Any Jow Forumslacks have black professors...

Any Jow Forumslacks have black professors? Why does it seem these guys always give better grades to minority students with shit-tier work then white students with good quality work? My black professor literally could not understand one student's writing because it was too technical for his dindu brain.

Attached: Black_Professor-mod1_1_t580.jpg (420x279, 24K)

>Why does it seem these guys always give better grades to minority students


>My black professor literally could not understand one student's writing because it was too technical for his dindu brain.

or his handwriting was shit or uses alot of platitudes and run on sentences.

the better question is why are you so obsessed with black people? Even the ones who are professionals and not causing any crime.

An easy way to flip this in your favor is to pretend you're a minority. Claim to be a lightskinned Cuban kid and make it known that you're supportive of the black struggle. Easy grades, bros.

They do that to encourage whites to work even harder. Black professors are based

I don't have black teachers nor would liek to have. Asian males that don't expose their opinions in class are the best. White males too, but Asians are smarter.

>Black professors.

Are you writing fan fiction user?

I had a black professor for psychology. The discussions in her class talked a lot about colonization and racism. I dropped it. Took a class with a different professor and it was science based and no racial talk.

I’m an aviation major so my professors are 95% white males that were formerly pilots in the military.
Feels good.

>the better question is why are you so obsessed with black people? Even the ones who are professionals and not causing any crime.

nobody is obsessed with niggers, the problem is that they are over represented.

>Be underage op
>Don't study for test
>Damn black man be oppressin me