/cic/ Canada is COLLAPSING part 1592 - HE'S BACK! Edition

>Refugee who lost fingers to frostbite entering Manitoba pleads with MPs not to pass new asylum law

>Under new rules, Seidu Mohammed would have been sent back to U.S.

>A man from Ghana who lost all his fingers to frostbite after crossing irregularly into Manitoba is pleading with MPs not to pass new refugee rules in the government's budget bill.

>Seidu Mohammed, whose story focused attention on the border when he entered Canada in December 2016, told MPs on the finance committee Thursday morning that the rules would likely have barred his ultimately successful application.

>"This bill would put a lot of people at risk and I don't think it should be passed," he said Thursday during his testimony before a House of Commons committee. "I'm pleading with you guys … this bill should not be passed."

>Mohammed crossed into Manitoba in December 2016 through a snow-covered field, avoiding official border checkpoints in order to make a refugee claim in Canada.

>Both he and the man he was travelling with, Razak Iyal, who also lost fingers to frostbite, had previously had their asylum claims rejected in the United States before coming to Canada.


Remember the HIV+ Ugandan nigger who was front page news on Canadian papers for having bravely gamed Canada's asylum system and gotten despite being a massive health care burden after acquiring unicorn stumps crossing the border illegally in the winter? Well he's here to unicorn dab on your new tougher refugee laws.

Canada is a 3rd world shithole. They openly take their massive natural resource wealth which would easily make a Canadian richer than a Saudi Sheikh and instead import the 3rd world and give them thousands of dollars a month per kid to live like literal Sheiks. For comparison, Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund made $82B USD profit last quarter alone (3 months) on $1T USD in AUM. Canada has far more oil but has $0 in oil money saved.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Here's the hero himself

Not only is he a Gay African Muslim Nigger, but he's also an aspiring soccer player. Oh and he cost the Leaf taxpayer hundreds of thousands of $$ in treatment costs for his stumps.

Attached: 100k gibs nigger.png (806x1000, 547K)

This nigger again

fuck you racist I love my black brothers we are all Canadians go back to worshiping donald trump you alt-right racist

>Das rite mane

Attached: unicorn dabs.png (751x490, 540K)

They're going to eat you when the time comes.

t. 49% L'Atrocite Enorm de Goblinu Syrupu

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Can't stump the stump

>They're going to eat you when the time comes

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Just a friendly reminder Canada is 49% White and will be 5% White by 2100 with a population of 100M

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>This is a Canadian classroom

Attached: toronto classroom 2.jpg (2048x1536, 666K)

Lmao I thought the Chinese thing was a joke

This is a Canadian classroom

Attached: leaf classroom.jpg (2048x1536, 766K)

What is this exactly? % of Canada for what?

doesn't matter if the country is white Canadian isn't an ethnicity anybody can be one I actually love the diverse cultures and foods instead of bland white ones

I'm glad you do, let's see if you think the same in 10 years.

% of Canadians with White European Heritage only, if you check any box other than a White Western country you are excluded on the census for this category.

The visible minority statistic is a fraud because it considers anyone who checks a visible minority (ie. Arab) and a western country (France) as not a visible minority.

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Here is a leaf

Attached: leaf eating cock.webm (720x1280, 2.62M)

Don't forget that we're getting our long awaited gun ban

the lengths niggers will go to not have to work is amazing

This board looks almost identical to the news feed on the google chrome homepage on android, down to the catalog thumbnails. Fuck I think its finally time to move on.

>crossing irregurlarly

Its like a chink saying illegaly. No surprise given the state of vancouver

Had to drive to Toronto to visit folks. Passing by some elementary schools, I could only spot 5-10 white kids amongst the brown masses. Coalburners galore in poorer regions. Even without statistics I can tell you this place is beyond fucked.

Fellow Canadians. Start killing these people. DC Sniper style.
Everything I post on this site involves minecraft - not the real world.

Is this an accurate representation?

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Glow harder. Jow Forums is a board of peace.

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Next thing you know, Mandarin will become the third official language after English and French.

Actually this is exactly what it was like, complete with the white boomer teachers, LOL.

It'll be the only official language

I remember this story. Trump’s election freaked them out etc.
Weren’t there women also? I think they died in the cold iirc

>Implying the U.S. would ever deport him and not give him unlimited free money

Even with limpwristed pussy ass trump, we still just have the same catch and release program, where no one faces any consequences for entering the country illegally, and 90% of them don't show up to their scheduled court dates.



Arabic, Farsi, Mandarin is already in all ATM's in Canada and on cop cars and in government literature.

>pic related

Attached: leaf cop car.png (671x461, 330K)

kek I can't tell if this is satire anymore. never change Canada. The day of the rake soon.

Well he cant get a handball penalty so he is gonna be good

hahahah fuck off Manitoba is for whites only :)




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56% translation?

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>Canada just put the honkler on its $1 called the "Loonie" to celebrate LGBTQ rights

I'll give you 1 guess as to what he's in demand for

Attached: canada faggot loonie.jpg (480x360, 45K)

He's bisexual btw, probably some trans cliche as well

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Refugees get food for free, while Leafs are forced to pay $70/kg for steak

Attached: $59kg-clown-steak.jpg (4032x3024, 1.22M)

Eat chicken, it's cheaper, they said
>$39/kg for 1kg chicken breast from last year

Now it's closer to $50/kg thanks to Trudeau's carbon tax

Attached: $39-clown-chicken.jpg (2976x1872, 496K)

As you know, Canada is undergoing the fastest demographic replacement in the world. Furthermore, the Government of Canada is actively misleading the public as to its demographics in two ways:

>1. It manipulates the "visible minority" statistic by having a clause that results in visible minorities not being counted as visible minorities if they also claim to be White or some European country (culturally). Essentially any visible minority that grew up in a Western country is NOT considered a visible minority. This allows the government to claim Canada is 73% White, when in fact it was 53% in 2016 and is set to hit 49% in 2019.

>2. Immigration numbers are misconstrued and lied about. The government touts Skilled Immigration is good for Canada, when in fact it does nothing but suppress wages. The Liberals have removed the requirement that a skilled immigrant have a job offer (no job offer needed anymore). The Liberals use immigration as an ideological tool, and Canada's entire immigration system is designed to replace Canada's native White European population with non-White 3rd world unskilled immigrants. Unironically, this immigration plan was designed by none other than George Soros.

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To expand on point 1. The Canadian government is cooking the 2016 census to make it appear that visible minorities are smaller than they actually are.

>The government throws around the 22% visible minority #, when in fact visible minorities are 47% and European Whites are at 53%. Trudeau does this as follows.

There are two ways to determine whether someone is White on the Canadian census; one is by ethnicity, of which a respondant can choose one or more (infinite ethnicities) (ie. Canadian, Scottish, Indian, Chinese, Cameroonian). This is problematic for the most part; however there is on reliable indicator from this methodology that excludes almost all non-whites (counting people only with White European ethnicity and excluding any non-White ethnicity as that would make the person non-White).

The other is the Visible Minority statistics always shilled. Census respondants are asked "Is this person:" (White, South Asian, Chinese, Black, Flip, Spic, Arab, Southeast Asia, West Asian, Korean, Japanese, Other - Specify). It works as you'd expect, except for one gigantic mindfuck.

Justified (((based))) on some Employment Equity Act definition, if someone chooses Arab, Latin American or West Asian, and chooses White as well, they are NOT counted as a visible minority. Like wise, if they write in any European country they are NOT counted as a visible minority.

To give you an example,

>Sunni Lebanese Muslim declares himself Arab and White, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.

>Morrocan Muslim Arab says he is Arab and French, he would NOT be counted as a visible minority.

>Black "huewhite" Brazilian chose Latin American and Portugese, he would NOT be a visible minority.

So essentially millions of Arabs, West Indians and Latin Americans are excluded from the visible minority statistic because of this kikery. Almost every Arab comes from a Euro-colonized country and a lot hold European passports, same thing for Latin Americans and West Indians.

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Straight from the Census guidelines:


>In contrast, in accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population. Likewise, persons who reported ‘Latin American,’ ‘Arab’ or ‘West Asian’ and who provided a European write-in response such as ‘French’ have been excluded from the visible minority population as well. These persons are included in the ‘Not a visible minority’ category.

There is no legitimate reason to be applying this "Employment Equity Guideline" rule in the census other than to reduce the number of visible minority number. Statistics Canada does not publish how many millions of visible minorities are excluded as a result of this hidden, back-door book cooking rule, but based on the fact that only 19.68M Canadians declared themselves only of European ancestry, which would imply approximately 17M visible minorities, it is obvious this rule is used to massage the Visible Minority number down to 8.3M (22.6%).

Attached: kikecooking census.png (1388x198, 140K)

Late 1990s:

>White European Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ propaganda
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/government agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing

Fast Forward 2018

>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>White Europeans down to 49%
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, government always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years


>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every government decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ government bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in the 90s, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>Government using M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion to criminalize any criticism of migration policy and install thought police

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How did this radical demographic shift occur right under our noses? Let's start off with Gender Based Analysis Plus, or GBA+ for short.

GBA+ is a program designed to address "inequalities" in various government programs and decision making processes.

Let's take a look at how the government describes it.

>What is GBA+?
GBA+ is an analytical tool used to assess the potential impacts of policies, programs, services, and other initiatives on diverse groups of women and men, taking into account gender and other identity factors. The "plus" in the name highlights that GBA+ goes beyond gender, and includes the examination of a range of other intersecting identity factors (such as age, education, language, geography, culture and income).

>GBA+ and Gender Equality
In 1995, the federal government committed to using GBA+ as a means of advancing gender equality in Canada, as part of the ratification of the United Nations’ Beijing Platform for Action.

Gender equality is a core Canadian value and is enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is part of the Constitution of Canada. Gender equality means that women and men, in all their diversity, are able to participate fully in all spheres of Canadian life, contributing to an inclusive and democratic society.

The Government recently renewed its commitment to GBA+ and is working to strengthen its implementation across all federal departments.


What a (((coincidence))).

Attached: gba+1.png (1536x2048, 383K)


>1. Myth: Women and men are already equal in Canada, so GBA+ is not needed.

While many advances have been made, equality gaps remain. Women in Canada today earn, on average, only 73.5 cents for every dollar that men earn. Women are also more often the victims of domestic and sexual violence and continue to be under-represented in leadership and executive positions, occupying only 10.3% of positions on corporate boards.

This is especially evident for certain groups of women. For example, women from northern and rural communities are more likely to experience poverty; Aboriginal women are far more likely to experience sexual and intimate partner violence; and immigrant women experience higher rates of unemployment.

>2. Myth: GBA+ only applies to women’s issues – it is advocacy for women.

GBA+ is not advocacy for anyone. It is an analytical tool designed to help us ask questions, challenge assumptions, and to identify potential impacts, taking into account the diversity of Canadians. Once an issue has been analyzed using the GBA+ process, gender may emerge as the most important factor, while in other cases it might be culture, geography, or a combination of factors that may put a particular group at greater risk.

>3. Myth: GBA+ only applies to the “social” sectors.

All government policies affect people. While gender and diversity issues may be more obvious in some areas (e.g. education and health) and less obvious in others (e.g. natural resources and defence) this does not necessarily mean that gender is not relevant. GBA+ can and has been used across social, economic, public safety and scientific sectors.

>Notice how the government emphasizes factors other than gender.

Attached: gba+2.png (1536x2048, 474K)

What are these other (((factors)))? Well, that's what the + stands for in Gender Based Analysis Plus.

>What about the “plus”?

We can use sex and gender as an entry point for analyzing an issue, but women, men, boys and girls are not homogeneous groups. A variety of factors, sometimes referred to as identities, such as age, culture, language, sexual orientation, education, ability, geographic location, migration status, faith, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, intersect with sex and gender to create someone’s experiences.

>sexual orientation
>geographic location
>migration status
>socioeconomic status

Literally every possible way to claim a white person is privileged and thus forcing every government bureaucrat to discriminate against them, for example, in an immigration decision or in hiring for a job.

Attached: $6 celery.jpg (3024x4032, 1.23M)

The federal government forces every decision to be based on this Gender Based Analysis Plus.

>GBA+ is everyone's responsibility:

All public servants should incorporate gender and other aspects of diversity into their work process by asking questions about how diverse groups of women and men may be impacted, and by ensuring that measures are put in place to address any inequalities.

>ensuring that measures are put in place to address any inequalities
>aka always refuse heterosexual whites

Through systematic use of GBA+, policy analysts, researchers, program officers, evaluators and other public servants are able to improve their work by being more responsive to specific needs and circumstances and therefore attaining better results for all Canadians.

>Systematic use of GBA+

Managers contribute to the success of GBA+ by making it a priority. This can entail supporting their teams by allocating time and resources for GBA+ training and GBA+ related activities. They can also integrate GBA+ as a performance expectation.

>Making GBA+ a priority

Executives must ensure gender considerations are part of the decision-making process and, where identified, equality gaps are being addressed. The Central Agencies (the Privy Council Office, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Department of Finance Canada) consider GBA+ a component of due diligence and may request evidence of it for any Cabinet document.

>Executives must ensure gender considerations are part of the decision-making process and, where identified, equality gaps are being addressed. Documentation must be kept that GBA+ was used.

>Immigration Canada officers must exclude straight Whites because equality gaps must be addressed.

Immigration Canada officers must exclude straight Whites because equality gaps must be addressed.

>Immigration Canada officers must exclude straight Whites because equality gaps must be addressed.


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So now that you are aware of the Gender Based Analysis Plus program mandated by the federal government program and used to ensure discrimination against straight whites, that started in 1995, let's take a look at the Metropolis Project.


The almost 1,000 people at the 2017 Metropolis Conference in Montreal are on the front lines of an effort central to a country with arguably the world’s highest per capita in-migration.

Each year, Canada spends roughly $1.2 billion on the so-called “settlement sector.” Its mission is to assist more than 300,000 new immigrants and refugees a year while supporting 325,000 foreign students and more than 300,000 temporary foreign workers.

Migration is a mass phenomenon in Canada, unlike in most nations. Many settlement workers live in the cities that draw most migrants: Foreign-born people make up 45 per cent of Metro Vancouver’s and half of Greater Toronto.

>Workers in the settlement-sector form an influential Canadian subculture. One person at Metropolis affectionately referred to them as “activists with pensions.” Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen spoke twice and told them they greatly influence public policy.

I began wondering, however, how much these upstanding people represent the Canadian population. Do their values correspond at all to opinion poll results or with the issues Canadians follow through the media?

>The vast majority at the taxpayer-funded Metropolis conferences live on government paycheques or grants. They are in the Immigration Department, the Heritage Department, public research universities and taxpayer-financed non-profit organizations.

Their theme is humanitarianism. Metropolis participants repeatedly said Canada should bring in more immigrants, refugees and foreign students, migrants are a “vulnerable population” and taxpayers should spend more on them.

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Given what I witnessed, and the titles of hundreds of Metropolis presentations, critical discussion was muted. Orthodoxy seemed to reign.

It’s understandable. A lot of livelihoods, research grants and vested interests are at stake.

And, anyways, most attendees seemed keen on what they do. A few, indeed, seemed boastful.

There were basically only two things attendees would criticize.

One was the alleged shortage of funding for settlement organizations, refugee agencies and foreign students. As a keynote speaker said, “We always have to do more.”

The second thing subject to criticism was the “media” and, by extension, Canadians themselves. Each was occasionally referred to as “tolerant” but more often chastised for being xenophobic.

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>52 posts
>29 posts by this ID
>16 posts in a row
Try as he must this thread is a bust womp womp

Can we ship all of hamtramack and little Somalia in Minnesota to Canada?

heck, we get anywhere from 250-300k new immigrants a year, we've got about 500k international students and about 1.3 million visa workers in Australia.

Makes the unemployment look good at 5%. But you have to realise that just 1 hour of paid work a week is all that's needed to classify you as employed.

Now, big businesses in AUS are currently cutting store locations or are actually going out of business and car sales have plummeted over the last year.

No one has any money apart from bills and maybe some food.

This is based on 2017, so you could take about 10% off those annual earning figures. but it's still shit.

This is why so many people in their 20's are still living at home these days

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>after crossing irregularly into Manitoba
>crossing irregularly

The birth of new cuckism for "illegally snuck in"

Sauce on webm?


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Screw you man, we Muricans need to clean our population from Muslims, so I think we send them all to you. Also how would you like some Mexicans?

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Self-censorship is a factor. When I sat at a table and mentioned I was a journalist, a woman who worked for the federal Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship department smiled and made a gesture of zipping her lip.

>a woman who worked for the federal Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship department smiled and made a gesture of zipping her lip.
>made a gesture of zipping her lip.

Two PhDs who worked for immigrant-support agencies in Western Canada acknowledged the lack of to-and-fro was partly a result of staff being forbidden to challenge government policy.

>a result of staff being forbidden to challenge government policy

A senior Immigration official then told me off the record the country’s many immigrant-support agencies routinely claim they need more funding. It’s part of the game.

The official said many agencies tend to exaggerate problems faced by immigrants, including the dangers of racism.

>dangers of racism

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> Losses fingers to frostbite.



Any person would have suffered the same.

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Chinese are already pushing for this claiming their temporary imported labour in the 18th century in B.C. means they are just as responsible for the founding of this country as 8 million British settlers.

I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of America." Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.

I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of Canada." Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.

does this man have a hoof where his hand should be?
how is he even holding the paper?

Check this out, teaching the "new youth" how to scam the welfare system

Attached: newyouth.png (1071x649, 751K)

right at the top of the list

Attached: welfare.png (592x466, 25K)

what a goddamn nightmare. There needs to be a massive movement to stop paying taxes.