Disney took the new spiderman movie a bit far

Disney took the new spiderman movie a bit far

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If only it were real

Get cock and balls pilled

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Get it together, Tarrant.

good job as always Australia

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No way this is the guy who plays Spiderman.

kill yourself ASAP you demented fucking faggot.

Fake and gay.

Attached: Puke2.gif (480x270, 1.22M)

>cuts off genitals thusly preventing contamination of the genepool


No, real and gay.

This is possibly one of the best examples of how shit our society is, that I have ever seen in my life. This guy posts a picture where he simply mutilates himself in this form, then he gleefully takes a selfie after having chopped his own sexual organ off, and smiles. Look at his face, I cannot imagine what madness has led him to this, and I can't help but wonder what the truth behind the matter is.

Is he demon possessed? I believe that demon possession happens unironically, so this is certainly a possibility, but what is more scary than him being demon possessed, is that this person actually came to the mindful conclusion on his own that he needed to chop off his own penis and testicles, and document the entire thing photographically, post them online so that others would be able to "connect" to his madness.

The simple picture of him staring into that camera, proudly showing his severed dick to everyone is so indescribably horrid, it's like a microcosm into everything I have been afraid would happen my entire life.

The first times I felt fear as a child, I didn't feel them the way I did as an adult, until I saw this image.

bigger version please or at least give us a link to somewhere else where we can view it.

lurk moar newfag

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it's what happens when kid listens to government growing up and consumes gmo plant products and goes vegan, they go insane. how that insanity is expressed is as varied as the human race itself.

absolutely disgusting.


I've been here for years user. I've seen the video of the man tearing out the layers of his eyes, and I've seen the mexican cartel butcherings, how they killed that man in front of his own child, disemboweling them both.

That doesn't change the horror of this. I used to think that seeing horrible things would eventually desensitize me to the horror. I have realized now that while I eventually became desensitized enough to stomach it, at no point did it ever become any less horrific. Only true psychopaths actually enjoy looking at these monstrosities.

Horrible things are horrible, and they never stop being that.

This is worse than OP.

Natural selection at its finest. He is preventing himself from tainting the gene pool.

> I've seen the video of the man tearing out the layers of his eyes
What? How the hell did I miss this? Someone post it [spoiler]in


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>I've been here for years user.
lurk moar newfag

C'mon dont be silly, silly buns!

This looks fake.

>I believe that demon possession happens unironically
you're mentally ill as well

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a tone down the salami, pastrami and meatball posting.

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It doesnt even look like a penis, it looks like a fucking smooth bagel dog

I don't wanna eat my hot Pocket anymore.

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Atleast he didn't eat the damn thing. Link related.


>he saved the thumbnail

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I think I had a nightmare about this once

Come here frens, I have such wonderful sights of the flesh to show you

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