This happened 15 minutes from where I live

This happened 15 minutes from where I live.

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Other urls found in this thread:

why would you live within 15 minutes of niggers

Should kill the rest of her family. Coal burning is a dangerous gene and needs to be wiped off the face of the earth

>Satan asks why niggers exist when he created them to spite god

Why are young white girls so obsessed with blacks and their swagger?

I'm too poor to move, Satan.

mad white boy who had his crush blacked.

satan trips, based statement, /thread

Sure thing mutt

Toll paid

you should never keep a nigger as a pet, they're wild animals and deserve to be in the wild

Toll paid. Nothing of value was lost.


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more like gril tried to break it off and the nig killed her

Thoughts: another life full of potential and joy completely wasted by shitty parenting and historical events gone wrong. It's pretty sad.

60 bucks she told him she was pregnant

>coal burner
Her life will be full of misery when Jamal is born and Tyrone runs away

I think it's a good thing now no white man will fuck her not knowing she's a niggerlover

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well well, all of us at Jow Forums hate women too, but niggers take it to another level.

Online dating accounts for 95% of all relationships in the USA

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Just another lesson for girls still in the world of the living

this happened 60 mins from me in a college town

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this. i think we should issue "death by a thousand cuts" for coal burners, but general removal works as well. not as flashy though.

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This happened 1-minute from my location.

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natural selection
high testosterone and aggressive behavior implies strong protector of wife and future kids
let's face it many white guys overall are suffering from cultural faggot behavior due to modern society while niggers still live like bantus duking it out in the savanna

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She cheated on him with another black

I dunno

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The fuck?

White men kill white women more than black men. You faggots just like to highlight things to fit your narritive.

One less future single mother spitting out mutts and collecting gibs

Back in the oven kike

Stay the fuck out kenosha, racine, niggerwaukee and’ll Live happier, longer.

Murderers in a college town?

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Niggers should be tattooed with surgeon general warning: Will cause death to white girls.

TLDR a good samaritan white guy handed out cash at a waffle house, ran out of cash, black woman runs across street to waffle house askin' WHERE MY MONEY, good samaritan says he only had enough for the people in the waffle house, black women's nigger boyfriend shoots the good samaritan because he DISRESPECTED his wimmins
>muh welfare
>muh reparaSHUNS

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Niggers gonna nig. Toll paid.

They get turned on by the idea of a man who might murder them. Women are pretty fucked up mentally. That's why telling them about immigrant criminals never sways their political beliefs.

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These young thugs are getting quality white pussy these days

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Toll paid

Where do I go then? Been here my whole life.

what do you mean "thoughts?"
its a nigger
that murdered. niggers in his age group commit 53.1% of ALL MURDERS in the USA.

Get off Jow Forums and go hunt him down, faggot.

lol dead niggers
who cares

[citation necessary]

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her Instagram, go leave her some red-pilled comments

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I wonder if it's better cold like pizza, I'm sure the mortician's assistant is going to find out lmao

>Online dating accounts for 95% of all relationships in the USA

bullshit, dumb nigger.

There are 60 million married couples in the USA and thats 1/5th the population.

About 19% of all relationships are online.


Attached: Kaylie on Twitter Someone will continue to use you when they know they can take avantage of you beca (594x822, 226K)

>might murder them
erotic asphyxiation but on a psychosis level.

Weak and cuckpilled.
Should've said she paid the toll. Instead they're whiteknighting her.. essentially sucking the black cum out of her pussy hole

That's my hometown. Thank God I got out of there.

Up north lol the niggers are showing up more and more each year in the south east, ALL government housing bullshit. None have cars, 8 stand out side against bike rack all fucking day on their fucking cell phones. My county is turning into a shit show currently when these Milwaukee and chicago nigs moving here. This place will be literal shit in 5 years, it used to be a place with 3 niggers for like 20 years but the last 4 years they come in 4-5 at a time. Sad times user, i gota gtfo before the shitstorm hits.

Kaylie is in blackface in this picture, she wants to be black just like her friends all around her

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>White men kill white women more than black men.
There are 128 million white men in the USA, 19 million black men.

White men kill more because there are more.

If there were only 19 million white men in the USA, then black men would kill 3x more white women.

Try to keep it real, nigger.

jesus why did a nog go after someone with the built of a 16 year old guy that isn't skinny but doesn't work out

im getting tired of issuing these.

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if the traits among whites that make them susceptible being a coal burner are killed from the gene pool, then won't they just eventually stop? If you look at the statistics white women don't date black men very much so what we see must be like 1-5% of white women a year

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fuck is you talking about, niggers kill each other all more than Wytypipo

Kenosha is one of the wealthiest suburbs in America


because they will literally fuck anything

Burn the coal pay the toll

>high testosterone and aggressive behavior implies strong protector of wife and future kids
>abandons kids and murders mother of children

hahahahaha oh fucking please, the only reason white bitches fuck niggers is because daddy told them not to and the TV said it was hip.

Hip hop, MTV, and social media pushed by the kikes

There's a backlog of forms yet to arrive.
The company that prints them is working around the clock to send them out

Already 4 months behind schedule, people still waiting to get theirs

>For whom the coal tolls

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White women are a status symbol to blacks. If you have a white bitch it means your better than the niggers who have black bitches. Blacks have a lot of weird ass self hate shit thanks to whitey.

Simply from all the manufacturing and foxconn is being built. It’s a shit hole man, niggers made it that way.


Do not send your kids to public school.
Do not go out into public unarmed.

hahahahahaha no
t. ex-kenoshan

Well, I'm sure they black face her for the funeral

burn the coal, pay the toll

Yeah no shit retard.

When a Black person kills someone, most of the time the victim is going to be black.

When a white person kills someone, most of the time the victim is going to be white.

You faggots highlight rare incidents like this and shout LE BURN THE COAL PAY THE TOLL.

But when some 50 year old creepy white guy kidnaps and kills some teenage white girl you wouldn't say shit about it even though that is 10x more likely the case.

Attached: Offenders-Victims-Simpson-Black-Criminals-White-Victims-and-White-Guilt-1024x600.jpg (1024x600, 120K)


Under the line: receiver
I take it the next of kin would sign there.. since the recipient has already "paid the toll" and therefore is deceased or not able to sign it herself

Im glad she is dead.

Niggers are basically animals and that triggers a females primal instinct

you just made that up you fucking faggot
die in a fire

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>poor to move
Sell your house, then you'll have money

Fill it in and post it to her faggot father who let her go with niggers and put semi naked pictures on the net.

"10 times more likely to be the case"

Funny how you mention statistics, then throw statistics out the window when trying to make whites look bad.

Must be a liberal.

They count Hispanics as white so blacks killing way more ppl

literally thousands of years of evolution has made women favor aggressive men because they are better protectors
they don't see beyond that and stop and consider that the nigger would actually kill them and their kids
but yes, cultural influence plays a factor as well

you are living way too close to niggers

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White girls like Black males because it's a sure way that they can get to feel intellectually superior to their partner.

Black on White crime ~400
White on White crime ~2500

So it's actually 6.25 times more common for a white male to kill a white female, than a black male to kill a white female.

The 10x is a figure of expression, but keep nit picking things and dodging the facts you fucking flaming faggot.

This is my girlfriend's best friends exes little sister and I know the family. This also happened in the whitest part of the county. Nog was crazy as fuck and Kaylie had a restraining order. Dude is 15 and living with some seniors at Bradford, AMA guys

>a nigger calling others retarded

Niggers constantly rape and murder whites

>19 million bull negros
That's horrible.
How do we stop this?
Jail and drugs obviously isn't working.

kill yourself

>You faggots just like to highlight things to fit your narritive.
Narrative, you low IQ nigger.

>dodging facts

Like the fact that niggers are vile scum who are way more likely to attack whites than the other way around? I wonder if your monkey brain has the ability to understand that the reason whites kill more whites is because we come into promximity with each other way more. Stick a white person in an area that’s half white and half infested with niggers and you see who is more of a threat to white people

Kill your entire race

QUICK! Someone roll a five or an eight!

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>He make a typo XD
I should make fun of that and call him low IQ

It's almost 6 in the Morning in your shithole nation and I bet that you hardly slept at all, you unemployed fucking NEET fat piece of dog shit. You're a waste of space and nobody loves you. Literally just kill yourself unironically. You have no future in life, no gf, nothing.

based firefighter4ever90

>pic related

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Official coal burning theme

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He likes living dangerously