Teleports to your kitchen counter top

>teleports to your kitchen counter top
>filters your water to remove the chemicals (fluoride, estrogen, lead, etc) the kikes put in to make the goyim docile while they rob us blind

heh nothing personal kid

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Other urls found in this thread: Report 15-134.pdf?mc_cid=a28a55694a&mc_eid=74703813ad

or move to a rural area and collect rain water...oh wait..that shit is illegal in the USA


Tries Master race.
Rural retard with a clean deep well. Rain water collection and a home built berky filter because I'm not a fag who pays 150 dollars for a stainless pot. I paid 20.

This thing is so obnoxiously ugly. I ended up just blowing $2k for the whole house water filter.

Berkey’s are red pilled

Why? You can literally diy that for like 400 bucks.


Rainwater isn't as pure as you might think. There's lots of shit that hitchhikes along with water when it evaporates and plenty of stuff in the atmosphere that rain picks up on the way down.

People have tested snow from untouched mountaintops and found traces of dozens of pesticides and industrial chemicals in it. There's no pure water in nature anymore.

Unironically a good post.
One day they will find a way to filter out endocrine disruptions too.

How are you mechanically filtering out an ion in solution without a reverse osmosis setup?

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Berkey master race

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I have a rainwater collection system...I was told the same bullshit. I pay every 6 months to have my rainwater tested and it is the cleanest shit I can drink.

Joke in on you for believing that the gov makes it illegal cause it might be dangerous.
You have been played. I collect 10M3 a month minimum...and it is pure as fuckj

ahh the natural fallacy. This coming from a nation that gets clean water only 2 hours a day. I can send you my piss if you want its probably cleaner than anything you have ever had

That isn't illegal in the US lmao
Maybe like 1 state it's illegal, and a few states have restrictions, but most of the country it remains perfectly legal.
Rainwater is contaminated with a ton of shit but it is all is very low concentrations.

I have my rain water tested via an independent is clean

actually this

I am not a poor fag, I have it tested every 6 months.

let's see the results.

it's not illegal in the whole USA, some areas that are prone to drought/wildfires outlaw it because one person water hoarding rain water can make drought/ wild-fire conditions more dangerous for others.

>shit is illegal in the USA
Shut up

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>implying you understand anything when it comes to water analysis
don't drink rain water, probably acid rain that will cause global warming, that is why it is illegal to collect it in your state

you cunts can't collect rain water...and you know it

My neighbors all literally collect rainwater, just cause there's laws doesn't mean you have to follow them retard

>(((independent lab)))

sure, poor fag
you can pay a lab to test samples

Send me some Velveta "cheese", I will have it analysed

We have a fucking 50 gallon rain barrel at the end of the house that we use for our garden so we arent using out well water for it. So does our neighbor for their garden, and we live across the street from a cop, so I gues you have no idea what you are talking about.

bet your wife has to blow said cop to not rat you out LOL

bants aside, good for you...

the stupidity of it is that these laws exist in the areas where people need to collect rain water the most. We have plentiful auqifers and good water levels here, we don't NEED rain water. But on the west cost where drought are common, many people need it, but arent allowed.

This is a fucking kike advertisement that this loser posts every day, trying to sell his brand of water purification system.

I stopped watching tranny porn once I got this filter from infowars. Thanks Alex Jones!

Christ can the rain man monkey hue shut the fuck up already.
more discussing of how to filter the water we get for pennies per barrel, less tales of being Brazilian innawoods

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I hear you, same over here. The most arid regions are dissuaded from collecting rain water...almost illegal at this point but people are desperate. We are talking about third world desperate...can't really make it illegal but most people don't have the means to collect...or they collect rain water under dirty conditions.
Pretty fucking sad existence. I remedied the situation by supplying inert glass roof tiles that I manufacture for solar roofs. I can't yet provide free solar cells to these people but at least the rain water they collect is not contaminated by dust, mold and other shit due to baked clay traditional tiles.
I hope to provide free photovoltaic cells to these people in the future but it is a long way off.

eat the brazil nuts out of my shit

You are a good man, user.

thanks, Ameribro

>collect and filter water from a small stream/Spring down my street

shits delicious.

curious, what is the mineral composition?

No idea the specific minerals, but I've tested it for Arsenic and it's clean, dissolved solids meter read 74 last time I checked it, I collect it only a few feet from where it's coming from the ground, it's ice cold.

P.H 7.7

Good clean source, a rarity these days, make sure you keep your spring on the down low LOL
what is the elevation of your lot, if you don't mind me asking?

Then they can breed more and the poverty increases.

people will fuck, no matter the choices I make. Maybe if I provide a service I can provide a potential future degenerate with a chance to turn his life from crime to science,
I get my kicks off of helping the less fortunate.
Curse me for providing an alternative to crack dealing

It's just hopeless. Unless you cull the retards out of the herd it always ends up like this.

charcoal is full of negatively charged pore space to bind the ions from the water


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Huebro what region do you live ? If you don't mind me answering me

>Ungays your frog

You're welcome, ked.

they aren't

No idea, it's in a wooded area in a residential neighborhood but the neighborhood is at a higher elevation then the surrounding area but not much.

Holy shit. You're doing amazing work Bro-zilian. Keep it up

I don't see it that way...if I did, I would simply murder the lot of them.
I still get a kick out of giving opportunity to a skilled laborer, letting them expand their horizons into a field they never imagined possible.
I often purchase shit homes and experiment with new tech. The dudes I hire are usually very psyched to hone their skills, eager to learn even if they don't know shit. is hit or miss but the few individuals that see an opportunity to learn something new and evolve is beyond.

I currently live in the North, I also do work in the northeast.

Hey hue, you know James lafleur?

You ought to do a full analysis of the water, you surely have a gold mine when it comes to natural springs

I love mine. Didn’t know water could taste that good desu

thank you so much, user
I will do my part in order to transform my shithole into something less shit LOL

nope, clue me in

How is the rural areas up there ? I'm from ES but lived in Fortaleza and João Pessoa for a while (and Novo Hamburgo too not that it matters), but never get do go to the rural areas in the north/northeast is really that different from the southwest/south and the center west ? Living in Brasilia now btw.

We have a gigantic top of the line reverse osmosis water filtration system building where I work. I just bring a couple 3 gallon glass water jugs to work with me every other day and fill up to take home with me. My co-workers think I’m weird or something. They voted me “most likely to go postal” at our Christmas party last year.

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You're alright, good luck.

The Northeast is fucking miserable as fuck...the rural areas are semi-arid, very difficult as they often don't get rain for 2 to 3 years! When the rains do come, you have intense flooding...mad fucking rain. The area is prime for solar power as you get constant sunshine. I am working with a group in order to provide solar power for illumination. The region is most families don't have the money to keep the power going when the sun goes down at 5pm. I am working with a group to provide water collection and storage as well as solar power.

The current Brazilian government has provided us with funds to expand our program, this is a very good aspect of this government. Life in the sertão is fucking miserable to say the least. We hope to bring some relief in this regard.

The North has abundant resources but you have yellow fever and malaria in some places, we want to bring simple changes (bug nets over beds and screens on windows) to mitigate the health issues. Currently we are attempting to increase the living conditions in the semi-arid regions the most.

thanks user.

Good luck with you work user, I have to go to sleep now , but keep it up you are doing god's work

thanks and good night

I bought a propur and I love it. It's not large enough though if you want to use the water to wash fruit/boil food etc, need to refill it often

Endocrine disruptors is incredibly broad term. They have studies to support filtration of some drugs, magazine, glyphosate, microplastics and more, all considered to be endocrine disruptors

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Those things look like a total pain to fill up

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he is draining the swamp....1 prez impeached, 2 ex-presidents going to jail...

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no one mentioning a water distiller.


I work at a water plant if you faggots want to ask me questions like how I put mind control fluoride in. Also these filters are a meme. We got one at work to mess with. Just buy an under the sink RO unit so you don't have to fill your water up tank up like a retard every day.

Can you illuminate me on the best water filters using this method then? I assume its the best filtering system and am only finding the APEC 5 step filter so far

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Just an FYI, you need at least a five micron carbon filter for rainwater. Raccoons can get on your roof and poop, that poop contains a parasite with no know cure that will kill you. I use a 30 micron stainless steel filter a d a spin down stainless steel filter to filter before that tank. Infinite use.


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look at this cheap nigger with the stock plastic spigot... you better get that SS shit with the faster flow

Enjoy drining acidic water in the favela.

Only certain states and local laws prevent it. All of them liberal hellholes. I can in my state 42 inches of rain on average per year. About 30,000 gallons a year.

enjoy acidic muslim cock in your ass

nice, you retty much have a year supply

No, mostley the farmers are fined for doing that. not people collecting the water/Roof dirt mixture in the city.

My well is 40 ft deep and 250 years old and built from brick,

why the fuck would they fine farmers?

farmers would use way more water for their crops than some suburban family home. allowing each farmer to collect enough water to cover their 1000 acres or whatever would just be too much.

nigger please

You have to understand that burgers don't know what clean air is. They are so used to being able to see what they are breathing they think its normal. My rain comes straight off the Southern Ocean.

Why not just drop some silver in the water you collect to drink? Won't that be the same?

I get mine from the Altantic ocean. Have been collecting it for 10+ years, get it tested every 6 months, never came back polluted.

I have a well and I live in the mountains.

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how do you build your own? Can you get the filters separately and then just build yourself a container?


Fortunately, none of these ideas is quite true and the 6-8 glasses myth comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of some basic physiology.

Water is, of course, essential for life and we humans cannot go very long without it. In fact, compared to most, we are some of the most water inefficient beings on the planet. The reason is that we lose quite a bit of water every day and we have no real way to store excess water or replenish our lost reserves short of simply drinking more of it. Unlike many other materials we cannot go long stretches without a supply of fresh drinking water.

Over the course of the day, we lose some water as water vapour from our breath and some water is lost through sweat. These water losses are called insensible water losses because we are not aware of them, as compared to the water lost in urine. Though many people think sweat is a consequence of exercise or of being hot, even someone living in a cold climate who is not exercising loses somewhere between 500-1000 ml of free water through sweat every day. Interestingly enough, this type of sweat is almost pure water, colourless and odourless, and is mainly used by the body for temperature control by drawing heat off the skin and allowing it to dissipate into the air. The foul-smelling sweat that most people are familiar is produced by a different type of sweat gland and is an oily substance with little water.

This water loss is essentially inevitable. You will always lose water vapour in your breath

not what the thread is about, faggotron.

The main risks of drinking only distilled water are associated with the lack of dissolved minerals, such as magnesium and calcium. Some of the adverse effects of drinking just distilled or low mineral water

People are so obsessed with water you can get eat enough depending on diet, gardening and cooking style. I think its illethical to convince people to do nothing for themselves.

42 is a lot. I’m in Southern Commiefornia and we get 20 if we are lucky. Also our tap water causes cancer so there’s that