Isnt it weird that the richest people in the world spend their time and money on wanting to go to mars rather than help...

isnt it weird that the richest people in the world spend their time and money on wanting to go to mars rather than help people on this planet

they could wipe out poverty and homelessness and still be billionaires

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Please tell me how they could "wipe out" poverty and homelessness.

Jeff Bezos looks like a mad villain. Elon Musk looks like he's banging your sister, but isn't a douche.

This planet is doomed. Fuck the poor and the homeless. We need to get off this rock

by dropping nukes on poor people

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They pull thousands of people out of poverty by keeping their businesses healthy

Not how the world works kiddo and why do you care about the people?

Giving black people money and food clearly has not improved their situation.


They didn't become billionaires by wasting money. All you need is vaccines that sterilize.

Bill Gates

>Help niggers
>going to mars

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There will never be an end to poverty as long as niggers exist and there will never be an end to homelessness as long as the mentally ill are allowed to live.

If I was rich beyond imagination I would want to leave this godforsaken rock also.

>they could wipe out poverty and homelessness and still be billionaires

But there are lots of people already working on those problems. Poverty, disease, starvation and war are all at pretty much all time historical lows. Never has so high a percentage of the world lived in so much comfort and security. Phenomenal progress has been made in the last 50 years alone. Homelessness is largely a choice, and sometimes a perfectly rational one.
Study the efficient distribution of scarce resources.

Colonizing other planets and moons is a high priority for the survival of our species.
Asteroids can be mined for immense wealth.
There's good reason to be interested in space.
Showering the poor masses with undeserved money accomplishes 0.
Has foreign aid really helped Africa at all? How is it better now?

Isn't it even stranger that despite levels of charitable spending unknown in the entirety of human history that such desperation persists?

Almost like all that American charity isn't getting to its ostensible beneficiaries. Hmmmm.....

Its almost like that charity goes to the richest people in the world who...spend their time etc etc blah blah, so callous etc.

selfishness is wickedness.

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>"they could wipe out poverty and homelessness and still be billionaires"

Wipe out poverty? For a few hours, you mean? Post yfw the ENTIRE left end of the political spectrum exists solely because huge swaths of the population are incapable of doing basic math

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i think op means they could kill all poor people

>spend their time and money on wanting to go to mars rather than help people on this planet

read up about Elon's childhood and how he was "bullied" in South Africa
no surprise that he wants to GTFO the planet as soon as possible

They know this planet is fucked

There both ugly as shit dafuq are you on about?

going to mars is retarded, you can ensure survival by building underground cities or just investing for the research of zero point energy, but that won't happen because capitalists want to profit every drop of oil

>US have been spending a billion every year for 70 years to feed niggers in africa alone and all that did was let niggers breed more hungry mouths

they're smart enough to know better

Turns out “helping people” does not make one a billionaire

Isnt it funny how with the thousands of charities that claim to be helping shitholes not starve, still havent solved the issue after decades of donations?

Space exploration is more important than feeding useless niggers.

>hey could wipe out poverty and homelessness
no, they can't. Don't you think if that were at all possible it would have been done? the poor will always be with us. accept it. Some people would just rather be a fucking useless sack of shit, accept it, move on.

We've been playing the
>feed the world
game. It turns out when you feed niggers they just have more children who demand more food. That cycle will never end until we are so hopelessly outnumbered that we'll no longer have the ability to support them. Then they'll die off in even greater numbers. Great idea there, Mick.

This is hell

>they could wipe out poverty and homelessness and still be billionaires

Maybe for a day you fucking faggot

history books / legacy

You are wrong, ending poverty isn't a matter of numbers, it's a matter of culture.

You can't end poverty if africans will kill each other for anything.
You can't end poverty if people are not willing to study and work.

>be OP
>become billionaire
>give billions to niggers
>expect it to solve their poverty
>30 years later
>there's 4 times as many poor niggers

this is a low iq take, the better off people are the less kids they have, actually. the only realistic (as in, not a "KILL ALL NIGGERS XD" larp) solution to overpopulation is to drag africa out of poverty

They could have all the niggers killed

>help the impoverished and homeless ( Shitskins and addicts)
>addicts gonna addict and they fucking die
.Shitskins breed even more creating an exponential need for gibsmedats

Congrats, you're a fucking retard

>this is a low iq take, the better off people are the less kids they have, actually.
Because we've been systematically introducing estrogens into the environment of developed countries to artificially lower the birthrates. Calling other people low IQ must be projection.

we can wipe out poverty by sending all the africans to mars, they are already adapted to that landscape, we just gotta warm it up for them.

>rather than help people on this planet

I fucking hate most people and would gladly go to space to get away from them.

By definition, any money spent on niggers is money not spent on my own progeny. Even if we could
>drag Africa out of poverty
their verage IQ is 70, largely genetically determined. They'll drag global average IQ down and the world's intelligent people will be burdened with a population of literal retards, forgoing their own reproduction. Eventually, as I said, they will overwhelm the number of intelligent people capable of supporting them and then they'll die... Because regardless of how much they reproduce, they're too stupid to survive on their own at the numbers they're already at. They can't even do fucking agriculture. If whites stopped helping them, there would be mass die offs.

why are you poor then?

Oh why bother developing science and technology when we can just feed people who hate who will hate your guts regardless.

the future of white people is in space. the nigs and browns are too stupid to get there.

Based West Sahara

Look at Liberia holy shit.

your country is rich because of things to complicated for you to understand. You make white people look stupid by attributing it to race

No? That’s the essence of capitalism. We just exist to be slaves to the elites.

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I want the world's resources to be used wisely creating a more intelligent and industrious white population, not virtue signalling over the poor retarded nigger so that we induce them to continue their retarded legacy and waste massive amounts of resources in the process. They're a genetic dead end. Just let them go.

1. It's their money you convict faggot.
2. They're helping humanity in their own way.
3. Giving more money to your abbo ass to huff gas doesn't help humanity.

Any questions?

Deviate from legacy operation version

>doesn’t know about all the corporate welfare

Fuck the poor. Colonize Mars. We can feed niggers for all eternity and never get anywhere. We have to look to the future...

Feeding Martian niggers.

Living it up I imagine.
I think I deserve 771% of what I earn too.

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Bill gates vaccinates and feeds africa so they keep breeding and stay in poverty.

Nothing ever got better by saying
>let's add more black people to it

Space programs are just next level marketing.

Two cents has been deposited to your Amazon Prime (TM) account

You don't deserve their wealth



Why so some unappreciative ape can shit on whatever is given to them? You cant just help white people das racist. I dont blame them. Plus to even get that rich you have to hate people anyway. You have to screw so many people over.

You can't wipe out poverty because poverty is a state of existence. People are poor and stupid because the remain willfully poor and stupid.

They should be spending their money on anti-aging and life extension therapies.

>the earth is dying
>all the rich people suddenly want to leave earth
>"I don't get it"

>they could wipe out poverty and homelessness and still be billionaires
t. 4th grade dropout

Doing that will amplify all of the problems (pollution, habitat destruction, crime, wealth inequality, etc) modern society causes about 7 times what it is now.

>Isn't it weird that the richest people in the world spend their time perfecting our planetary colonization technology and expediting colonization infrastructure so we can reduce crowding on this planet, ASAP?
No, because losing half the people on this planet for nearly ANY reason would be a boon?

innovation leads to problem solving faggot this planet sucks anyway

Hold on a sec bucko

This assumes that black people are exactly the same as white people - newsflash: They're not.

Despite partial industrialization (due to CHINESE INVESTMENT - nothing africans have done for themselves) black birth rates are still not following the trend the rest of the developed world has. Projections continue to estimate over 50% of the world population will be black by 2100. That's around 4-5 billion people with an average IQ of 60-80, who have shown for the past 25,000 years that they are incapable of creating their own civilization, and you think if we build that civilization FOR them, and feed them all of OUR resources, that they'll just magically stop having 5+ kids per woman and adopt western standards of living and morals?

The reality is that they're going to keep breeding uncontrollably until they hit (and exceed) the local carrying capacity, and then they'll die off en masse (and likely start a few wars too). The solution to Africa isn't to feed them welfare and hope for the best. They're a genetic dead end and will drag us down with them. All aid should be immediately cut to Africa, or else the blacks cleared out and that living space used for whites.

Truthfully the only reason NGO's and corporations even give a fuck at all about Africa is because they believe (mistakenly) that Africa will be a low-wage slavery-state like china and SEA are right now. All they want out of Africa is cheap slave labor, and useful idiots like you contribute to their efforts in achieving this because you're too fucking stupid to realize when you're being conned by a conman. A few nice orwellian-esque feel good words and you're off merrily skipping into the slaughterhouse like a fucking moron.

I'm glad. At least it's not like Soros giving money to lobbies to push the transfreak agenda.

I know right? Fuck Rich ppl S


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I don't want to drop down to Amazon USD Choice.

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an army of autonomous killbots

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>1 post by this ID

Figures you wouldn't hang around to defend your logically deficient argument.

They're all laundering millions of dollars. Especially Musk and Bezos, which is why they have their shell "space exploration" companies. The greed is worse than you think, if only you knew how bad things are.

Because they realize 80% of the population are complete and utter fucking morons and they want to get away and take the brightest people to Mars to start over. I do not blame them.

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>if only you knew how bad things are
Shut up faggot you have no proof to back up your claims. Also, why the fuck would you care about billionaires wanting more money when you live off their tax money you fucking neet.

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Jeff Bezos is Hugo Drax.

How and why do they take more than 100% of government expenditures, much less 700%?

Actually, some of those vaccines are pretty based. Also:

Because it's fucking mars you retarded fuckwad

You think Sillicon Valley is not just a laundry for Chink money? You think the SEC is not investigating Musk, which has been leaked, you have not seen the images of (( Feinstein )) and Musk. You don't have any concatcs in the aerospace industry to know any of the tech the use is borrowed, like metro pcs borrows the towers of Tmobile????? Commoner.

>Going through the effort of laundering money when you could make more $100 flamethrowers and upsell tens of thousands of them for $2000 in seconds.
Having your money in swiss banks and offshore accounts doesn't mean you're laundering money.

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You are incorrect. Your argument would be valid with companies that produce, not glorified startups.
Amazon sells lousy virtual machines, they obviously data mine them which is why AWS is not a failed company, but space blue is definitley just burning money. Tesla on the other hand, lol, we have a press release clearly stating that the SEC is involved and actively investigating Musk, the guys does not hide it like Bezos does.

Blue Origin**

Are you from San Salvador?

The real red pill is that you can't help people.

they're racists, no black people on mars, must get away from mud people basically

>We need to get off this rock
only 2000 can go

wow so fucking based we get more niggers!

They want to escape hell and Mars gives them that escape

>They could wipe out poverty and homelessness
Are you 12? That's the only explanation for how naive you are. You can't solve poverty and homelessness by giving people money, no more than you can fill a seive with billions of gallons of water.

Gov't gives niggers money forever. It doesn't work.

you wont be pone of them jeff


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>they could wipe out poverty and homelessness
That's not cool, high tech, or profitable.

>they could wipe out poverty and homelessness and still be billionaires
But why?