pol needs to wake the fuck up and see they have been conditioned to turn into White trash "MUH WHITE IDENTITY" faggots who are total dirtbags.
This study archive.is/gfN87 basically confirms that white America is slowly shifting into a more "racial" mindset, and thus is creating the fuel for potentially divisive and destructive white identity Jow Forumsitics. WHICH IS NOT GOOD, SINCE IT COULD START A FUCKING CIVIL WAR!
Does anyone else realize this is bad?? I see lots of people in my life who were formerly centrist complaining about being White or saying people are being "unfair to them because they're White". How can we stop this slide into outright White identity extremism?
It starts out with "hurr durr it's OK to be White" to "it's Good to be White" and then the clock starts spinning back to the 1950s when racism was just normal BEFORE Civil Rights fixed America. What the FUCK are White people thinking? We can't just let this happen
We all have the ability to prevent a future coming calamity that is being caused by 1. Balkanization of Races into Fighting Factions 2. Globalism and less rights of nations 3. Tribal conflict
Where you the one who made that retarded Morpheus thread or do you two just shill together, whatever the case shut up sister fucker, go cry to your Rabbi.
Jonathan Allen
I am his ally against u idiots
He is too racist but he fights full fashist piggies like u.
Jewish identitarian extremism starts with thinking it’s ok to be Jewish so we must never let it even go that far
Xavier Gonzalez
The founding fathers foresaw racial diversity as the catalyst of the union's death at large, the fall of the union will signify instantaneous chaos world wide as the number 2s and number 3s scramble to wrest the mantle of most powerful nation on earth for themselves. Our final nail in the coffin was hammered in 1865. All thats left is the crying, brother. When the gnashing of teeth and people of the world's blood is finished crying out to the heavens, we fight, and we rebuild.
You can't even own up to being a sister fucker, you will accomplish nothing and will waste your life.
Easton Cruz
I'm against that too
but there is a bigger issue first: WHITE SUPREMACY IS A BIGGER THREAT
grow up nazis
not all jews are supremacist zio fuxx
my great grtandpa was a jew
suck my dick
Thomas Ortiz
i'm proud of my past, liar
i did some shit
cry about it baby boiiiii
Eli Sanders
I believe you are happy about touching your sister since it's probably the only sex you ever got. Now keep wasting your time, you at least make everyone laugh at you.
Even white trashbis better than thw most "educted" spic
Brayden White
f ur ass tr0ll
Brody Cook
White identity agglomerates white people of various kinds as different ethnicities and ideologies. It should create a new term for an ethnic-political thing, white is degenerate and universalistic.
I have seen a white sjw describe himself as white, the white identity is universalistic and this sjw would have the voice of reason in saying by the White race. And that is the term's fault, white is very vague.
Jacob Evans
wh1T3n355 = p0is0n
Dylan Rogers
Look at all these fucking meme flags. OP must have hit a nerve.
Just stopped in to let these memeflags know their field is gonna yield some bumper crop. It grows in the option fields
Grayson Clark
read FM 6-2003 faggot
Caleb Lewis
Today on the TV a kiwi TV host interviewed some Americans, asking them what a homosapian was, because the black women said she didn't know what a homosapian was while the white women pretended to know, but didn't, the TV host said it was white privilage and blah blah blah.
Yeah, no one's shoving this white privilege nonsense in our faces 24/7. The backlash is totally out of the blue.
Really nigga? You just going to throw all of these hard-working snowniggas under the bus for some Jewbux? What happens when the niggers take over and then they throw a chimpout? Will you throw them into the FEMA death camp to starve to death, or will you actually be "open, tolerant, non-discriminatory and rational" in the situation?
What if a nigger burns your house down after you fired him for stealing some money at your Jewish bank? Will you be 'anti-white, pro-feminist, communist' then? I ask again, with great pains in my heart; "Really, nigga?". Press the 'bruh' button and cue sound effect. You cannot be serious. What happened to 'muh equality'? At least under King Nigger, there wasn't anti-white racism in this wonderful land. What the fuck happened? Seems like after 2014, everything went crazy!
I really love your threads. I know you're just shitposting but I'd love to hear your "argument" of why white identity, which just mean European identity is more dangerous than Islam, Zionism, and Marxism?
>White Identity Is Rising in America: How Can We Stop It? The article makes it pretty clear, stop the mass importation of central america.
Isaac Robinson
>Does anyone else realize this is bad??
The reason it's happening is because leftists have weaponized minorities into a big tent against normal non-activist whites. Why isn't your primary concern the fact that they are literally turning our ethnic group into a fucking punching bag? Because nearly everyone who is being radicalized right now, truthfully, is being radicalized by the rhetoric of the left going "Hey gays, women, blacks and browns, whitey is the enemy so lets outbreed and outvote them so we can get revenge for the things their ancestors did!"
Brayden Clark
Ban the Democratic Party from running for three election cycles and white identity politics will pretty much cease to be, they're entirely reactionary so just cut off the irritant and the problem will go away.
Pretty much this. White identity politics are only developing as a defense mechanism against what the left is currently doing, turning us into the boogeyman.
everything on Jow Forums is satire faggot. only retards are actual white nationalists.
Everything said on Jow Forums is for the sole purpose of trolling butthurt leftists into oblivion because their sensitivity is set to infinity and it is fun watching them squirm.
You are the idiot for taking the bait faggot
shill harder
Wyatt Ortiz
Your right wing will throw you under the bus even faster so they can continue with their lame ass propaganda about being the real progressives
John Gomez
You're the one saying that white identity is so ebul and terrible, ever wonder what exactly is making it grow? White people who are just normal people living their lives like anyone else being told that no matter what they do, if they don't get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness, they're nazis.
If there's no way *not* to be a nazi, then where's the penalty for actually *being* one?
Logan Morris
>t. Virgin coward
Jacob Roberts
>everything on Jow Forums is satire faggot. only retards are actual white nationalists liar liar fukking liar
The far right would pretty much evaporate if something resembling sanity came back to western society, you know, the same way they pretty much didn't exist or have any measure of real influence up until a few into Obamas second term when the identity politics of the left hit 4th gear?
Reactionaries to the world around them, completely natural. The response, however, is a bit strange, like trying to reason with starving predators by telling them they don’t need to eat. No one here wants to fix anything they just want to feed.
Guys check out this retard kiddie that can't even spell.
Michael Thompson
>WW3 is currently being engineered by globalists Literally why though? Neo-liberals are in control of all of the levers of power from the USA to the EU to organizations like the UN and IMF. Explain to me why the people the are currently in control of the world's finances want WW3 and the destruction of the global economy they profit off of?
Don’t worry, you’ll get the war you wanted. If you hate whites/conservatives or whatever then get ready and get on your team faggot. You honestly sound like a little bitch, do you need gibs? Are you oppressed? Point on the non binary gender neutered doll where your fee fees got hurt.
>WHITENESS IS BRAIN DAMAGE! Well now I'm convinced to not be racist. Good job. Come to think of it, it was people like yourself that sort of convinced me to be racist in the first place. Wasn't raised that way. > White Identity Is Rising in America And just who's fault is that? > It starts out with "hurr durr it's OK to be White" to "it's Good to be White"