This is the official ranking of European immigrants that came to the United States. I took assimilation, integration, historical significance, etc. into account and came to the conclusion that this is by far the most accurate list dealing with Europeans.
European American immigrant tier ranking
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Poland and Germany should be switched
Is this a LARP? How would you differentiate between a Dane/Norwegian and an Icelander or Swede? They're pretty much all the same.
Besides, you've probably never met an immigrant of any top nation in that list. Maybe, with the exception of UK.
Fuck the Irish. Literally white niggers who love to vote democrat. Italians are cool, germs are ok
Also the Irish I would put in their own special level below F. They were by far the worst white immigrants in terms of crime and causing chaos. Literal subspecies
>Germany, Italy F
Based and freepilled
Not at all + you’re a fag
>How would you differentiate between a Dane/Norwegian and an Icelander or Swede? They're pretty much all the same.
Same with Poles and Hungarians, except language wise of course
the only European immigrant I've met is a Belgian guy I work with. He's pretty cool.
>Between the mid-19th century and the early 20th century, approximately one-third of the Luxembourgian population emigrated. Luxembourg was, at the time, a poor country with an economy dominated by agriculture.[6] The United States was a popular destination for Luxembourgers, as it was for many other European emigrants of the period. The number of Luxembourgers who emigrated to the US in the 19th century is thought to be around 60,000–70,000.
Based. You learn something new every day.
> Except language wise of course.
That's already a huge difference in itself.
The Hungarians are not even Slavic. They are not similar in my honest opinion.
Oh come on! you went to hard on the last three.
We've also had problems with some Spanish and Italian immigrants that brought communism with them, but overall they are great.
Southern Italians went to the US, Northern Italians went to South America. I don't know why that is but you got the better end of the Italian boot
S+A tier = core americans
B tier = American Extended family
C tier = Only the best allowed to stay
D+F tier = You have to go back
I suspect if an American made this exact post in a euro-flag thread he would be hailed with mutt memes until the thread archived.
Why would any european want to immigrate in to your shithole?
where is my ancestors' flag ranking?
True, yeh we never even had "Cossa Nostra" mafias here. Government doesn't want more competitors.
They were mainly Genovese sailors at first, founded the "Unione e Benevolenza" in 1858 and the "Società Unione Operai Italiani" in 1874.
Took care of their own welfare. Spaghetti niggers were tough back then.
because they want jobs and freedom
>F Ranking
Faggots like you are the reason I'm unironically taking my first generation ass back there in a few years. Fuck dying for this decrepit shithole in some kind of civil war. Enjoy your spics and niggers. Your great grant daughter is going to have an awesome quinceanera
why is the pope in F tier
poor sod
You fucking have a better life living on welfare in western europe than being free in muttland.Freedom? yeah call a tranny sir and lose youre Job,great freedom you have there mutt.
That's not what this list is.
Kek, I see your point. Obviously, those ethnic groups are not the "same". If I went to the US, most people wouldn't be able to pinpoint what Scandinavian nation I hail from. Now, if you compare Scandinavians to the people in the countries east and south of Germany, the difference becomes quite clear.
Dont know, got a new neighbour from Sweden recently, and I live isn't exactly filled with opportunities.
im literally a southern italian lel but yeah most of them went to the us
ah damn, I confused their flag for the other red and white one