Don’t even try me, shitlords
Don’t even try me, shitlords
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Those bright colors warn of danger.
Elijah is such a faggy name Jesus christ
underrated and redpilled
>Trannies vs. gays
The Jew cannot help but divide and conquer, even destroying his own faux tribe. This is what divine justice looks like.
Did we finally ban tranny homo faggots? This is great- we really shouldn't let the mentally ill run around corrupting everything in sight.
>cis gays
I really can't keep up with this shit
Was just about to post this
>t. Retard
> I really can't keep up with this shit
You need to be reeducated to death in the appropriate gulag that focuses on indoctrination in inter-sectionalism. In the gender politics unit of your indoctrination they will cover cis, trans, and intersexuality.
When will it end Jow Forums?
Fuck off Elijah
>second post down
Get on back to the shithole you came from, bucko.
the first post had a chance
suck my cock Elijah please im so fucking desperate
based AF
Go read the Bible
Banned from what? I don’t keep up with faggot politics.
Stay strong. The fad will die down once trannies start aging and realize nobody fucking wants them and they'll die alone and early.
If it involves my tax dollars then yes I do have an the right to speak.
>Those bright colors warn of danger.
from predators
Oh god I know deep down that this person is a Canadian.
It is painful
why is he staring at the fucking wall
I thought this was not possible. What does cis mean even?
Because he can understand and relate to it.