This mother fucker(not pic) is flying his drone

next to our upstairs bathroom window. Is this legal and what should I do if it is?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190509-163614_Brave.jpg (621x587, 124K)

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Had this problem. Smacked his nigger drone. I then brought the pieces to his house and set them on fire in his front lawn.

hack it and fly it into traffic

got rid of local drone racing fags
20+ all into the road it was glorious

You dont have a sling shot to throw at it??
One did around my home and even did a green and red light show every Time my son and I were out.
Then it just left one day and never came back.


Throw a sheet or net over it. Bring it down and stamp on it.

shoot it faggot.
i thought muricans were based

throw a net into it's propeller.
watch it crash down.

Boiling water

smear the camera lens with shit


Put a feeder out for it and when it lands cover it in peanut butter, next time it's near a tree the squirrels will down it and tear it apart. My neighbor kept hanging out by our bathroom window and that's what worked on him.

>Is this legal and what should I do if it is?

He's violated the NAP. Call in a nuclear strike. It's the only way to be sure he learns his lesson.

Cool cope bro. Bet you were the faggot that was flying the drone.

Pee on it

Slingshot it down. If you use a gun, it will cause trouble. If you use a bow and arrow. It will be bad. Wear gloves, use slingshot. No track-back. Win/win.

get a HPA air rifle

Throw a bucket of water at it.

There is legal precedent that shooting them down is legal iirc. BRB with a link

>not exorcising your second amendment right

You're spitting on cucked countries

Attached: hippoiskill.gif (565x318, 2.99M)

Shoot it down. You guys have got guns.

>I post by this ID
OP is a bot.


its legal my dude, try to attach drugs to the drone and call the cops

I swear I'm coming over there to make you delete that.

Attached: 1498620541449.jpg (429x480, 21K)

>snag it with a net
>masturbate on it
>send it back with a sticky chip

Done. Now you

Still coming over.

Fuck you I'm a walking tank

Attached: tank.gif (296x142, 1.76M)

Baseball bats exist

if you hit it with a tomato or egg it will fall and break, and you don't risk breaking a window

Shoot it with a .22. The bullet will bounce around inside it and won't cause collateral damage. Just don't miss senpai

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Hook up as many M80s and some model rocket igniters to a cheap drone with a toggleable light, replace light with rocket igniters and atach to m80. Fly this into the other drone and aloha snackbar.