I'm American so please excuse my ignorance, but just found out that the rest of the world has tiny micro-nations called "Tax Havens" where rich people go so they don't have to pay taxes. Why are places like these allowed to exist? Why doesn't anybody invade them and make the pay taxes if they're so small weak and rich? Is there something I don't understand here?
What's a tax haven for?
Other urls found in this thread:
> man lives in Pakistan
> man has money he wants to invest in USA
> man registers corporation in Cayman Islands
> man invests through a corporate bank account in Cayman Islands
> man makes $10 million return
> man pays no taxes in USA because he does not live in USA
> man pays no taxes in Cayman because no corporate tax
> man pays no taxes in Pakistan because it is a foreign corporation
> man makes money tax free
Not everyone wants to pay your welfare check Jamal.
Side note: You cannot do this in US because Americans have to pay taxes on global income. Other countries pay taxes on income generated in country, which allows for greater use of tax havens. US people benefit only from corporate tax havens, not personal.
You think it's "other nations" lmao. I guess you missed the Panama Papers, but that's understandable because a bunch of staged shootings took place to take it out of the headlines.
Yeah, why is that allowed to happen? Shouldn't somebody invade and annex the Cayman Islands to put a stop to this?
Taxation is theft, the term "tax" haven shouldn't even exist. I shouldn't have to pay taxes, I should just naturally want to give to my community out of my desire to see my nation become a better place. I can't fault rich people for going this route.
I just think that if I should be paying Jamal's welfare check then it's not fair that other people don't have to and they should be punished harder for trying to weasel out of it. Finding loopholes to get around laws should get you punished even harder than if you broke it like normal. Loopholes shouldn't and technicalities shouldn't be a thing.
Countries are free to make their tax laws as they please. Why should they be invaded for it?
Taxation isn't theft, living in a country is a social contract where you abide by the laws set by that country. If you live in a tax country you should have to pay taxes, because that's the social contract you're in by living there. You don't like it, you move somewhere else. Except I don't think you should be able to live somewhere with taxes but not pay them. That's gaming the system, which should be punished harshly.