Is this a happening?

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if you have to ask, its not

Of course it is. Looks like the FBI's been caught lying AGAIN to perpetrate their unlawful, treasonous coup against the US and all its citizens.

glowniggers btfo

Brennan, Comey, and Clapper are going to jail.

the FBI is finished. it's over.

does anyone seriously still care about this shit? it's very obvious nothing is going to happen

everyone knows this is what happened

No the media will downplay not report it and we'll forget about it. Just like Uranium 1

9/11 was White Hat, though. Do not look into that coup. It was not a coup.

lmao holy fuck that whole fucking circle needs to be thrown in prison right fucking now

i wana see king nigger hang for high treason

>still believing anything the FBI says
>still funding their garbage salaries
>still allowing them to own weapons stockpiles and arrest people

The US Government is an illegitimate criminal enterprise.

You're just precious.

Not really since we knew this. It's like Iraq WMD, "we just got bad Intel" excuse was never believable to begin with but nobody is brave enough to call them on it since it would destroy the institutions.

nope. trumps pee pee tape and rusian collusion is coming out very soon. impeached by end of the year

>are going to jail.
That's a funny way to say they are getting a raise and more of your money. I suppose the current figure is $45k to house an inmate for a year but instead of going to jail I guess they will get that per month for the rest of their life. Hopefully more.

Trump has been President for 2.5 years now... NOTHING has happened.

- FISA records never released yet
- Comey never arrested for leaking classified documents
- Hillary never arrested for ordering destruction of phones and e-mails
- Brennan was on MSNBC just weeks ago lying through his teeth, nothing happened to him
- Strzok and girlfriend Lisa Page spent their entire work days just tweeting nonsense and illegal schemes to each other, neither arrested
- Rosenstein and Comey were signing fake FISA applications full of false information, neither arrested

Nothing will ever happen, Trump doesn't have the backbone to stand up for himself, that is why even his former lawyer Cohen turned on him, Cohen wasn't a bit scared of him, everybody in Washington has turned Trump into a giant punching bag, even Romney spits in his face daily, because they all know that at the end of the day, Trump has ZERO control in Washington, zero control over the Justice Department.

also, I am not advocating for Lisa Page to be arrested, she is kinda hot when all of her makeup is done, we can go easy on her

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>Brennan, Comey, and Clapper are going to jail.
Understatement of the century. They will be charged, arrested, tried in a court of law, found guilty of treason, sentenced to death.

Comey is Evangelical, why does he know about Amos? That's one of the books the Protestants threw out! Then again he does go to church four times a week because of his guilty conscience. Everyone needs to thank Bill Priestap for playing ball with the DOJ! Does it make sense to anyone that Rosenrat wore a wire on McCabe for that 25th Amendment plot instead of wearing a wire on Trump?

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Everything’s a happening and then nothing happens. If you think one of these fucks will ever see a cell boy are you ever fucking delusional.

I thought it was a heist.

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Imagine when Trump wins in 2020 and he doesn't have to play politics anymore. That's what I hope for, but Trump is probably a good goy and nothing will happen.

Depends on if Barr does something about it or not.


What kind of Autism is this and what are you trying to prove? More /x/ hologram shit? I agree with that theory 110%, all you have to do is talk to a Boeing engineer and ask them if you can fly an airliner 480-530 MPH at 1000' above sea level

Yes very much and will continue to until justice is had.

He needs to use the FISA DECLASS to boot Roberts. He can get him before RBG over the FISA court abuse!

So drain the swamp?

It's all tiresome. Nothing will happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen. Nothing. Will. Ever. Happen.
Trust the plan.

Nothing will ever happen.

LOL I just find this picture on Google and wanted to spread it.

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do you think its a bad idea to pursue a career in the fbi when they are probably all going to be hung in public for treason soon?

Good also. Also John Kerry not being idicted for violation of Logan Act.

Fuck Trump. He's derelict in his duty as C&C. Billowing bag of hot hair. I couldn't care less if he was impeached or ruined.

there is nothing "white hat" about "collateral damage".


This, he's a grade A cuck.

Am I the only one who remembers the dossier was made up by a channer?

Or am I being mandela'd

Democrats and media are desperately trying to shift the narrative to “constitutional crisis”, “executive privilege abuse”, “tax returns”. Trump needs to strike while the iron is still hot. Declassify, expose, show the public why they need to hang by nooses for what they have put the nation through. And this includes a number of co-conspirators at the NYT and Bezos Press.

Capitalism is organized crime against humanity at this stage of usury development. abuse of power used to end in revolt. nukes kind of dampened that revolutionary spirit while the elites use child sex rituals to wage wars among the families that built this nation.

Commander and Chief.

You forgot about the erosion of your rights and freedoms and the billions of aide to Israel

Amos is definitely a book that seems to have been sealed of in Sunday school sermons and reserved for only the higher authorities to wield power over us

Steele needs to be extradited and sentenced with the others.
I’m really not liking the Brits much at the moment.

>That's one of the books the Protestants threw out!

Huh? its in the king james

They're going to shift the blame onto Steele. He's going to be the fall guy and they're never going to go after Clinton and Obama.

It was a heist.

Oceans 11 style where they robbed the gold vault in the basement and buried it among bodies and rubble so that nobody said anything when the smoke and mirrors was all cleared up

We've known for years now that all the alphabet agencies we're corrupt as fuck and had it out for Trump. Unfortunately nothing will ever be done about it and the slimy fucks will escape justice.

Just as long as everyone forgets that Hillary literally had SAP on her sever that she was selling to foreign adversaries.

This is THE happening.
The mother of all happenings
When the public learns and understands, they will be hanging by nooses.
Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Clinton, Rice, Steele
Only Obama will get a courteously pass for FBP reasons.

Yeah I know about the gold, but what is the meme exactly showing here? I'm a little dense right now

Steele deserves much blame
Steele also has much to say
That $50 million the Dem donors sent to Steele to continue his investigation? Bullcrap. That was hush money.

and you are a cock sucking faggot. kys.

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Does this mean The Donald doesn't have a pee pee fetish? What am I supposed to fap to now?

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Someone did and sent it to Rick Wilson who sent it too McCain.

The bottom left corner, the post with the kraut. That encapsulates how a big part of the Steele Dossier was created. Just let that sink in for a moment.

Everybody, go to the Hill and read carefully John Solomon’s latest article. It is all coming together. And everyone knew he was peddling garbage, for Clinton. To think the nation has been in turmoil for two years over this obvious bullshit. To think they literally tried to bring down the Presidency over this crap, and are still trying. Makes one’s blood boil.

Yeah I remember a twitter screenshot of it being DM'd to someone (for some reason I think it was this guy: but maybe just because he's bald like Rick.

Right about now I bet they’re wishing they would have Dealey Plaza’ed his ass instead of going with this elaborate shit-show that collapsed on them.

Solomon and Dan Bongino are on top of it.

>Am I the only one who remembers

Unfortunately, seditious conspiracy doesn't come with a death penalty, and charges of treason would typically require coordination with a country we're at war with.

R u a vagina person or a backhole boi?
So confuse...

I don't remember the details, but I have a vague notion that he was involved somehow.
I didn't follow that happening very closely as it was happening, maybe another user remembers the specifics.

Kinda. But the reason there is a VNE is that the machine will exceed it if you make it do so. Result might not be “good” but depends on what result you want.....

Kerry seems to have an odd penchant for negotiating with the enemies of America. And not negotiating in our favor...

Clearly pol no longer cares. Just kids shitposting kid shit.

It's an important small link in the happening chain. We always knew the dossier was fake, but it's important that they can prove that. Notice a new shill narrative recently has been "Okay they did it but they weren't spying, they were investigating because they had legitimate suspicions." Our guys have to be able to show the suspicions were faked to excuse the spying they were already doing.

You forgot your moniker

Nothing will happen.
There will be no punishments

>nancy pelosi gets caught red handed leaking material
>cory booker gets caught red handed leaking material
>fisa abuses unpunished
>falsifying 302's unpunished
>DoJ offering FBI clandestine support to operate in other countries in exchange for getting rid of evidence of Hillary's emails, nothing happened

Nothing is ever going to happen retards.

bumping for justice


rural and suburban retards amirite?


go on

ahem. ex shill here. right before I left I remember the plan was to always demoralize withthe claim that NOTHING will happen, and always downplay anything that did happen
obviously after someone gets fired
>well they didnt go to jail so nothing will happen
and if someone does go to jail
>well they werent that important its nothing
>1 post buy this id

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Everyone is becoming aware of the corruption within the democratic party and to some extent the FBI. Will there be treason, espionage charges? Possibly. Will this trickle down and affect their ability to properly conduct impartial investigations? Absolutely. The problem with jews and corrupt government is they always protect their own. Which is great for them and works for a while. But once a group like whites see they are operating in bad faith, there isn't any trust given to them in the future.

The democrat shills in the comment section of this article are fucking hilarious

>never released yet

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Wilson's son had piss pimp fantasies on the net though.

Fuck the spooks in the FBI and the demonicRats. These people care nothing for America or the citizens they are paid to represent. They have made it clear if we do not elect their friends, then they do not want our votes to count. These niggers need to die!

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wish they were going to the gallows

Fbi literally domestic terrorists. We should deport them and their families. Couping white people and using minorities aka niggers spics and kikes to overthrow white people is basically the reason I practice at the gun range.

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Not happening
Ask yourself, why are the Dem holding Barr in contempt (over literally nothing) and yet not having him arrested?
Because they're sending a message
That message being "If you arrest our guys we're arresting your guys"
The IG report that is going to drop soon will be extremely damaging for the intel community and dems

this is probably the fact that CIA (brennan) had the steele info (not the dossier per se). CIA does not have investigation powers. they ran the info to fbi and state and msm to make it appear that the steele info was coming from different sources. then when the steele dossier came out the fbi used it as confirmation to get fisa. the thing is all the info came from the same source. this means that the mosiac of intel was a huge lie and the fbi knew.

Let the hate grow in you. Soon you'll be in an atom waffen Fbi brigade being entrapped for saying you wanna deport them all with your sig saur. Kill them all user. Right Canadian intelligence?

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Now the true enemy of the people are exposed for what they are. A domestic terrorist organization hell bent on killing entrapping and replacing whites. Fbi should be forcibly deported from our country after we strip them and their families of citizenship. They can go live with their precious refugees. Tell them to beg for remmitance money from their colluding cartels that their allied with.

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my lack of digits say they're not going to prison.

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The FBI, Obama DoJ, CIA... all so fucked. Nobody on the right should trust them again unless there's a serious fucking enema.