R/tranny upset judge misgendered shooter

I'm done with this world. How do I get out?

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I know. I had to look. Just wanted to see the car wreck.

But I thought she was male? Isn’t that what FtM means? So he called he by the correct name?
Trannyfags deserve the rope anyway but what exactly is the issue here?

there is no issue. the judge gendered him properly and the trans community thinks "wow that's respectful but it sucks we're getting visibility like this."

op seems to be retarded, which is worse than being mentally ill desu

Judge used Mr on FtM insane shooter person. Trannies angry.

Oh no, an uncooperative tiny person. Certainly the prison guards have met their match.

But that would be the correct term to use according to trans people.

>what exactly is the issue
I'll tell you. Men get lengthier prison sentences than women. This female to male person will test the courts in fun ways.


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If it’s FTM and the judge called it “Mr.”... are they admitting trannies are mentally ill and wrong about thier gender?


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Checked and good point. I wonder which prison it will go to?

Wait wtf I thought it was a girl pretending to be a guy not the other way around

Hopefully he gets made an example of and gets raped repeatedly in pound-me-in-the-ass prison, but I won’t hold my breath bc Colorado.

Oh, we can tell. You can't hide behind photoshops and make up forever.

OP's picture is not the tranny


>gets called male
>as in, not misgendered
>reddit is actually not upset over this
>OP didn't even read post

OP. honey. babe. dear.

is everything ok?


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sage this retardation. OP needs to be gassed

you hear the cry of the world asking you to strike back. you take and you take and you take all this shit that these people give you, and you take it all and do nothing.
the world is crying for you to end this madness
heed the call user
heed the call

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I unironically believe that if you are out at a bar, drinking, intoxicated or not, if you go home with someone you think is the opposite sex (girl going home with a guy/guy going home with a girl) and after you have been getting hot and heavy
>at the bar
>in the cab
>at the front door
>in the house
>up the stairs
>in the bed
and you start rubbing and grabbing at things and if you're a dude and you slide your hands down the pants and instead of getting to slide some fingers in that warm beautifulness and instead is a cock you should be able to treat that as rape.

Full on 1st-degree sexual assault and rape. If you're a fucking tranny of either sex and you trick a straight person into touching you in any way you should be beaten with a metal pole.

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I implore anyone that gets accused of "misgendering" a "trans" person to proceed to tell that person "they misgendered themself, not me".
If its a male-to-female, accuse them of being a sexist appropriating female culture. viceversa

Liberals don't care about doing the right thing. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Make them face their hypocrisy.

>literally regret=rape
>even if you don’t have sex
Just stop being gay, user.


>being to much of an idiot to tell a tranny from a female
lmao stop looking at porn its ruined your brain

Legally you cant even buy a gun 18, how the fuck did he get one?

Imagine this “man” going to a men’s prison. School shooter and actually a woman. No one will save her

These people don't go outside. They spend 8 hours finding a camera angle to hide their massive shoulders and adam's apple, then they go to bed

you need to go back, tranny lover. Degeneracy needs to be stamped out. and it's not muh regret moron. It's (((modern medicine))) being so far advanced that you can take Igor and turn him into Ira. Wake the fuck up and look around you, fool. Unless you're one of those fags that jerks it to trannies and swears it's not gay. fuck off.

>heed the call
How and where? What do I do.

Isn't that the male one that's not transitioning? I'm so confused.

Totally, it's consent given under false pretenses

Fucking porn watchers are gross.

No they play FFXIV for 12 hours a day.

t. dated a tranny

>trannies and swears it's not gay.
I hate these people.

all trannies should be torched with napalm.

tranny is FEMALE to MALE and being called MR. MCKINNE. by the judge. How is this person being misgendered.

Come oooon, Sven.

(My best friend since school is a tranny now, all he does is smoke weed and play video games all day)

Just use #metoo

The fuck is with these Saturn symbols all over Reddit?

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Based judge

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The common tranny variety (mtf) fucking HATE ftms, probably because they pass so much easier (no as lumberjacks, but no one will bat an eye at some twink). It might be to do with that

It says FtM. Its a female to male. How is calling it “mr” misgendering it? It wants to be a male doesn't it? I dont get it.

Oh yeah this chick smoked weed every day too. She was completely honest about her life sucking and that she was just hiding because it was easier. Kinda sad.

So, you gonna bang your buddy? I hear trannies have a "male best friend" fantasy, you'd score easily.

They can't get their shitty zog ff story accurate. That's their problem, they hate so hard it overrides their ability to think. They do the thing and then try to damage control while everyone is getting closer.

Doesn't make sense, I think OP is a faggot.

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>gets mad he keeps trying to fuck dudes
>literally sees trannies everywhere else except when he brings them home
Kek, just stop being gay.

Why are they angry? Isn't that what they want?

discord trannies get out

>hopefully he
You mean she.. some of you are fucking weirdos

>cooperative prisoner

Are you saying you're so face blind that you can't tell a chick from a dude? Even the ones who "pass" look off.

lol did I hurt your feelings, faggot? Just because it has breasts doesn't mean it's not gay, tranny lover. Have fun rotting in hell degenerate.

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>I'm done with this world. How do I get out?

You can't.

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I once saw a black tranny mtf that passed so well that my subordinate went on a date with it and got really really angry because it didn't tell him until they were in bed.
I got fooled as well, so did most of the people at work, even the fucking women. Although some of the women new because it talked to them exclusively.


>keeps picking up dudes at bars
>calls other people denegerate
Just stop being attracted to men lol

trannies BTFO

The fact that you can’t tell the difference is astonishing

being factually correct = discord trannies

He has big gay

She asks to suck my dick every time she's single

Vad fan pratar du om

so how much do you want to bet that the tranny wants to go to a girl's prison despite what it identifies as


nah I'm gonna punish the little faggot with my cock, I'm not going through all that and not throat fuck his tranny ass.

I’m a man (male) and I would rather go to a women’s prison,

kek. all these tranny loving (((faggots))). not once did I say that this was me, you illterate morons. stop slurping up so much tranny cum it's rotting what little brain you have left. Tranny shills are scum who get to spend eternity in hell, get fucked faggots.

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Get out? It's just getting good. Honk Honk.

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There was actually a case where a girl pretended to be a boy to fuck her best friend. I have NO idea how that works, but the girl was arrested as a rapist I believe.

Female TO male.
It has female DNA and wants to change to looking like a man.

You are retarded. Even I understand the judge used the gender the freak wanted to and I have never even heard the word transgender in my native language.

FtM means Female to Male

The judge is calling the shooter by it's preferred reference

Did trannies forget what language they are compelling people to use?

Oh man, go for it. It's not gay to have your dick sucked by a tranny. They're so grateful too!

Tranny I kinda dated, she smoked weed and played vidya all day because she hated her life, I think that's pretty sad in a way.

Of course, she's a girl, user xD

they cant send a ftm to a men's prison, ftms have vaginas, it would get raped endlessly



> she
> she
> girl

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yeah obviously, but will the tranny, with a vagina, that identifies as a man despite having a vagina, insist on going to men's prison since it identifies as a man?

>keeps fucking other dudes
>calls other people faggots

Ok? Why are you talking to me?

>Trannies angry

That's literally a headline everyday now

I don’t really care what it wants, I’m more interested in the judges decision.

XD report these mentally ill retards to againsthatesubs
They are literally defending a mass shooter

many US prisons have a LGBT ward in much they same way they have a children's or women's ward.

>The Anus of the Internet

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They fucking wish people couldn't tell, oh you tranny faggots are never able to pass.

Wish we still sent them to the mental wards.

>I'm done with this world
Oh come on. This isn't that bad. The judge is calling him proper and male and not playing faggy little sjw games which judges sometimes do.
But this should encourage you. Not piss you off. You do realize the liberals out there are constantly offended right? At all times? It gives them a form of bullying and social control they are too insecure to not adopt.
Anyways chin up little camper.

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Om detta inte är bait hoppas jag att du gör en förändring. Du är på pol för bövelen, kolla på the golden one eller något.

Fuck this gay planet.

For you

i was diagnosed with ass cancer last year and i genuinely dont care if i die at this point. such fucking clown world

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raid reddit with tranny h8

They made a movie out of it "boys don't cry." She didn't get arrested though she was beaten to death by a mob. Hilarious Movie.

Day with a vowel in the name, trannies angry.
Sky is blue, trannies angry.
Sale at the local supermarket, trannies angry.
There’s something uniquely retarded about trannies and their victim complex.

Det är inte bait, jag gillar transtjejer bara, det är bara så det är. Kollar på goldenone, tränar, knarkar inte, super inte, runkar inte till porr, osv., rent liv. Men gillar transtjejer. Tänker att det är bättre att leva som ett lejon och göra vad jag vill än att skämmas för mig själv. Plus de gillar verkligen att suga av, testa själv :^)

They made her the hero though, and she got raped pretty bad.

Tranies can't pass as real women, it's against the laws of nature.