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Was Agriculture a mistake?
Austin Ramirez
Luke Ortiz
The literal Fall of Man
Zachary Jones
>Was the single most effective way of harvesting large amounts of calories, reduce labour costs to humans and increase the amount of available resources per person a bad move for humans.
That depends on if you enjoy starving to death and being eaten by wolves? If so then yeah it ruined your day something fierce.
William Garcia
yes. literally made the game pay to win and about grinding, rather than about pvp and community pve
now you can create zerg clans of noobs , rather than gearing
Sebastian Bennett
>Was Agriculture a mistake?
That picture is wrong and a misconception. People didnt "choose" to grow crops. They had to, because human population density reached unsustainable levels for hunting grounds.
Studies show that hunters lived healthier lives with more protein and calories in their diets. furthermore, they worked much less for their foods in tight-knit communities.
Early agriculture was harsh and the people lived short lives breaking their backs. Once certain species of plant got bred to better yields, agriculture became viable. Since populations grew, they depended entirely on their crops, which is when they started to protect their crops from outsiders. And thats how specialized labor was invented, which eventually led to a warrior caste and a farmer caste. Add slave to the mix a few centuries later and voila, modern man.
Brayden Gutierrez
Leo Adams
except in real life those people are gross looking with poor higene
Nathaniel Johnson
Found the fatass
Mason Brooks
Some one actually knows some history!
Liam Gomez
Industrial total agriculture was a mistake. But you don't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Luis Richardson
p much. Our own success caused continued prosperity to be impossible with the old ways.
Adam Roberts
using it to feed humans vegetables was.
agroculture is fine so long as you maximize the system already in place instead of destroying everything for ease of tractor use
Kayden Peterson
where do aboriginals fall on this scale?
Tyler Gonzalez
>now you can create zerg clans of noobs , rather than gearing
it introduced way more crafting options though so gearing was way better.
the real problem was the switch from agro to industry.
agro used to be about clan v clan but industry reduced it to 4 vs everybody and now pve, unless you roll good stats and max charisma then you get a clan.
Christopher Lopez
>7. Agriculture. Jared Diamond calls it the worst mistake in human history. Whether or not it was a mistake, it wasn’t an accident – agricultural civilizations simply outcompeted nomadic ones, inevitable and irresistably. Classic Malthusian trap. Maybe hunting-gathering was more enjoyable, higher life expectancy, and more conducive to human flourishing – but in a state of sufficiently intense competition between peoples, in which agriculture with all its disease and oppression and pestilence was the more competitive option, everyone will end up agriculturalists or go the way of the Comanche Indians.
>From a god’s-eye-view, it’s easy to see everyone should keep the more enjoyable option and stay hunter-gatherers. From within the system, each individual tribe only faces the choice of going agricultural or inevitably dying.
Gavin Davis
>From a god’s-eye-view
Jordan Barnes
link on the Jared Diamond thing btw:
Luis Gutierrez
doubt, domestication of wolves started before farming
Brody Robinson
Fuck off primitivist cuck
Robert White
Have you read meditations on moloch? In context, "god's-eye-view" has nothing to do with God. You could just as easily call it "dictator's-eye-view" or something. It's the perspective of seeing collective decisions rather than those of individuals.
Evan Garcia
Hunting, trapping, foraging, and fishing fulfils the power process.
Jayden Allen
about 3 frames before the first image.
Jackson Sanchez
Multiculturalism was. Not exterminating everyoje who wasnt white was.
Bentley Reyes
Industrial agriculture that allows otherwise useless people of your society, sometimes even foreigners, to live and thrive while doing useless shit like stacking and moving boxes or being "gender studies" majors.
We should be trying to revive small farming using the new great tech that's coming. Pîc related.
Andrew Sullivan
That pic is heavily flawed.
>Dies at age 40.
False. The low average life expectancy of early humans was almost entirely due to infant mortality. Early humans who reached age 18 typically continued living until they died of old age around 80.
>Reaches longevity escape velocity and becomes virtually immortal.
How much would this cost? Would only the upper class be able to afford it? If so, they could use it to solidify their position of power.
>Can get laid any time in VR.
This doesn't count. You're still a virgin unless you have had sex with an actual other person.
>So alpha that he can even escape the heat death of the universe
Bullshit. When the universe is dying of heat death, what will he use as a power source? You know that machines have to obey the laws of physics right? It's not magic.
Dominic Davis
>shit still being planted in ground
Why fucking bother?
If your going to revive small farming it better be using hydroponics
It's cleaner and less wasteful than dirt farming
Cameron Thompson
Only if you stopped eating meat and dairies
Jack Edwards
1945 was a mistake.
Austin Jackson
>says the potato eater
Juan Carlos you know that most mutts down here cannot digest milk very well.
Jaxson Fisher
Stupid question. No. Were you being born a mistake?
Grayson Howard
Nah, I think it was walking upright.