Was slavery really that bad?

Most filmmakers and historians like to paint slavery in the United States as similar to the holocaust in plight. Was it really as bad as they tell us it was?

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Yeah, it was so good that they had to force people with penalty of death in order for them to comply. Slavery is the best thing ever. It's so good I'm suprised you haven't signed up yet.

It was a huge fucking mistake and the reason should be obvious why.

Have you ever been bullied as a kid? Okay now imagine a school yard bully that LITERALLY owns your ass, and has all legal right to "keep you in line" if you get "uppity".

>Was it really as bad as they tell us it was?
Depends are where you were, and if you were in a house, trained in skilled labor, or given a small plot to farm by yourself. Some, obviously, were treated better than others, some got the Toby treatment. Some were obviously allowed to marry and trained as skilled laborers, they could actually get jobs when free. Not many of them though. Slaves were treated differently in different parts of the country and by position.

Every African slave who made it to the USA basically won the lottery compared to the niggers who stayed in Africa and/or got sold to Arabs.

It was a decent way of managing blacks but it would have been better not to have them here at all and their presence both hindered the South from industrializing and even if it had it would have worked against lower class whites.

Again, why haven't you signed up yet?

Some 95+% chance of given the Toby treatment. Seems unfun.

Slavery was objectively the best thing to ever happen to nigger and not nearly as bad as depicted today. Why you think there was never successful slave revolt in the US? In fact most of the attempts to incite slave revolts came from outside, lead by idiot whites, and undermined by slaves who just didn't give a shit.

(((Slavery))) is the reason for our current nigger problem. Huge mistake.

So it would seem that the question has been answered
>Was slavery really that bad?
Obviously, seeing as how no one wants to be a slave. xD

Yes it brought niggas to the US and to the rest of sub Human America.

Too jew controlled to benefit whites.

The entire ag boom in the SE was a detriment to the region. Slavery sucked for blacks and them just being here sucked for everybody else.

no. living in africa was way worse.

he's not asking if slavery should be allowed you idiot, he's asking if it was as bad as we've been told.

why you sell yu mammy 2 whitey?

The prison industrial complex of today is FAAARRR worse. You literally run the risk of bein beaten and raped constantly.

If the blacks from the 1860's could see black culture today, they would demand slavery never be ended.

Listen here, Tyrone. Neither you nor your pappy nor your grand pappy nor your great grand pappy was ever a slave. Dont go acting all indignant over something that hasn't happened in living memory. Also
>being bullied
>he would rather live in Apefrika

hello slave merchant

Working on a farm in 1800s prob wasnt fun for anyone

Nah those niggers wouldnt. They'd demand some gizzards & collards.

The vast majority of negroes were treated kindly and had it better than they had it in mudhut Africa. You wouldn't beat your negro any more than you would a dog. Of course a few did, just has you still see shoveldog.gif.

If it was good, why don't you want to be a slave?

Bad enough that Robert E Lee freed his slaves way before the Civil War started.

Ulysses S Grant on the other hand kept his slaves until Emancipation.

I don't know. I'd bet beating niggers was more fun so they probably did it more.

he's not asking if it was good you dumb fuck

The thing about slavery is that normally it would be bad, if someone just captured you and made you their slave, obviously you would be miserable and your life would be ruined, but those were blacks that were in slavery. Blacks were doing better than they are doing now in slavery.
Their families were more stable, they didn't have to think about things like paying their bills, they couldn't do drugs, they had no access to firearms, they couldn't vote for insane degenerate policies that fuck themselves over along with everyone.
Slavery was the best thing to ever happen to blacks. For everyone else it would be bad.

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Ethics aside, slavery was just plain stupid. The Union had five times the Confederacy's free population, but twenty times the economic output. That means every Yankee factory worker was worth four Southern farmers AND their slaves. The South would have been much better off building up their industry and infrastructure, even if it took a hundred years to compete with the North. But they chose to be lazy, so now we have to deal with niggers. Fuck the South.

No, he is asking if was bad. So I'll rephrase the question. If slavery wasn't bad why don't you want to be a slave?

>they had no access to firearms
actually many black slaves were allowed to own firearms for hunting purposes and defense of the plantation.

Any nigger that claims is was any worse than e.g. Spartan slavery is brainwashed by kikes and is just as much a save now as anyone was then

If was the north that was lynching niggers. The south had them living in their houses with them.

he's not asking if it wasn't bad

Sure, it wasn't. Go be a slave now.

Only rich whites and jews owned slaves dumbshit you wouldnt have any nigger to control.

They had access to them if their masters wanted them to have access to them. Nowadays every nigger in the US can sell some crack and buy an illegal firearm, and then go on a shooting spree. The vast majority of shooting in the US were done by niggers, which is then used as an excuse to push for more gun control.

If he bitched as much as you I'd probably have to put him down. This is why you don't teach them to read and write.

Who the fuck said anything related to that fuck face?

Can't wait for the day that your mother comes to her senses, takes you out back, and shoots you.

It was pretty bad
But did you know something like 25% of freed slaves died of exposure afterwards?

>Only rich whites and jews
You said rich you said literally every jew. HAHA

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Why don't you pick cotton while someone puts the lash to you to see how you like it. Ya know, for science.

Well, Kunta Kinte started out as a slave, sure. And it was no picnic.
But before long he was working on a star ship and wearing really cool shades.

this is literally how nogs function.
in their own societies
in our societies

They don't seem to understand rejecting propensity and observing consequence in any way that entertains abstraction of thought.

Fucking retard. The title of the post is

>"Was slavery really that bad?"

Moron replies:

>"he's not asking if it wasn't bad"

Slavery was highly nuanced, the average life for the average slave, was similar to the average life of peasants bound to the land. It wasn't the best lifestyle, but it was nothing like the jew media constantly portays and the truth is slavery only really went away in name only, it evolved into differnt modern forms; prison industrial complex, that can make just about anything a "crime", wage slavery, debt slavery etc. Slavery was/is just an economic arrangement wherein one trades domestic and agricultural work in exchange for being allowed to live on a landowners estate essentially rent free; The modern attachment of intense feelings of shame and what not to it is a modern phenomenon created and propagated by jewish backed propaganda through mass media and movies; when whites and blacks in america have tension between each other jews win.

Another thing of note that is NEVER displayed in kiked up slave movies and what not is the fact that often times a legit sentimental bond would form between "slaves" and the land owner(master) and his family. Often times the bnd would be so strong that the slaves would in a sense be seen as an extension of his own family and tears would be shed by both parties at the death of a beloved slave or master. Also to the dismay of the white wife slave masters often times fathered illegitimate children with domestic female slaves, this dynamic is essentially what gave rise to black americans as an ethnic group as we know them today, it was so problematic in early america, and white wives were so butt hurt by it, that legislation was passed to ensure the husbands bastards were cut out of any inheritance.

t. Descendant of a Major slave owning/trading family.

>every Yankee factory worker was worth four Southern farmers AND their slaves
>muh slavery
NO. The south was taxed at a much much higher rate. That is why they fought the war. They don't teach people this because they start thinking and questioning the native.

It wasn't as hellish as slavery in the Caribbean and 18th century Brazil, but it was harder than the life of most people at the time.

that answer isn't even a component of that discussion, lol.
They're not talking about if anyone wants to, or if being a slave is good. But relatively how bad it was.

>compared to the niggers who stayed in Africa
Depends where


A lot of what is referred to today as slavery was actually indentured servitude (unless they were white, then it is regarded as just simply an agreement), which is in essence a loan agreement where no currency is exchanged. Instead labour is offered as repayment for goods or services (IE a ticket to America, with a location to live when arrived), the vast majority of all people who migrated to America back in the day did so this way.

Niggers cant feel empathy so treating them like shit is fine.

Bobby Lee never owned slaves. They belonged to his wife Mary. And no, they didn't free them b4 the war. Also, Grant never owned slaves. You a retard who needs to learn how to read.

>The south was taxed at a much much higher rate.
Because they were producing fuck all and had to be punished for wasting space.

you have a severe problem with logical reasoning. the premise of his question assumes slavery is bad. he is curious about the degree of badness, not whether it was good or bad.

Most slaves were owned by kikes
so yeah, it was pretty horrible

What the fuck are you talking about Pedro? Big words don't make you clever.

rejecting propensity

an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.

To paraphrase "They don't seem to understand rejecting an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way. and observing consequence (consequence of what?) in anyway that entertains abstraction of thought.

Where is the fucking abstraction? No one wants to be a slave? Why because objectively the "abstract" concept of being a slave sucks. What the fuck is your point?

imagine also being and acting like a nigger so you are completely incapable of behaving in a way that will not result in ass whoopings...its like like you have be as dumb as a nigger to even think that enslaving a nigger animal is a good idea to begin with...which explains the niggers that sold them to us but whats our excuse...

So it isn't a question of wether or not slavery was bad, as per your statement you have just admitted it was.

As you have just admitted that it was bad why is the degree of discomfort relevant.? Is bad not bad enough?

It brought people into the USA who shouldn't have been there. That's bad enough.

>As you have just admitted that it was bad why is the degree of discomfort relevant.? Is bad not bad enough?
Its either genuine curiosty or a bait post. 1 post in OP's ID. I'd imagine he's trying to draw out what some autistic fags like us know about it. And maybe he has white guilt for some reason. Idk.

Slavery was terrible. If it did not happen the US would have far less crime, our schools would have higher standards, we would have better music, less stds, a less divided country, work places would be exponentially more efficient and I assume we would have industrialized quicker. We would be living like the Jetsons in Wykana.

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>Getting bullied
Back in middle school, this kid started picking on me and telling everyone "look at this gay boy" and stuff. So I started a rumor that he wants gay and asked me out and I said no because I wasn't a faggot. Turns out he really was gay and the ridicule he got made him change schools.

What we know about slavery? Salver as it's presented isn't even what happened. The original British colonists of the United States were slaves. To come to this country they signed contracts of indentured servitude in which they agreed to be slaves for a set number of years.

The first niggers to arrive in the country were Spanish slaves who were shipwerecked in Virginia, when they were rescued we didn't make them slaves they were allowed into the colony as freed men.

Niggers subsequently were given the same deal as us. They were indentured servants.

The reason why niggers became slaves for life was because an actual nigger sued in court when he didn't want to release his slave at the end of his contract. The court decided that an indentured servant was a slave until his master set him free. Which could mean any period of time even life.

Niggers were't even the first slaves. The indians were. It didn't work out with the indians as they were actually unsuited for the work and they would die of various causes.

This is what I know about slavery. How bad was slavery? So bad that no one wants to be a slave. How bad was slavery? What do you think would happen if all the niggers woke up one day and said "You know what? I'm not doing the slave thing today. I'm done with it, this shit sucks. I'm going to get myself fired, collect unemployment and go back to school and study biochemistry. Fuck this shit." I know the answer to the question is a supposition but by what methods do you THINK management would handle this labor shortage? How "bad" was it? Try quitting.

you gotta be's from the south

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