look at his nose and tell me thats not a jew in a jap face
Japan emperors are jews in disguise
Uh oh
his son the new emperor
'loids are jooz!
Pro tip: Jews are Asians. None off them have human emotion. Of course Asians share some features amongst each other.
The Samurai serves the Jew.
That's a tengu demon
the scroll he carries is a powerful magic called Tora
no wonder jews have special treatment in japan
here is another angle of that jew nose in jap face
the nose shape is a little bit different on tengu
plus it octagon on its head
tengu might not be jew
Do you not know what happens to the body with age?
the semites that would have immigrated to Japan would have arrived before many modern Jewish practices had been established or codified.
the most ancient elements of the Semite and the Tengu are very similar, don't sweat the small details.
why you call everybody a jew, it doesn't matter anymore
i fucking hate shills so much
japs actually look like that in old fuedal era art
original tengu were crow/bird-like demons i believe which is where the nose comes from
The Jew IS the samurai
There's actually a conspiracy theory spready by some Japs that they're some long lost side-tribe of the Jews.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese-Jewish_common_ancestry_theory
It's a teflin
Wtf i hate samurai now
Lmao, do you have emotion? You fat fuck pro-authoritarian boot-licking anti-art anti-book anti-creativity fat fucking nigger, do you have emotion? Last time I looked, you're a soulless faggot who doesn't produce shit but shitposts on Jow Forums if you had some emotion you might get off your ass and write a fucking book.
I'm gonna need some background on this Fujiwara
jew is not the samurai but the one who hold power in imperial japan like parasite and leech who don't do anything only to take people's money and tributes
some "samurai" serve the jews like the masons in murica and europe they are lackey of the jews
the real samurais want to get rid of the jews in japan and meiji reformation has gotten rid of jew shogun system but when they try to touch the jew emperor most of them got assassinated and the dream of republic of japan faded
the remaining samurais got into the military which also infiltrated by jews and their lackey and started wwii still serving jew emperor
and u guys know the rest of the story
Is this a real picture?
This is so difficult to explain.
as real as u get
capture from video documentary "japanjin and its emperor"
You idiots. Japs have their own distinct, usually flattened and downturned noses but they're still quite based in a nationalist mentality.
>interchanging between hooked and unhooked noses
Doesn't work that way.
Weren't the Portuguese one of the first ones to do trade with japan? Don't the Portuguese have Dinaric features in the nose too? What if there was some ancient Japanese royalty -- Portuguese royalty marriage thing going on? Because the nose characteristics are certainly not local and that would be probably the most logical speculation. That nose is not characteristic of Ainu, Jomon, or Yayoi, and not Manchuria either.
I get the sense that I just blew the lid off of some ancient royal secret since the mods are sliding this hard now. Welp.
Have some fucking respect for Japan former Emperor Akihito, he was always a humble and respectful man, don't even compare him to a fucking jew...
Never forget that the Jew Jacob Schiff used the Japs as pawns to destroy the Russian Empire.
My grand uncle who is 90 has the largest fucking nose I've ever seen putting jews to shame and we are 0% jewish, my brother took a dna test and ive done a family tree
you are a bit retard and always like to follow the narrative of people in power
japanese are not jews in general but enslaved by them from very early on after the jews from qin dynasty sail for japan
the original ancient emperor of japan is long gone, replaced by jews from qin china and the japanese has been parasited ever since
just look at Oda Nobunaga he is a fucking jew in disguise too look nothing like regular japanese
the japs hated him so much and killed him in a fire(if it really happen or just banish)
Tokugawa Ieyasu, Nobunaga's nephew, the first shogun is half-jew
and guess what both of them enjoy fucking little boy monk's ass, gay as fuck a blatant jew trait
many jews cryto-jews in high place japan if u know where to look
truth. (((schiffs))) started of sharing the same tenement building with rothschilds in frankfurt.
Same family.
japan was carefully cultivated to be a sex-doll factory AND a useful idiot pawn for "restructuring" east asia according to nwo family designs.
its not just the nose size but the nose shape that show ur jewness
the problem with east asiatics is that they are just that. east asiatic.
the mentality of deception, scum drudgery etc are very similiar to the jewry.
fucking wish people who are listening in our top could BTFO the overall trend first before screaming for "unity" at our expense, instead of leaving people vulnerable as is and blaming them for lack of trying.
Fucking hell we are supposed to be on the same fucking side.
It doesn't help when you generalize a whole area as one way when it's derived mainly from Sino-Asiatic, which is to say, mainland Chinese culture. China has no sense of Honor in business dealings. Koreans and Japanese do, though probably not so much in the capital cities. The fact is the cultural rot of lack of values is in every major city. Low trust, high competition environments will do that.
>Koreans and Japanese do,
>hurr hurr don't generalize
this is your shit for brains on globalist talk.
it says a lot about a certain demographic when even a five year old level meme about their racial characteristic turns out 99% accurate.
(((globalists))) fucked up and are in the process of turning these stupid slanty eyes as their chief pawns for a good reason.
Do you have more recommendations to read? Any more websites/books/videos?
Pretty much this.
China will serve as the kike's main golem after America is gone.
Why do you think the parasites have been selling them so much of America's tech.
>completely ignores the next line that goes into more specifics about city locations just to egotistically talk shit and fraudulently prop up your ego when it doesn't even matter
>all out of an emotional want to be right and having no intention on being correct
You're pretty fucking retarded m8. That five year old meme you are referring to was about Chinese selling steel to a white guy who had to deal with them for his job. Your closing point, just like that user who gave you a (you) already put is directed at China. Not East Asians as a whole. You can't even get your shit straight while trying to talk shit. Kek.
Ainu blood
nice try shlomo
hilter is a crypto-jew
heil jew
Ive said for a while jews are a lost tribe of Israel i recommend everyone does abit of research
I get what you're trying to say muttbro, but is it the dysgenics or your school system that prevents you from forming a proper sentence in your own language?
Let me rephrase that for you:
When you call everybody a jew, it loses its meaning.
Ainu don't have jew nose
Fat chance.
The Chinese will only play along as long as it serves their interest.
They will holocaust them for real long before the situation in China gets to the point of the Weimar Republic or current day USA.
when jews got aways with crime in japan you know something is wrong with the japs system
its corrupted by the jews just like murica
the question is how much and how deep
we are looking at the evidence and trace back to its cause
this is just one example
the japs sure like jews on top
all jokes aside, the big noses of the imperial family are a legacy of their steppes descent. Yamato clan was originally horse-nigger warlords from Manchuria before moving to Baekje and eventually taking over Japan. They even brought a lot of dairy technologies with them and steppes-style burial mounds.
I have the same problem of skipping entire words when I type things. It happens all the time and I never know I'm doing it until I re-read what I typed out.
Just letting you know that you're not alone.
I type an average of 120wpm. Been touch typing since I was 8.
Japs are not aware of jews. Most can't even tell the difference between a European and an Arab, let alone an Amerimutt and a crypto-jew with European blood. They are occupied by the USA, and therefore by proxy the jews.
>Japs are not aware of jews
Japs are not aware of fucking anything.
They go to work, come home, eat cup noodle. Repeat. They're so disconnected from the outside world, they'll have no idea what happening when it eats them alive.
You people are so fucking stupid it hurts.
Jews aren't the only people who can have big/convex noses
>jews are a lost tribe of Israel
That's crazy talk, next thing you know you'll be saying Hitler was a nazi.
Tf is that possible? The japanese field their own labour force with their own people. Thats about the least Jewish thing to do
Sorry to burst your bubble, but they're importing pajeets and other undesirables by the masses now.
they are the lost tribe of israel, that's common knowledge
No GI Joe that is the look of an Amerasian Man that has long ago crossed the Ice Bridge.
Such Ignorant Youth Enraptured In History Book Logic
this thread in the archive is only 9 posts long but theres some interesting infographs
nazi is short for Ashkenazi jew from the start
the jews played the germans soooo good blatantly obvious yet unseen by bewildered eyes
german lost for one reason trusting the jew, or should say crypto-jew
yet sites like renegadetribune.com still promote hitler worshiping further jew agenda to benight and dumbdown the world
really sad
>Oda Nobunaga
Interesting. I did some research and yeah the dude looks like a jew. Apparently had a love of European culture. He not only reformed his entire military and economic structure to support a majority fire arm army. He personally had commissioned a full suit of plate armor in European style.
its still jew trait never the less
just like nazi is short for Ashkenazi blatantly obvious
why u fool ignore the obvious its not even that crypto
His Nephew The Shogun
Note the shape difference. A circle with a slightly pointed top versus a black cube. Each has a different energy qualities to it. I'm not sure what the pointed circle represents, maybe Amaterasu, but the black cube symbolizes Saturn worship.
not the same
tengu real jew fake
the jew imitate the real one for the destruction of the human race
black cube saturn worship inverted pentagon summon nigger shit on top energy to fit in subhuman body
don't let ur wife or gf go near anything cube while pregnant unless u want ur baby to turn out like nigger shit
Nobunaga invite jesuits to japan and jesuits are crypto‑jews
so Nobunaga basically follow jew order and try to turn japan into catholic slavery system and it backfired and got him killed or exiled
his nephew the new shotgun retain the old jew confucius system from china and regain power and sustain until meiji reformation
the jews came to japan after qin dynasty conquered mainland and people start call it china
the word "china" doesn't mean porcelain it really means "twisted human spirit to-be-butchered slave animals"
the jews and its army set sail from shandong peninsula for japan and try to pull the same shit they did in the mainland and enslave the japanese
they killed bunch of natives but were outnumbered so they start breeding with the locals and eventually got into the imperial circle and stay in power til these days
>big nose = jew
def a kike invader
nose which looks like a 6 = jew, kike boi
No, that's just an Asian race I forgot the name of. It's in all old books on races, tho, so look it up.
However, Japs were always very pro-Jew and pro-Zionist, even during WW2, you can also look this up.
How come mongoloids look like jews and arabs bros?
Isn't the middle east technically a part of asia?
Congrats OP for making today's dumbest thread.
Show flags or you are confirmed to be jew, chinese, or korean.
That gif's pretty cool actually
This is unironically what I thought when I first saw him on TV the other day. Glad I'm alone.
right-on brother
Japanese are a mixture of old Korean blood and Ainu peoples from the Jomon empire. Not Jews. But they sure do act like em sometimes.
no jew chink or gook here just plain old murican who like to see the truth exposed
u japs been dumbdown for too long like the germans its time to wake d fuck
He’s dead jim
There is the faggot
now we need the key...
stupid gooks don't know the whole stories always like to follow the chinks narratives and be chinks slaves
confucius is the biggest jew in ancient china and u gooks love its bs teaching so much its basically implanted into ur brain even before u r born really pathetic
the reason some japs look like gooks is because the jews brought the gook-looking army to jap during qin dynasty china
the jew mix with thea ancient imperial circle while the gook army mix with the locals natives much like whats happening in europe right now funny how history repeat itself
dumb gook doesn't know shit always chink jews slave suck chink rice noodle dick jew cocks
>DNA evidence excludes the possibility of significant links between Japanese and Jews.
Also excluded by the fact that japan isn't a massive shithole like palestine aka israel
u the faggot nigger sucking sweeeet jew cocks
not the same nose nigga
jew nose not just big but crooked
its like the jew been mixed with the eagles the rats the snakes the monkeys and the pigs
Show flag or you are a like automatically
>See those asians? They are actually JEWS
t. achmed
already told u niggers me old fashion murican unlike u faggot mutto
one good thing about murica is its vast lands but jew slaves are still everywhere got to be careful
religion is a jew narrative all under jew directives
academia is mostly jewed especially the theoretical ones
medical industry is basically jewed purposely withholding cures only provide treatments
nazi and liberals are basically the same dumbdown jew slaves not trustworthy
its sad to see ur brothers sisters and friends totally jewed and can't do anything about it cuz for them sucking jew cocks is forever sweeeet
social interaction with jew and jew-like people is unavoidable but just don't follow jew narrative and try not to fall into jew traps
don't make the same old jew mistakes after becoming jew-wise
Just like coin flipping
>hilter is a crypto-jew
GTFO fucking kike