Why does every black perp talk?

Shut the fuck up and get a lawyer. You think you're smart, but you're just a dumb street hood. You're going to jail EVERY SINGLE TIME.

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it's almost like dumb apes are too dumb to know how dumb they are

the best answer is I Don't Know.

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Hood boogers don't know when to shut it up.
>t. American burger

many cant afford a good lawyer, and dont kow the law, so cops put pressure on them

one of many reasons how education and socioeconomic status warps crime stats

Blacks come from a race that doesnt believe in evidence they literally used to(and in rural african still do) kill niggers accused of crimes if everyone in the tribe agrees they did it. Now you can understand exactly why they insist Trayvon dindu nuffin.

So when you get a public defender because that's all these fools can get, could they tell their defender to go get a more competent lawyer?

This is what watching The First 48 Hours taught me. If a cop is talking to you, just stare at them.

>Yeah but i'm the one nigger smart enough to get away with it

>expecting niggers to be quiet
>fucking ever ever at all in the slightest
You could have a gun to a niggers head, barrel still hot from blowing holes in his friends, and say to him "if you don't say a single word for 1 minute I'll let you go" and they will fail every single time. They literally can't do it.

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this. and then in one episode out of 50..
>I think I need a lawyer or some sheeit.
>detectives: oh fug.


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>Sheeeeiiiiitt we git jail time because the system is right against us.

*bends over*
*claps hands"
*shuffle feet*

That’s a really long way of saying niggers are retarded

This is the reason why. Ego.

Is this real? did the chair break?

This isn't just blacks. Most people give themselves up.

sure if thats your interpretation, but many whites fall victim to the same practices. not like they teach you legalism in public schools

>education and socioeconomic status warps crime stats
No, racial demographics warp crime stats

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Please make a pic where the long haired dude is going down on him.

>America has so many legal drama shows
>all of them usually have a perp saying they want a lawyer
>somehow, in 2019, dumbfucks don't understand that they don't talk to police and ask for a lawyer

Most people are really dumb and dont know about the right to not self incriminate.

When I was 21 and dumb I got detained by the cops for "terrorist threats" . Cops tried to make me talk and I STFU'd and just said I want to speak to my lawyer.

They let me go after 30 minutes in the backseat of a cop car

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Unfortunately no

why did you do it stevvun

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just recently saw videos about psychoanalysis of interrogations where this man was also in, he killed his neighbor and then gave interview to tv news acting all surprised when they told him she (neighbor) is dead. Fokin idiot that guy, not sure if the cop fell of chair tho

If they did the crime then they did the crime. Lawyers aren't going to get you out of trouble they just make sure you are treated fairly.

Which is another problem niggers have with lawyers. They think lawyers are supposed to game the system somehow and get them out of trouble. No. You are on camera stealing/breaking that thing. You are going to get punished.

Did you have to suck them both off first?

It's almost like black guys are overconfident.

>You are on camera stealing/breaking that thing.
That's a Deep Fake. Even if they have it on film, NEVER ADMIT TO IT.

>"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
I've never answered this question even though I knew I was speeding or ran a stop sign. I've always waited for the officer to tell me why they pulled me over and they've always hated me for it. This is despite them knowing the purpose of that question is to get the driver of the vehicle to incriminate himself. When you smash their "script" to pieces they hate you.

Nigger, this is America. You don't have a right to a lawyer unless you're indigent. Even though the Constitution says so.

>"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Because, you are a little dick tyrant trying to fill his illegal quota.

.81 correlation and people will still deny it.

Have blacks lied their whole life and gotten away with it? Then it gets real when they're in interrogation room 7 and keep the lying going.

You've been advertising this shit for over a year. If it wasn't a honeypot, it would have already been shut down.

I've never put it that way, although that's how a few of them have taken it. It's not my intention to seem like some cringey edgelord, but it's true that the smart kids don't become cops. That's not to say that dumb kids become cops. but if smart kids go into law enforcement they do so at a much higher level than uniformed police officer.

At least mention the name of the Youtube channel you Czech bastard. No wonder Hitler invaded you guys.

The channel he's talking about is Jim Can't Swim in case anyone was wondering, it's pretty good stuff.

The first 48 shows you how to beat them. Shut up. Say nothing but I want my lawyer.

Niggers gotta be like I can play hood mind games on this pig. End up in jail cause they're dumbest fucking apes on the planet. Niggers can't even understand a how to show.

tfw too smart to cop

US Court Ruling: You Can Be “Too Smart” to Be a Cop
Police department disqualifies anyone whose IQ is “too high"

Video: Ex-CIA Contractor Confirms: Police Departments Use Tests to Ensure Applicants Lack Logic and Compassion

US Court Says it’s Okay for Police Departments to Refuse to Hire Someone who is Too Smart

Next time just shoot him in the face and drive off.

Niggars are walking talking proof that the dunning-kruger effect is real. Of course it doesn't make them dumb, it's simply proves that they don't know what they don't know. They lack the capacity for capacity. There's also an arrogance at work that is the cherry on top.

>t. doesn't realize those shows are staged.

Being quiet isn't always the best option though. For niggers, maybe. But, one time I got dragged into the police station for some shit and the cops were being vague about when it happened. I asked, "Can you tell me when this crime happened, so I can provide an alibi?"
Sometime between this date and this date. Holy shit thats an awful long time. You're free to go.

they're not staged retard
do you really not believe that niggers kill eachother and rat on eachother when they think it will save their own ass?

this scene from the wire explains it all lol

>they're not staged retard
>do you really not believe that niggers kill eachother and rat on eachother when they think it will save their own ass?
Yes. I do believe niggers do that. But, I also know it's staged Jewish BS.

Black people are very similar in that they could be all the same, if they'd just admit it.

because they're dumb and also guilty.

Thank you based potato user.

>you have the right to remain silent
>anything you say can and will be used against you in court
>you have the right to have a lawyer during questioning
>if you cannot afford a lawyer one will be provided for you without charge

It's almost like they already tried to rectify this people still choose to be retarded.


Never talk to police, ESPECIALLY if you are innocent
Shut the fuck up and ask for a lawyer, once he arrives only speak when he tells you and only say what he tells you to say


Does anyone know the timestamp where happens?

May have something to do with that 60 IQ...
It just may...

Never ever talk to police.
It can oly be used AGAINST you.
Just shut the fuck up.

>Shut the fuck up and ask for a lawyer
You do realize the lawyer works for the government?

yeah thats the channel, felt like when mentioned it would be pushing and making advertising which is something i dont like, just thought i would write it only if any1 asks you fat uneducated nigger

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Um, no. Intelligence has very little to do with intelligence.

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They could lose the tape.
The witness could die.
The cop who made the report could transfer
But if you confeesed, none of the rest matters

Do you not know what the BAR is? Anyone who allows another man to represent him is a fucking moron.

In my county the free lawyer is means tested, if you have any assets like car or laptop you could sell you aint getting a lawyer. People with frequent contact with the legal system just lie but an honest person will get to pay 300/hr while working at McDonald's for a lawyer.

The first and third link both talk about the same case, which was a small new England town's policy and literally the only example I've ever heard of this being publicized. Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't surprise me if some places do this, but the New London example from 2003 is like the only one you hear about; periodically every few years a new organization will write about the subject but they always reference that same example.

And the second is pretty rich, coming from a CIA glownigger. I trust my local elected Sheriff way more than any entity of the federal government, much less the fucking CIA.

a public defender has to represent you to the best of his ability, if he does not you can ask for a new trial because of "incompetent/ineffectual counsel". Also he has way more to lose than you if he breaks client/lawyer privilege

And if you are so miffed by a public defender just hire a private lawyer

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What prevents them from listening to their Miranda rights? If you’re implying they’re too stupid to understand them, I agree.

Nah, you stupid bohunk, it would just make it easier for anyone who was actually interested in the subject to find it. It is a shame he moved most of his videos to Patreon though

Where I live anyone can get it, but the Public Defenders are mostly either the guys who got Cs in law school or don't have connections to work anywhere else. Though, that's generally true for the state as well, outside of special prosecutors.
t. interned at the state attorneys office in college

Pride is a seedless vice.

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That's cute. You fucks think that not talking is actually going to help. In 99% of cases you're already fucked or else you wouldn't be in that situation in the first place.

Y'all niggers watch too much TV.


Cop detected

WTf? They use a copy machine as a lie detector.


Nah nigger. I represent myself before God.

Fuckin hell...lol

A shit ton of guilty verdicts are from idiots who run their mouths. A lot of the time the prosecution didn't have enough evidence to convict or the police didn't have enough evidence to hold them

lol your grades in law school are completely irrelevant to your ability to practice law effectively
>t. knows nothing about the legal system

Laaaawd!! I dindu nuffin!!

I have some experience with this actually
The truth is, the real truth mind you, isn't that they are too stupid to talk to a lawyer, it's not that their too stupid to realize that something that they say could incriminate them. And it's not an ego thing for them either, thinking they can do it better than other blacks.
What is happening is that they view lawyers as a part of the system. Not someone who can help them out legally, but somebody who is on the 'justice system's side' Lawyers are usually not black. A black person will feel like they are being tricked into some bullshit if a lawyer tries to get him a deal or something.

Here is why:

>they love to talk
>they love to lie
>they genuinely do not understand the difference between the police, courts, the prison and lawyers

The last one is the most interesting. Working where I did I rarely (less than five) ever encountered black suspects but the same attitude prevailed with what I had to work with. They did not know the difference. They could not grasp that the court wasn't the police, the judge/Magistrate wasn't a police officer and the prison wasn't run by the police. It threw them completely. I had guys who, sat in interview with a duty solicitor present, told me that they wouldn't say anything without a solicitor. Others would get to court and think the judge was the chief of police. Some, apparently, thought that the interviewing officer was a lawyer.

I cannot stress enough that the average person getting arrested was beyond stupid. More stupid than you'll ever know. It reached a point where they would incriminate themselves repeatedly, under full caution, because they thought they knew the system. These were guys with 20 or 30 years of convictions. I can't even imagine how much worse they are in the USA.

t. former detective constable

They read it to you very clearly as youre arrested...dont tell us shit or we will use it against your dumb dindu ass...


good read about the nigger mindset in context of courtroom

Which law school you went to or what you did there doesn't matter. I know greasy two bit lawyers who practice above snooker halls and betting shops who would have Stalin off for good behaviour. You want the one who knows the score and works with shitbags. He will get you out, rapid, because he is needed in the pub at lunchtime and his rent is due in a few days. Forget it, if he's been around a couple of decades and knows the system he's the one for you. Unless you're charged with fraud or some complex shit you get the same everywhere.

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>It is a shame he moved most of his videos to Patreon though
yeah, i actually bought his patreon (my only one), it was just 1$ but worth it as his vids are quite interesting


Has he made any new ones since #8? I'm tempted to donate, but after that one video he purposefully cut in half to shill his Patreon I've kinda been put off by him.

>They did not know the difference. They could not grasp that the court wasn't the police, the judge/Magistrate wasn't a police officer and the prison wasn't run by the police
Its all run by the same kikes user.

Yo so I was with my nigga quan and we planned a heist. He ended up dying in a gun battle with the police and only he was caught on the cameras robbing the place so they asked me why I was with him and because he died. I lied.

I beat the rap every time, because I make it cost more to prosecute than they could ever hope to get from me. Shit is a business. Make it cost them as much as possible. If they want to lock me up. Awesome. Free room and board. They try to make me pay for my visit. Fuck that. What are you going to do? Lock me up again? OK. Free room and board. FUCK OFF NIGGERS

Not to mention if i am caged like an animal as soon as I get out I'm going to kill everyone involved in my case from the prosecutor to the judge.

I don't understand.

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Getting locked up would worsen your mental health condition making you less likely to assimilate back into society and would make you more dangerous.

That will just get them to lock you up even more.

there are couple of ones that are not on youtube but they are no part of the "most compelling.." series
last is called
The Interrogations of Mr. Garnier & The Online Predators

i guess it wont hurt if i share one of them: youtube.com/watch?v=YKy-oWimuu8

>more sit ups than he's ever gotten in his life.

Holy shit, thanks! You're alright, czechanon.

Do this. Every time you get busted, name the jew.

np, enjoy