Jim Stream

Who's watching? Chat's too fast, get in here

Attached: metokur.jpg (225x225, 12K)

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Jim is a faggot

I wanna sniff Bratass

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I know. Jade is a trap. But so what?

>40 years old
>Spends free time on internet drama
>Makes fun of people's looks while hiding his face
>Gets triggered when people call him out for hiding his face


Sounds like you're a fan


ashton whitty is having another meltdown

>This video has been removed by the user
What was that cunt melting down about?

I've always hated Mister Redditkur, but why does Jow Forums hate him all of the sudden?

Watched a couple of his stream vids. once I discovered he can't debate or refute arguments without acting like a caddy teen girl I dropped him.

>all of the sudden
I always hated this faggot. E-celebs are all faggots.

His position is that on the internet, right and wrong doesn't matter. All that matters is who's funnier.

I remember him from just before the old #GG days. His video where he represents culture as a bike and cultural appropriation as a stick figure stealing it was precious. The stick figure, of course, was black.

i dont know why people try to use jim anonymity as a way to deride him. the guy would be fucking retarded to reveal himself now. too many people want his head.

Even grandpa?

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Should we all file our chins off and dress in female cosplay in order to get pussy?

He's a newfag magnet

>hurr durr hiding his face
go back to raddit, retard

Post Jared cock

His position is a weak defense he uses so no one can criticize him. Some guy said to him "dude, just show your face" and Metokur started yelling and spazing out like an autist. I guess he's fat or bald or something, idk.

He'd be pretty dumb to show his face now, even if he looked like George Clooney. His position is not a defense, however. He typically says it when he's acting like he's giving advice to other people on the internet.

is projared a kike? that guy has always rubbed me the wrong way.

Learn English.

>30k live worth of pay pigs for absolute low energy dogshit content
Absolute clown world

I stopped watching Jim when i realized he doesn't care about anything and just wants to see it all burn while collecting superchats for his commentary on it burning. He talks about egirls and their paypigs yet copies the Ralph retort for his content. He's unironically a person who has no ambition to achieve anything, no desire for a legacy to leave his children, and overwhelmingly defeated to the point where he ridicules people who try to solve things. I hope Jim leaves YouTube and comes back with his old perspective again.

i wouldnt even care, the titties are too nice

its sargoyim who cant handle their fearless leader being made fun of


they're both cunts


When has Metokur even mentioned Sargon since his debate with Dick?

Basic Gestalt on ProJared?
I'm out of the loop.

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meh, did I miss another one? whats it on?

Metokur can atleast be funny, basedgon is useless when he isn't shitting on muh sjw's

Jim is always fun.

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weird ugly jew eceleb ally who, surprise surprise, turns out to be a creep adulterer who sends nudes to underage

Anyone that gives people money for some text on a screen is a retard.

>sends nudes to underage
Kill it and burn it.

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I don't normally listen to mister semetokur. Does Jow Forums recommend?

Fuck this guy and espeically fuck that he stole art and is too retarded to think of anything for himself other than "scout from tf2 with no face"

I'm watching but no idea who Jared is, this is boring.


i know i know I forgot about the word filter

>stole art
Doesn’t Jade make it?

>The Fall Of Jared

Who the fuck is Jared? Why watch this?


Nobody important. He's a nerd with a video games streaming youtube channel who cheated on his wife and then tried to break up with her via twitter.

ok Destiny.

Based and bratpilled

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where to cop temple os tshirt?
/fa/ as fuck


Attached: ProJared on Dan Schneider Game Shakers YouTubers feedback on Sky Whale.webm (1920x1080, 341K)

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