Bros... are we /btfo/?

bros... are we /btfo/?

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This is why her ex remarried and why she's alone forever.

Vasectomies can be reversed sometimes. More often than not, they can’t be. I literally asked my Dr last month about the procedure.

>force you to get surgically sterilized
>keep women from murdering babies
Same thing right?

So this is the power of emcel shitposting.

yes the emcel does not need logic she can rationalize everything

nobody asks for women to have their tubes tied, which is the actual equivalence for this tweet. What is she actually equivocating too anyway? abortion?

i actually like that idea. i can bang as much as i want and not worry about child support + i dont have to pay for vasectomy

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>Murder a baby
>can be reversed

You must choose one you fucking dumb damaged cunt.

Women were a mistake.

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>don't have to worry about child support

I give ten to one odds that if she really wanted to, a woman could pin a child on a guy.

Who the fuck is EvanRachelwould, and why should we care?

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I don't understand what this guy is trying to parody?
Are there people worth responding to that are advocating for sterilizing women until they want children? If anything, wouldn't that be referring to advocates for the availability of birth control?

It's all so tiresome...

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not if genetic test fails.

I'm not even anti-abortion, I just want to comment on the stunning hubris of American women.

Up until fairly recently they were complete second class citizens. Are they under some impression it's impossible to go back and lose ground when it comes to their rights and legal status?

Hypothetically though you could still conceive a child medically since your balls would still be making sperm, correct? Just got to find a way to extract them and combine with egg now.

rigged from the start

op here

oy vey lads, I hate to throw another twitter screen cap thread in the pile but holy fuck is it insane, post the most insane things you found on twitter because for whatever reason it’s in meltdown mode

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women should not have any rights.


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just sterilize abortionists

This should be her new profile pic.

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nobody is forcing women to have sex and get pregnant.. more idiot checkmarks


still depends, some courts will make you pay child support regardless

Holy fuck literally just close your legs

Tbh, I’d be down with mandatory child vasectomy and tubal ligation for children from low income, criminal, and stupid families. At some point, between 23-27, you can apply for a reversal based on your intelligence, life route(stated in some type of blueprint indicating at least a 3-yr directional plan with achievable goals and how they’d be accomplished) , criminal history, credit history, community reputation, income, spouse(providing same criteria) of at least two years, some type of steady employment(even if it’s at lower end of spectrum), and front the cost of reversal(payment plans acceptable). Each case would be judged on an individual basis.
Obviously, this needs more work, but it’s just a base model.
It sounds fucking dystopian and hurt to write, but I feel like it would solve a fair amount of our nation’s problems.

Could just not have sex. A sizable portion of men are already doing that.

thats insanity who could every expect a women to be responsible and function at a normal level



I’d highly recommend against keeping your sperm frozen in a facility and out of your control. Courts have green lighted women getting preggo with your sperm and making you pay child support.

>Get forcibly sterilized by the state is the same infanticide. Oooooooooooohhhhhhh

Have sex loser


make it so you have to be sterilized to receive medicare or SNAP/EBT

checked. not if theres no kid. hence le vasectomy. if shes gonna cheat on ya and push child support on ya anyways, you might as well avoid females altogether

severing the vocal chords of all the bitchy feminist baby killers would probably be cheaper and more efficient
plus we'd be able to identify the crazies more easily

Imagine trying to even attempt at making the comparison of taking a pill vs an invasive usually non reversible procedure.

I can’t wait for male contraception like women have. It’ll be a game changer and put a stop to all of these thirsty, controlling bitches entrapping men with children they don’t want with women they hate.

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>hates men
>makes herself look like a man
Liberal logic 101

I could be mistaken, but I believe courts have awarded child support from non-biological parents, something about expected lifestyle or some bs

No, that's a specious and willfully ignorant argument that relies on the old liberal standby of deliberately pretending not to know the difference between diploid and haploid cells, combined with the time-honored disingenuity of trying to frame the debate entirely in terms of bodily autonomy while hypocritically not recognizing any bodily autonomy of human life at the fetal stage of development. The analogy is inapt and invalid, and this twisted wretch deserves to be put to death in an arbitrarily horrible manner, preferably involving a combination of barbed wire and jumper cables, if I get a vote on the matter. In Minecraft, naturally.

This. The cognitive dissonance of women is astonishing. They should have never received equal rights.

>I can’t wait for male contraception like women have

I have tried it. I did not like it. google rapiflo.

>birth control is mandatory

what a retard

Oh of course, and I'm not advocating that, I was just thinking about the options for someone who has had a vasectomy. You wouldn't necessarily need to reverse the procedure in order to obtain sperm, you'd just need to numb the area or put the guy under and extract some with a needle or something.

Be easier to put them in a mass grave somewhere. Don't need vocal chords to thot around on social media

AH toxic feminism, it hurts men... and toxic masculinity... also hurts men....


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what the FUCK. whats the threshold for meeting the parameters of such a retarded rule?

>The equivalence to me having to make my own choices is to force someone to not have theirs
It is already "your body your choice". You have the choice to not have sex until you want to grow a human, no need for surgery.

I'm not a irresponsible whore so I don't have to

Not in all cases, but check this shit out

Straight guy wanted to donate sperm to help out these lesbians who wanted a child. Few years later the mother comes a-knockin' for her cash and the court gives it to her.

I was thinking more along the lines of a nod to "The Scarlet Letter"
Easy to identify after their state mandated surgery

What’s the need? Liberal men don’t have sex anyway

well thats where the free vasectomies come in. no sperm no problems right?

Then, bitches need to get their tubes tied, I mean, if it's so simple then why don't they show us men how it's done and put us in check?

Just keep your genetic material to yourself unless you're willing to accept the consequences. Don't use online DNA-Heritage services, don't donate sperm in the same country you live in, etc.

Imagine being so butthurt that your ex left you that you decide to go down a path of self destruction, get pregnant, kill the baby, then have so much guilt every day that you need to constantly talk about how its not murder

Thats pretty pathetic desu

Are you slow?

>It sounds fucking dystopian
That's because it is.
>I feel like it would solve a fair amount of our nation’s problems.
It would, in the same way nuking China and India would solve overpopulation, and banning industry would solve climate change.

Since when is female birth control mandatory?

We don't get to control wet dreams tho, so she's btfo, not I.

What will happen if emcel meme goes mainstream??

Comes up as a prostate medication

They can be undone, and sometimes do it by themselves.
And why should you care about a potential single mother terminating a non-conscious parasite?

you know you could just like not be a hoe do you Rachel?

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She's missing the part where anti-abortionists think you're literally killing another human.

>Preventing access to necessary treatment because you're stupid enough to think you're dealing with reasonable people
Are you offering to raise all those unwanted niglets then?


she looks like a mattress, but not the good kind

this anti child standpoint sure seems very familiar to our pro child standpoint

Yes, they can do IVF that way if reverse vasectomy fails.

Yeah, she was so hell-bent on making a pro-abortion point, she forgot to make any sense ,whatsoever.

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First Post and Most Based Post

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I support this but only for welfare recipients

> Because mandatory surgery is the same thing

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You made the choice when you let some dude blow his slobbering load in you...fucking morons.

I had thought about donating sperm at some time in my life but then realized that is completely retarded because I don't want to deal with some dumb lesbo getting dumped, losing her job and trying to steal money from me.
I would love to go around and have kids all over the world, just because I want to spread that happiness because I actually know some other people who do it and they enjoy it and get to meet the kids later in life and such.
Now, donating sperm isn't a huge issue because you could just do it through the system and you would be untouchable, the only problem? It will cost you like $2,000-3,500 each time you want to do the AI and you gotta do it multiple times.
These courts dont want DIY sperm donations because they are in with the industry who profits millions off of this. Who would want to pay that much money just to do an AI? Who even has that kind of cash to throw around?
It's fucking stupid

This was the case I was thinking of. WNBA player’s woman cheats on her, has a man’s kids, WNBA Griner finds out, wants out, but because she was apart of their life for awhile, court requires her to keep up their lifestyle with child support. I believe that’s the gist of it.

>hate government interfering with its citizens
>hate degenerates
I’m not sure if I love or hate this idea

Alternatively, we can cut this bitches tongue out until she learns to shut up. She'll already be silent, so.

A part*

She's always seemed like a massive cunt.

A helicopter ride is the only solution for this mentality.

Easier solution. If you want welfare, you get sterilized. Can’t take care of yourself? You can’t take care of children. You want to be a leach? You give up your autonomy.

Nobody is forced into anything against their will with this solution.

false equivalency

you are aware that females getting tied is less harmful and have a much higher success rate than vasectomies, right?

And why should I care if she wishes to terminate the pregnancy? Why should I care that she wants half the property in a divorce? Why should I care about making money to support her lifestyle? I care because when you're in a marital relationship, both sides have equal say, up to and including pregnancy.
You flaming homosexual.


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Your post is completely unintelligible. Be better.

yeah, she is trying to say that not allowing a woman to say a doctor can invade her body is the same as making a doctor invade a man's body. completely equivalent.

muslims are right
lock women up and don't allow them to leave the house without an escort
problem solved

men:we'll tell you if you can have abortion or not

women:you men will have vasectomies

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Just sterilize niggers, you'll cut abortions by about half.

Vasectomies about 30% reversal rate.

Kill yourself nigger.

The question is how to prevent baby killing and the impact on your body from a vasectomy is smaller than the impact on hers from carrying the baby to term, so it is logical and makes sense. Sorry Jow Forums but you are well and truly btfo this time, not a single intelligent counter point in this thread proves it.

>how to prevent baby killing

>Buy a condom
>Buy a pill
>Don't let some random dude take a load inside your pussy
>Stop being a whore

Or women could just not be whores. Everyone wins.

see if you dont keep a cock in her face hole she makes bitch noises