Ausfags, tell me why I shouldn't vote for the Greens?

Ausfags, tell me why I shouldn't vote for the Greens?

My reasoning:
>if we neglect our environment, we have nothing to defend
>our country, our resources, sell them only when we have to
>the need to protect our environment may be greater than the need for a competent government

Am usually a LNP voter, and I have no issues with Scott Morrison. However, if we can get away with using our resources sparingly and avoid an international incident while doing so, then I think we should.

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You didn't ask me, but I hope you realize that (((they))) control all political parties in the West so there's no point in participating in the democracy circus.

Vote for the leftist greens, lose all rights, become enslaved to government, get taken over by china, but at least they can exploit the land you "protected" which in reality was perfectly fine but you listened to propaganda about global warming and stuff.

Save the environment by importing an unsustainable number of immigrants.
Great plan.

Global warming is of less interest to me than the protection of Australian resources and our flora and fauna.

I don't live in a slum, so in reality I know little of immigrants.

Watch Chinese at the beach fishing.
No regard for minimum size which helps species go extinct.

It's mostly the people who are doing it for business purposes that wipe out the fish en masse.

Chinese don't even know wtf they are doing.

If the Greens actually cared about the environment I would vote for them. Unfortunately, the have become the party of landrights for trans african dwarves.
To put it another way, we voted ourselves into this mess, but we can't vote our way out of it.

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What's wrong with giving trans african dwarves land rights if they look after the land?