Bitcoin mooning hard as FUCK

It's happening lads, the bull prophecy has come to fruition

Prepare for early retirement and IMMENSE wealth

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i hope you lads have your chainlink bought and ready

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I have zero buttcoins because I'm literally retarded, someone spoon feed me right now on what to do

its too late fren, it takes time to get into an exchange, find a 3rd party, sign up for coinbasepro

If only you knew how good things are, for me.

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Not yet leaf , one last dip before the ethernal bullrun.

After btc has less inflation than fiat in a few months crypto will be king.

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66 confirms.

God dammit. I wish I wasnt a fucktarded brainwashed furry teenager when bitcoin originally popped up on Jow Forums all those years ago. I was right there dude, inside the first bitcoin threads and I didn't take it seriously. I fucking mined dogecoins. Fuck me

Why is it going up now, when Tether and Binance are in trouble and crypto is a dead meme? Smells like market manipulation.

Bitcoin is literally the most important technological innovation since the agricultural revolution. It is John Nash's(180 IQ) "ideal money", bitcoin completely destroys centralized states and their associated tyranny, bitcoin completely destroys banking institutions and the usury ponzi scheme. Just as Christianity was the most radical social revolution in history as Jesus chased away the moneylenders, bitcoin is the technological equivalent of Jesus Christ.

IQ by investment type

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too bad i was poor and never bought anything kek.
i will juat wait for the meteorites to hit the Earth and make my move

Haha yeah ok

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Use to buy crypto with $$, transfer to Binance wallet (phone app) and use Binance to trade.

First period 2009 to 2012(pre halving)
Available: 10,500,000 BTC (50% mined)
Price increased from : 0.1 to 31 $ (319 times growth)

Second Period 2012 to 2015 (1st halving was 11/2012)
Best Buy was a year before Halving
Available :15,750,000 (75% mined)
Price increased from : 1.85 to 1135 S (575 times Growth)

Third period 2015 to 2018 (2nd Halving was 6/2016)
Best Buy was a year before Halving
Available :18,375,000 (87.5% mined)
Price increased from : 165 to 19k S (115 times Growth)

Considering that the low value after the bubble has been 3200 usd let´s assume we grow instead of 115 times , half of that(a massive reduction in growth) , 57,5 times.

That gives us a price of 182k somewere around 2021.

And this is assuming a massive slowing down in the price increases happening between halvings.

Also bitcoin will have lower inflation than the usd and eur early next year.

Assuming it keeps with the trends and we grow let´s say 100% we are going to 320k.

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Nah, it's about to become valueless
Send them to me quick before you lose money

It's like real estate in the north east, everyone known it's a bubble/ sham but enough people want in they manage to keep from crashing

pump before the dump

see you at $3000

quick, let the uninitiated know and pump the price of computer hardware up 2x, even though mining bitcoins is almost impossible now

Make the normies suffer

Bitcoin? More like Bitgoyim.

Hmm, sounds like I should still put a few eggs in that basket and see where it takes me

One EMP and what bitcoin?

No it doesn't . Bitcoin isn't decentralized. Look up who owns 66% of all bitcoins mined so far.

>he bought?
Prepare the dump

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>currency invented by the intelligence agencies for their drug and children trafficking networks
>surprised it's not dead yet
Honk fucking honk as usual


Not bubble , just game theory.

Bitcoin is not a ponzi , it´s just game theory applied in a genious way, bitcoin is used for international wires

for example let´s say that britbongistan ask loisences to send money.

So you do

100 GBP > 1 BTC > 90 USD

notices the last part 1 BTC > 90 USD

When you do that movement you sell the btc to someone doing the same in reverse.
So there is a constant demand of scarce btc to do international transactions.

After the halving the ammount of btc created per year is reduced by half.

So now you do

100 GBP > 0.5 BTC > 90 USD

all that changed is that you now use less btc for the same transaction due to them being rarer.

But for the investor it´s literally massive gains.

Bitcoin will in two months start to go up non stop as the cycle repeats once again.

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I thought I was on Jow Forums for a few seconds. Check the RSI, this is just a mini bubble.

This is true tough , it´s the last mini bubble before the bullrun.

COPE coming from decemberfags

A quarter of the way through 2017 you'll notice the price trend diverged due to mania and FOMO. That was the bubble. Now draw a straight line on that graph starting at the beginning point and ending at the current date point. Notice how it is a slow but gradual rise. This is the true sustainable growth. I think BTC is a touch higher than actual sustainable value, and another bubble could happen, but it is still an incredible asset opportunity... and blockchain tech is only going to get more popular.

most of bitcoin's 20k value came from tethers.
tether is going down for good and everyone's buying btc
prices rise
do the math

Oh brother, I’ve been watching bitcoin since it was worth less than a penny m8. So please take a seat and believe me when I say this guy is right:
The writing has been on the wall for a loooooooong time. I don’t even know how someone could effectively stop this monolith; do you?

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I had 10 when they were worth around $200
Guess I should have held on to at least a couple

Jow Forums should know BTC bitcoin is filled with Jews and BCH bitcoin cash is filled with whites

Na dude i saw it from outside , i actually used btc for transactions and never hold any of them.

I literally bought and pay with bitpay on the same day.
So i saw it all happening from outside , this time i will be in.

>The writing has been on the wall for a loooooooong time. I don’t even know how someone could effectively stop this monolith; do you?

Crypto is not going up as much as fiat is going down my friend.
If governments had balanced budgets and few currency controls it would make crypto retarded.

Crypto is going up as well as houses, education or healthcare and things you can´t import because inflation is more than one can see.
Importing from near slave labor is a way of hidding the inflation but the things you can´t import from cheap labor are going up massively in the west because the inflation is way higher than normans think.

Crypto is not bad and will not destroy anything it´s simply the second amendment of economic freedom and will force governments to self moderate by providing a way out.

Jow Forumsthread/13580446
This is now a D.A.K thread

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>>Jow Forumsthread/13580446
Bitcoin is currently only 60 bucks a pop

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this shit is getting ridiculous for a casual to into

>Crypto is not bad and will not destroy anything it´s simply the second amendment of economic freedom and will force governments to self moderate by providing a way out.
Yeah I should not have seemed so negative. This quote is the main reason it piqued my interest so many years ago. I just get worried about subversion, but I don’t really know how that could be accomplished either in all honesty. Obviously the economic current system is much easier to control and subvert. Which is basically the reason that bitcoin was invented in the first place.
Here’s my advice to you if this truly takes off: Never tell anyone ANYTHING about bitcoin. This post was already too much, in fact. I reckon there will be teams of people, both funded by governments and not, looking for people with wallets. These people will do ANYTHING to get into those wallets, especially since they can’t really verify what you’re hodling. Set up multiple wallets as a contingency, in fact. I wish the best for you brother, from this point on, never relax; and always try to stay happy! You’ve earned it!

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Bitcoin gonna crash soon. Perfect time for puts, the only real currency is the US dollar which will moon since trump signed $350 billion worth of tariffs on the Chinese. All tariff proceeds heads directly to treasury. Chinese sold all of US bonds now is the time for americans to buy. Short china!

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Bitcoin's bubbles were always driven by fake market manipulation.

I already got my trezor ready fren , but this is more than just making it.

The entire western world is going to shit because the fiat system allows politicians to do bad choices and delay the consequences for years with monetary policies.

Crypto is needed for democratic countries to survive.
But you are right tough , after btc has less inflation than fiat in a year things will start to get a little crazy.

I wish the best luck for you too brother.

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