly large "head", nothing really much to mock him for, beyond the fact he showed it to everyone.
>its slightly above average
i hope youre joking. the state of "men" in 2019 if so
Take a picture of their clam penis for me.
Why, for making nintendo videos?
I mean... its clearly more than 5.5, I'd say its an easy 6.5 to 6.7.
there's alot to make fun of here, but the factual length of his penis isn't really a debate.
quads recognized
it's a basic cover story. be a piece of shit but virtue signal on the surface so no one thinks anything about you
his hooknose knows
Metekor is saying he has a micro peen but I think I saw his nudes in another thread and if it was him it seemed fine. Do I have a tiny dick gang?
when will they fucking learn?
Jim stream
jim just said that jared threads are getting terminated on /v/
oh shit lmao
They are angler fish, obviously. No better way to maximize your female audience then by publicly flagging yourself as a feminist.
They've been banned from /v/ all day. Where have you fucking been?
lol sending it to /b/. mods are dumb as usual and just need to make a rolling sticky for a day
i was having a life and now i'm picking the shit up,the mods made up a fucking new rule to control this shit is because jared sucked major dick
Are you the blond guy with long hair who posted his pic recently?
>What's the explanation
I'm sure it's the white mans fault somehow.
absolute mad lad
>have the exact eyes where it says "dont walk, run away!" in the chart
>am really just tired a lot
>Pepe Taqiya
Genius, fund it!
How does his face not forecast his character instantly to his followers?
All feminists are overcompensating for everything
>They say "gender equality" when its sexism
>They say "fat women are sexy" they are trying to get the D
>They say "Stop rape" when they have rape fantasies
They are trying to reverse logic you wanna know why? because they're a bunch of fucking losers but they're trying to be a bunch of winners
They think their feminism earns them pussy and a free pass on the rules they want to impose on real men.
Surprised no one posted his creepy penis pictures.
My favorite is the shining parody.