Ted Cruz
Mitch McConnell
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Ilhan Omar
John Bolton
Elizabeth Warren
Cory Booker
Kamala Harris
Worst politicians in your government
Cory Booger is one of the very worst.
adam schiff
eric swalwell
kamala harris
john bolton
richard blumenthal
alexandria ocasio cortez
elizabeth warren
bernie sanders
david axelrod
chuck schumer
i could go forever, especially if we want to include people like kushner and hillary who are not technically politicians. i only stopped because i realized i'd hit the limit
mitch mconnall is a genious and true patriot. He has given us 2 supreme court justices, countless circuit court judges. he has kept fire arm bans and gay shit out of the senate for the past 14 years. anybody whom talk shit about yertle is a communist and a traitor.
i forgot to include that weird looking negro who almost looks native american and was big on the impeachment bullshit a year ago
not maxine waters. it was a fella
No niggers should hold office. They are stupid, impulsive and violent. All the do is work to squeeze the taxpayer and govern corruptly.
Let's approach this from the other direction. Which politicians aren't compete trash?
>Rand Paul
add donald drumf to the list dipfuck inbred alt righter
>stephen miller
>el rato
>chris kobach
>mike pence
>tom cotton
No way, Netanyahu is your worst politician