Can he win you back?

can he win you back?

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He ended Obama's child separation policy by executive order.

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Gonna have to go with no

Nope. Lost my vote. Hopefully the republican party replaces him with someone competent.

>Zion don
>cheap labor don



>You mean that Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous cocksucker? Don’t make me laugh.

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Nope. Biden is better by any measure.

All he has to do is be better than what Democrats are offering.

There's no better alternative.

lol there really is no hope. united state of beans within 10 years

He freed the niggers that Clinton locked up. He's even worse than Obama on almost every major metric. Illegals, legals, free speech, budget, foreign wars, guns, etc.

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He never lost us

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nowai i can vote for a kike cock polisher

Hillary Clinton: Europe must curb immigration to stop rightwing populists
>“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.”

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Still, all he has to do is be better than a literal molester.

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No id rather have someone that doesnt hide the fact they are a lying jew

Border crossings by undocumented migrants in March hit 12-year high
>U.S. officials encountered more than 103,000 undocumented immigrants crossing the country's southwest border in March, Homeland Security officials said Tuesday. The DHS officials said that Customs and Border Protection is holding more than 13,000 immigrants, and that Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which holds immigrants long term, is at capacity. As a result, hundreds of migrants families are being released to nonprofit organizations or simply dropped off at bus stations.

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nuke israel and ill think about it

I mean I agree with the majority of his policies so far so yeah.

none of this is true though.

I’m gonna vote Biden big time said no one ever

Thats what they want you to believe user

pretty much. he'll at least keep lying about stopping immigration, the rest on the ballot want more of it

If he fires Kushner and Ivanka then yea probably






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Jow Forums lead us into the new world. I thought it would be glorious...I was wrong.

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Trump banned bump stocks, that's more than King Nigger. He's trying to make it illegal to boycott Israel in all 50 states.

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hes doing everything we expected within the limits of the law. created a big stink about immigration, building the wall. talking trash to democrats hourly. celebrating the russia fiasco. being a white male.

I didn't vote last election but now I'll vote for whatever loon the Democrats parade around just to get it all over with it.

The only thing I left was fucking your mother in the ass. Too messy. You really should get her some ass wipes. Bad son.


He would need to

>Arrest Hillary
>Build the fucking wall
>End obongocare
>Pull all troops out of the Shiddle-east
>Nationalize money printing

Otherwise he can go keep sucking kike dick.

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Trump ad-libs that he wants legal immigrants in 'the largest numbers ever'
>“Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways,” the president said. “I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.”

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Nice try shareblue

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Boy, you better learn now that this is a Yang world, your just living in it.

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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago asks to hire 61 additional foreign workers using visa program
>There’s "help wanted" at The Trump Organization’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida. But the company is looking outside of the United States to fill 61 open positions at what the President often refers to as the “Winter White House.” The server positions will pay $12.68 per hour, and cooks will make $13.31 an hour.

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Go back to mexico, spic

Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality
>The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

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>moving goal posts
>out of context
seethe harder, haroun

plus more illegal immigrants than obongo. Trump is the ZOGest

You calling GODSMACK weak? Because that's what I based it off of.
bretty catchy song

Trump administration nearly doubles H-2B guest visa program, which brings many Mexican workers
>But his administration is sending a different message to some short-term workers. With the additional visas, the Trump administration is on track to grant 96,000 H-2B visas this fiscal year, the most since 2007, when George W. Bush was president.

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No matter how many raids, no matter how many shills in ptg, no matter how the slanderous media spin everything he does, no matter how much opposition to his agenda he has from the Democrats or even his own party... The people in-the-know and that follow events knows he's fighting for the people who elected him.

Try harder trannies.

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I'm not Mexican but I am Catholic and have many Hispanic friends in my parish

Trump is shit, mountain jew. You're lucky your country got to be the seat of (((international finance))).

If he started killing Jews by the tens of thousands.

Trump defends immigration proposal against 'amnesty' criticism from conservatives
>Trump tweeted "It is a 3 year extension of DACA. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal, whether on immigration or something else. Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11,000,000 plus people who are here illegally."

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Since there's nobody else running who isn't worse, I guess BLUMPF gets my vote again in 2020, kike loving and all

Post instore prices.

Everyone who has a problem with Trump's numerous unkempt campaign promises is a shill? All I wanted was a fucking wall, and this dumb fuck can't even manage that, but another 38 billion for Israel and an incoming war with Iran is no problem?

Do you see how some people can be running out of patience after 3 fucking years and nothing to show for it?

dropping the whole stack, ey reddit?
>using brackets will make them think i'm one of them

He never lost me shill

>implying he lost me
Eat nigger dicks, he makes you faggots scream and attempt suicide. That’s literally all I need him to do.

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These two are /ptg/ Kushner shills. Go check the thread.

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Israel's wall is functional. What Trump did is literal trash.

Christ is the True Son of God and the Savior of man. All jews should be deported to Israel and then glassed.

Anything else you want me to say? Oh also hang all trannies.

He would have to execute at least 3 PNAC neocons and I'd vote for him again no matter what because I'd have such a nice hate boner.

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>my vote is important for my future

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Immigration restrictionists say Trump broke promise by issuing 30,000 extra seasonal visas
>Mark Krikorian, executive director of the restrictionist Center for Immigration Studies, which tracks immigration data, said that "it clearly seems like the administration was trying to bury it." They did it on a Friday, he noted, a day where any news usually gets less attention.

Trump rapes kids.

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By bringing the troops home, ending H1bs and actually caring about America's borders more than israels, yes. Yes he technically COULD win me back.

Hi Jew!

And leafs rape puppies. What's your point?

He's giving H visas citizenship so they can bring over millions of old shitskins through family reunification.

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Trump Vows Changes to H1-B Visa Program For Skilled Immigrants
>Trump said holders of H1-B visas by professionals could “rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship.”

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my enthusiasm? not likely. my vote? he has it unless there is a better option presented.

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Hi jews

Does the US have any unkiked politicians left? At least 1?

Yang's a better option because of $1000 a month.

>the Deep State won't let nobody touch Hillary.
>he's gathering funds and reinforcing the current barrier, despite all the opposition in congress.
>RINOs won't let him have the victory of ending Obongocare, even tho they've been crying about it since it inception.
>Jews and their lackeys won't let him do that, and he has attempted to do it many times now.
>Money Printing? Not while niggers exist, you'd have to settle with the booming economy.

Every politician have to suck kike dick or else be branded a nazi and get their live destroyed by the jew mafia, its part and parcel sadly.

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Germany's Declaration of War Against the United States

Goebbels' Last Anti-Semitic Essay

Instead of playing the democracy scam read these.

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Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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>still shilling a chink that won't even be nominated.

Look at his cabinet dumbass. Clinton and RINOs didn't do that. His appointments are absolute shit tier. Bolton, Pompeo, Powell, Bannon, Mnuchin, Ross.. they're all hardcore zionists/jews or worked for jewish bankers.

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I'm not a storm fag, neo nazi or leftist Luciferian, so he never lost me.

that's a pretty low IQ take desu

Find me there, jew faggot, I haven't lurked the chans since noon. Try/cry harder.

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Check his flag bro.

There are three times more jews in his cabinet than the entire GOP senate, and you blame everyone but Trump. What a joke.

Trump's only big cabinet goy is a Rothschild banker. His name is Wilbur Ross, he bailed out Trump in the 1990's.

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>Zion I want lots of (((legal immigrants))) Don?

He never lost me.

In Blow to Trump, America’s Trade Deficit in Goods Hits Record $891 Billion
>America’s trade deficit in goods with the rest of the world rose to its highest level in history last year as the United States imported a record number of products, including from China, widening the deficit to $891.3 billion and delivering a setback to President Trump’s goal of narrowing that gap.

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Why would a jew attack Trump at this point? He's given more protection to the "Chosen" than the IDF

Are you going to get past 100 this time?

I doubt it.

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What's Trump doing about the national debt? Oh right piling more on like that fucking commie nigger obama.

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Surprisingly there are some madmen willing to take the fight with him, despite the media and Demorats trying to destroy the life of every Trump appointee that is either weak or won't serve (((their))) interest. Look at the circus they made out of Barr and Kavanaugh.

God bless their souls.

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It appears he manged to handle the Venezuela situation after Putin spoke him some sense, but that only proves he's not a complete disaster. We'll see if he comes to his senses with regard to Iran. The border policy is a fucking joke at this point. The dems could be better if they nominated Tulsi or Yang, but they ain't going to do it because they reject non-white identity politics. So he's a horrible president but probably better than any other realistic alternative.

Alright bud, what do YOU want me to believe then?

The US federal deficit soared to $310 billion to start fiscal year 2019, up 77% from the year before
>Fiscal years for the federal government run October through September, so the data reflects the shortfall from October 2018 through January 2019. Based on the data, the deficit increased by 77% compared to the same period the prior year. The shortfall was due to a 9% increase in federal spending, while tax revenues dropped by 2%.

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no but if the dems nominate anyone but sanders or yang ill support trump

Yes of course, anyone can. But I wouldn’t give him the opportunity if I could control it.

Barr is a Bush neocon and Kavanaugh has sided with Ginsberg more than 85% of the time so far.

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>can he win you back?
of course
>i never cared about immigration
>i never cared about stupid white trash
>i never cared about the wall
>i care only about israel and my portfolio.
fuck off fat fucks and white trash fags.

Maybe Trump does know what he's doing. Maybe things need to get far,far worse before anything resembling a real movement can take shape. I'm starting to think that life under Hillary might not have been as bad as most anons think and that's exactly the problem. It's like the boiling frog metaphor. She would've followed the tried and true strategy of cranking things up slowly. Trump on the other hand is kicking things into high gear with mass immigration to the point where even the most brain dead of normies are starting to take notice that life is being made worse by it.