Anyone else kind of hope Iran gets Nuclear weapons so we don't end up with another Muammar Al Gathafi...

Anyone else kind of hope Iran gets Nuclear weapons so we don't end up with another Muammar Al Gathafi? Iran is certainly the best global dictatorship power in the world right now.

Attached: 190430102933-iran-flags-national-army-day-exlarge-169[1].jpg (780x438, 28K)

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Iran already has nukes. If you want it to get worse then we can discus the Obama administration and who is to blame.

for letting happen, what i want to happen?

I'm well aware what Israel wants to happen.

Iran needs nukes to protect itself from genocidal American golem, Israhell, and Saudi Barbaria. These three nations are an existential threat to the Iranian people.
You're an idiot. Genuinely kys.

> let's lick boots

Dictatorships are for incels

I'm hoping Omar stops US from going to war with Iran, and then Israel attacks Iran and gets nuked.
Problem solved.

Which you also want to happen

>Muh dik

Attached: A1A9E1CD-3C17-4F2A-8247-71643C53BA2D.png (534x548, 217K)

that's a lot of okie dokie

t. Incel

t. Baiting nigger

Personally, I would like a BASED Zoroastrian restoration of the traditional Persian monarchic system. Persia is Aryan land and the Abrahamic Kike religion of Islam needs to be forcibly removed to restore the nation of Persia to its' rightful glory.

Attached: f4c693906d5c0c254276b9b2afcfce9f.png (801x545, 837K)

Just leave Iran alone. Even if Iran were Zoroastrian, it would still be enemies with you sadistic Amerimutts. In fact, Iran would probably bring back SCAPHISM for you pieces of shit. Fuck off, you KIKED daeva:

"Former prisoner of US forces in Iraq says: We witnessed them raping children in front of their parents. We witnessed them raping husbands in front of their wives. We witnessed them raping wives in front of their husbands. That's what was happening in Abu Ghraib"

Islam is the cuckest shit for the Iranians. You have to think in the long term. America, along with the entire Western world will eventually be Islamic. In this process, a horrifying synthesis of Islam and western style mass consumerism will happen. Degrading humanity into a capitalist, mass-consumerist, intellectually devoid dark age. The only way to resist this is to adopt ethnic based religions that through their very roots, resist Islam and all proselytizing religion. States with ethnically based nationalized religious institutions is the key to resisting the Kike Abrahamic take over.

Also, That is actually quite based if US forces did that in Iraq. A conquering army should thoroughly sack and soil the land. It should humiliate and destroy the population of the conquered people, take the women, take the gold, burn the cities, and salt the fields. The only mistake the US made is not doing this openly, for all the to see.

Even Kartir Hangirpe discouraged that, you stupid piece of shit. You are a daeva, plain and simple. Iran will be enemies of Amerimutt Golem savages forever.

>It should humiliate and destroy the population of the conquered people, take the women, take the gold, burn the cities, and salt the fields.
Iranshahr's greatest mobed discouraged this, YOU DAEVA FILTH. You are the scummiest piece of shit imaginable. Go to hell, you god-forsaken edgelord piece of shit.

Iran would be your enemy with or without Zoroastrianism, you Jew-worshiping inhumane SCUM.

Based af

I don't know or care what this "daeva" term is but all can say is that all Abrahamic religions are Semitic filth and should be exterminated, Judaism, Islam, Christianity. Go worship your god Yehweh you cryto kike. Islam will be purged from Iran and Muslims will be crucified.

>I'm hoping Omar stops US from going to war with Iran, and then Israel attacks Iran and gets nuked.
>Problem solved.

You do realize that should you stop aiding Israel with tones of money and war material, then the mullah regime in Iran would be removed in a few short years from within?

Iranian youth can only be brainwashed into hating America and Israel, cz all they hear from America is 'we will sanction your ass, then invade your country' and stuff like that. And nothing unites a country's squabling citizens more then an external threat.

Remember Pearl Harbor?

Daeva basically means demon in Zoroastrian terminology

That's right, the concept of Demon was stolen from Iranian theology and kiked by satanic abrahamic filth. You are a stanaist and you're going to hell.

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