Pol Humour thread

Pol Humour thread

Attached: 1556998473052.jpg (750x562, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1556775989374.png (1000x1000, 316K)

Attached: rkvt2y.png (1106x588, 126K)

retarded fagbook tier picture you disgusting r*dditor
go back and stay there

Attached: 1556667202239.jpg (720x684, 57K)

Attached: 1555642069638.png (500x743, 149K)

Attached: 1554413044450.jpg (648x500, 143K)

Go back to instagram nigger

Wanna hear a joke?

The islamic religion

Attached: 1554965975234.gif (202x216, 1.99M)